By: Russell Chun on December 2, 2024
Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono (Hawaiian) “The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. – Hawaii state motto. Part 1 Introduction Part 2 What my peers are saying Part 3 What Holland Says Himself Part 4 What I learned Epilogue Part 1 Introduction In his book Dominion: The…
By: Scott Dickie on December 2, 2024
Tom Holland’s book, Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind, (1) is an expansive review of Christianity’s influence in our world over the past 2000 years. It is detailed, comprehensive, objective, humbling and compelling. And for the vast majority of readers, Holland’s task is like trying to explain water to a fish: ‘This is just…
By: Kally Elliott on December 2, 2024
Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. What do people gain from all the toil at which they toil under the sun? What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there a thing…
By: Jeff Styer on December 2, 2024
“Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal”[1] This is the definition that Peter Northouse gives after discussing the previous 120 years of defining leadership and concluding that leadership scholars really cannot “come up with a common definition for leadership.”[2] Northouse said his definition consists of…
By: Pam Lau on December 2, 2024
“When contemplating how the Wisdom of God had entered the womb of a woman, and been born a baby, and cried for milk, the paradox of it all was too much for even him,”[1] Abraham Kuyper was born in 1837 in the Dutch town of Maasluis and served as a minister in the Dutch National…
By: Debbie Owen on December 2, 2024
Two men attended an outdoor event where they heard a powerful speaker. Thousands of people from all over the region were at the event. They were all entranced by the eccentric man who held them spell-bound. The two men listened to the speaker for days, following what he said, learning from him, and being challenged…
By: Adam Cheney on December 2, 2024
What is a leader? Am I a leader? If I am a leader, what kind of leader am I? Am I a servant-leader like Jesus? Am I a coercive-dominating leader like the President-elect? In his very well laid out book on different styles and definitions of leadership, Peter Northouse exposits on a variety of leadership…
By: Jennifer Vernam on December 2, 2024
The stories societies tell reflect their cultural values and expectations. If I were living in Greece or Rome at the time of Christ’s birth, here are some of the stories of gods who might have been retold in my local temple: Prometheus[1], a god of fire, who, dared to defy the gods and share fire…
By: Jana Dluehosh on December 2, 2024
Ten years ago, at my church on the north side of Portland, we had a “mission” moment. This moment of mission was not what I had expected. It was not missionaries from some foreign country or inner-city project; it was different than I had ever heard. Three young women got up from their pew and…
By: Glyn Barrett on December 2, 2024
I was first introduced to Peter Northouse’s book Leadership: Theory and Practice[1] during my Master of Leadership Course. Since then, it has become a staple go-to for me in anything leadership-based. Since its publication in 1997, it has become a cornerstone text in the field of Leadership and has undergone multiple revisions, with the most…
By: Noel Liemam on November 24, 2024
Introduction “The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex and Creativity – and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race, “by Daniel Z. Liberman, MD and Michel E. Long is a very good book that has good foundation which were based on the studies and experiment on how…
By: Joel Zantingh on November 22, 2024
I’ve lost track of how many ads I see a day. Even though I make a point to not click on them, and have shut off nearly all of my notifications, the habitual desire to pick up my phone and check in on all my texting and social platforms is strong, and so, even the…
By: Glyn Barrett on November 22, 2024
Why are we never satisfied? This blog will read more like a preach than previous efforts. I am, after all, a preacher, and the truth contained in this week’s blog is too good to miss. The pursuit of “more” is global and timeless. King Solomon, arguably and historically one of the wisest men to ever…
By: Daren Jaime on November 22, 2024
Every week Salome is greeted by the members before church with a question. “Hey Salome, are you singing this week?” Salome is the lead vocalist of his local church choir. A great young man, tall, former college athlete, graduating amongst the highest in his class. His hybrid voice resonating so emphatically across generational lines singing…
By: Jana Dluehosh on November 21, 2024
I met my husband in Chicago. We both worked in residence life at North Park University and were in Seminary together. I love big cities, the chaos, the unpredictability, and the order, especially Chicago, where everything is in a grid. When we started dating, as all dating people do, you take an interest in their…
By: Elysse Burns on November 21, 2024
I have been reflecting deeply on authentic, relational community lately, especially its significance for Christian leaders. The further I journey in leadership, the more I recognize community’s essential role in sustaining leaders. A healthy community provides diverse perspectives, constructive feedback, and shared reflection—offering mutual encouragement and growth. However, this kind of community can look different…
By: Chad Warren on November 21, 2024
A Navy SEAL is a highly trained U.S. military forces member specializing in unconventional warfare, special reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism operations. Known for their exceptional physical fitness, mental toughness, and ability to operate in diverse environments, Navy SEALs undergo rigorous training to prepare for challenging missions worldwide. One phrase recruits here often during the selection process…
By: Julie O'Hara on November 21, 2024
According to authors Daniel Lieberman and Michael Long, dopamine’s motto is “more.”[1] Funny, I thought it was my motto. The banquet was the final event at a 12-Step conference and my husband was the only person in the group not in recovery. We had been through the buffet line and were sitting down to eat…
By: Diane Tuttle on November 21, 2024
Three books we explored discussed concepts that can impact our interactions with ourselves, others, work, and everyday life. The perspectives of the authors were different, yet each of them was valuable in their own right. These books are connected by the implications they have for leadership strategies. This blog will address how do Mindset, Grit,…
By: Christy on November 21, 2024
In The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity-and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race by Daniel Lieberman, MD and Michael Long explore the powerful (and sometimes devastating) effects of dopamine on the human brain, behavior, and society. [1] From romantic relationships to addictions to…