Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

A Tool, Not A Demon!

Written by: on September 5, 2023

I have different views on AI than most Pentecostals, especially those in my community. I simply see AI as a tool such as a hammer, tape measure, speed square and nothing more, as each tool is an incredible help in accomplishing a task or project. I believe AI is very similar to the good and bad benefits of moderation. In Philippians 4:5-15 we have the biblical example from the Apostle Paul about moderation.

Best Hammer For The Job

I believe just like an Estwing metal hammer, the vibrations of striking that hammer over the years does great damage to your muscles, tissue, elbow, and shoulder. After 15 years of use, most users are not able to swing this hammer in commercial construction and switch to a fiberglass or wood handled hammer that absorbs the shock of the blow. Although the average carpenter or laborer will destroy this less inferior hammer in a short period, the damage on the physical body will be spared.

As I spent most of the 1990’s working on new buildings at Microsoft, I saw an employer care a great deal for their employees and allowing an atmosphere for creativity. During the winter I would be in over a foot of mud building forms in this massive campus. During the summer it would be over 110 degrees with the concrete curing on the project. In this, I wished I had a college education as I saw Microsoft employees playing soccer, having bbq’s and other team building events. I believe AI needs to be introduced slowly as a fiberglass or wood handled hammer to not cause too much shock. As we have learned, what people don’t understand they often fear, reject, and some demonize.

Cultural Shock

Many cultures today, view technology as evil and from the devil. Even in my own school at our church, I tried to introduce google docs to the different cultures in the school as a help, some families pulled their children from the school. Often we fear and reject what we don’t understand.

I remember in the early 2000’s I was given a new hammer to test from a manufacturer. The hammer was made from a high grade plastic and shaped very different from most hammers. The purpose was to help reduce vibrations and more velocity with the downward swing. However this hammer left a mark of the waffle from the face on the surface of whatever you were striking. After a couple weeks of testing out this hammer, that would not fit in my hammer holder, I threw it off the building and into the Puget Sound.

Technology in hammers has improved greatly in the 40 years I have been exposed to hammers. In the beginning there was a handful of hammers to deal with. As with AI users, it is broken down into 5 kinds of people.

DOI Theory 

There is a great deal written on Diffusion and Innovation (DOI) Theory. From this we are given the examples of innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggers. Often, I am cautious with new technology as I enjoy older pick up trucks that have a simple electronic brain controlling the output and performance of a vehicle. After all, I like to be in control of the vehicle I am driving. However many Tesla drivers enjoy the experience of letting go of control and letting the vehicle drive itself. I wonder what Fred Flintstone might do in a Tesla.


In the Academic world we are seeing both positive and negative feedback on AI technology. We can see the positives for students who lack writing skills (such as myself) or teachers who need help with reviewing and grading papers, AI has been a great help. We see one of the greatest downfalls with AI is for individuality to be lost especially in the area of writing.


In conclusion, I believe AI can be a great aid. Just like God gave us free will, we have to take responsibility for our actions, behavior, and most of all stop blaming others for the outcome we have had a hand in. Through the years, I have learned humility. Through being partially disabled I have been thankful for aids to help me accomplish a task or goal. Too much of AI in our society will handicap growth and we will become dependent on it. However, the right amount of AI might save a persons life where an extra hand can be applied in an emergency situation to save a life. This is an incredible gift that must come with responsibility.


About the Author


Greg McMullen

Pastor Greg resides in Lake Stevens WA and pastors a small rural church in the Machias area . The Well Church has a large food ministry in which many different cultures come each week to gather food and counsel. The Church has a small school that is bearing good fruit. Pastor Greg has a large family of 10 children and enjoys fishing and hiking.

9 responses to “A Tool, Not A Demon!”

  1. mm Shonell Dillon says:

    Greg, I am personally still trying to get over the cross over from cassettes to CD’S. I am in the middle on advancements in some areas, I want to know who decide the current method is broken. It’s the push back of change that I speak lightly about. Some of us it makes no difference the others of us we have to cry about it a little while. How do you deal with members of your church that want to hold on to he familiar like me?

    • Love, grace, mercy. Allow time for an awareness to happen.

      Often I get frustrated with not seeing the results I would like to see in people, be in it for the long run. A true community pastor know his people and the people in the community and does his best to love them.

      John 13:35 the world will know if you are my disciples if you have love for one another. This a core verse for my life and church.

      Thank you for reading my post 🙂

  2. Michael O'Neill says:

    Amen, brother! I’m with you all the way and I use a similar hammer analogy often when I’m talking about money. It’s also a tool that can get the best of us and be used for good or our demise. I really enjoy the post and look forward to catching up with you in Oxford.

    • Michael,
      That is an area I struggle with for some reason. As a pastor I want to live as minimalist, but it takes a great deal of money for diesel, insurance, truck payments, and other overhead to feed the poor.

      Thank you for making this reference. I look forward to seeing you in Oxford as well. God Bless you!

  3. mm David Beavis says:

    Great work Greg. In regards to your work as a pastor, are there any ways you see AI aiding you in your work?

    • David,
      Thank you. AI can help in many ways, but for me being a rural pastor I struggle with time and fatigue. AI helps in both areas as weekends approach or holidays, emergency/crises phone calls come in for pastoral help.
      Often I am left fatigued and the quality of my work goes down with sermons, lyrics, and other administration needs. AI is a great asset in this area and acts like a secretary or aid in ministry.

      Until I can hire a David Beavis for our church, AI will have to suffice to get us through. Bless you David, you are an incredible gift 🙂

  4. mm Becca Hald says:

    Great post Greg. I agree with you. AI is simply a tool for us to use. As a crafter, I know the importance of having the right tool for the job. When sewing, I use a different needled depending on the type of material I am sewing and a different presser foot depending on what I am sewing.
    Like any tool, knowing how to use it properly makes all the difference. Where on the DOI Theory do you find yourself when it comes to AI and how do you think you will use it going forward?

  5. Becca,

    This is a really good question. At this time, I don’t know what my future at the Well Church will hold. I am approaching 50 and I am struggling to keep up the physical demands of the ministry and may return to college teaching.

    I would definitely use it in writing aids. I believe this is one of the greatest benefits AI gives to allow people to free flow or creative people to share whats within them. AI helps with format so others can understand what the author or creative is trying to say.

    Becca you have so much to offer the world. I am praying for you and opportunities for you to share. I really enjoyed our conversations in Cape Town. I look forward to seeing you in London.

  6. Alana Hayes says:

    Greg! Great post! I personally feel like I struggle to write too! I enjoy using a tool that can re-write by words in a more academic tone for papers called a paraphraser. It find synonyms for words that you have personally written to allow your paper to read in an elevated manner.

    Let the words flow!

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