Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

What is it going to take?

Written by: on October 29, 2023

“Lloyd powerfully joins a growing and urgent literature on the relationship among civic ideals, political and social morality, racial identity, and the emotions. I suspect Black Dignity will quickly become a fixture in conversations concerning visions of America against the backdrop of racial violence and inequity.”—Christopher J. Lebron, author of The Making of Black Lives Matter: A Brief History of An Idea


Vincent Lloyd’s book “Black Dignity” explores the concept of dignity as a performative action rather than an inherent quality. According to Lloyd, dignity is attained through the ongoing struggle against domination. This thought-provoking work questions traditional concepts of dignity and highlights the need of resistance in the search of true equality. It was a joy to continue my journey of understanding the primary topics and arguments offered in “Black Dignity” as well as explore their significance in today’s culture.


Recognizing Understanding Dignity and The Fight Against Domination

Lloyd’s concept of dignity highlights its performative element, emphasizing the importance of active resistance to oppressive powers. He contends that true dignity cannot exist without struggle, because individuals and groups declare their humanity and demand recognition via the act of battling against oppression. Lloyd asks readers to examine traditional power systems and consider new ways of understanding human value and respect by recasting dignity as an ongoing process rather than a fixed feature.

The premise that the battle against domination is central to “Black Dignity” is central to the book. Lloyd focuses on the historical and present realities of Black people and communities as they fight systemic racism, discrimination, and marginalization. He emphasizes the agency and perseverance of those engaged in the exhaustive battle for Black dignity through vivid examples and educated insight. What is it going to take to conceptualize human worth and respect for our nation as a whole?


Solidarity and Intersectionality

Lloyd also investigates the intersections of oppression based on race, gender, class, and other factors. He demonstrates how these diverse forms of identity interweave and exacerbate the issues that underprivileged communities face. The book highlights the need for solidarity and collective action in dismantling systems of dominance and creating a more equitable society by recognizing the linked nature of many struggles for dignity.


Importance in Today’s World

“Black Dignity” is a pertinent and thought-provoking analysis of contemporary society’s continual struggle for racial fairness and dignity. In the midst of persistent racial inequity, police brutality, and systematic injustices, Lloyd’s work offers essential insights and motivation to people wanting to make meaningful change. The book urges readers to participate in the fight against domination and to conceive new possibilities for a more equal future by emphasizing the need of resistance.

He challenges conventional notions of dignity and makes a strong case for its performative aspect. Lloyd asks readers to explore the manner in which dignity is earned and recognized through an exploration of the battle against domination. This powerful and important work is a call to action, challenging people and communities to actively fight and combat oppressive regimes. “Black Dignity” makes an important addition to the current discussion about racial justice and serves as a beacon for those working to make the world a more equal and dignified place. It’s going to take all of us to come together and keep the conversation going. Lord, hear our prayers! 


Here are a few more resources I found that link Lloyds book to the conversation: 












About the Author

Alana Hayes

Alana is a mother to four beautiful children and wife to a farmer in Texas. She is an avid world traveler with a heart for both the world and education. She is the president of the nonprofit Against the Grain Texas where they focus on providing education to children overseas and at risk adults in the states. To date the nonprofit has given almost $100,000 to individuals around the world. In her free time she loves spending meaningful time with people and reading to further her personal education.

6 responses to “What is it going to take?”

  1. Jenny Steinbrenner Hale says:

    Alana, Thank you for your post! I so appreciate your thoughts and insights on Lloyd’s book, Black Dignity, and thought your closing sentence was so powerful: “It’s going to take all of us to come together and keep the conversation going. Lord, hear our prayers!” I’ve been thinking about tangible ways we can come together effectively to work for change and healing. What are some ways you think we can come together for positive change?

    Thanks again for your thoughts!

    • Alana Hayes says:


      I think about this often! What can we do!?

      I have a grandparent that has now passed on that would make comments that were just racially unacceptable. I remember being conscious of it around my kids and praying I never heard him say anything around them. I also remember not leaving them alone with him to make sure I could monitor the situation.

      With his passing the comments stopped.

      Sometimes I wonder if thats going to have to happen? This thought grieves me. It’s a true heartbreak that I carry with a lost heart. I don’t know what to do? I don’t know how to help. I know I’m desperate to break the cycle though which I am proud that we have in our family. I am proud that stopped with him.

      My goal is always to make sure everyone is loved, welcome, accepted no matter their background or age.

      I don’t know how to teach kindness and care in that manner except through first hand experience and by example.

  2. Kristy Newport says:

    Hi Alana,
    Great to read your post!
    I am curious how you’d answer Jenny’s question.

    Hope all is well in Shallowater!

  3. “It’s going to take all of us to come together and keep the conversation going.” This is everything! I’m thankful for people like you, Alana, who work tirelessly for equality and justice in this world. Keep it up!

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