Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

VE Assignment – Deve

Written by: on December 8, 2014

As I write this post I’m looking at a painting I purchased in the Capetown harbour market. Having the chance to meet the artist and his brother, helped me to understand the real life application of many of the stories we heard while in South Africa.


Their story does not appear in my report or my slideshow. One part of their story that is important to share is they view North America as a land of promise, free from the hatred, oppression, discrimination and poverty in which they (and their previous generations) have struggled. They think this way because of media (movies and music in particular) influence and the relatively large sums of money they see “westerners” spending…Just something else for us to think about…

Have a very blessed Christmas season. It is a privilege to be on this journey with all of you.  Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me (over and over again)…the laughter, joy and friendship were (and continues to be) a tremendous gift!!

VE Assignment

VE Slide Show


About the Author

Deve Persad

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