Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

The impact of some parents!

Written by: on January 23, 2015

My father and mother are both remarkable people! Thinking about them regularly, reminds me to pray with and for them. They have done amazing things for me and my siblings, but they have also lived through situations I can’t even begin to fully describe here. Yet their joy and expression of hope is infectious. My dad is a brilliant man and loves to laugh, my mother is a brilliant woman who loves to sing and dance. I have had it said that there is nothing like a praying mother and rightful so. I would also add that there is nothing like prayer motivated parents. My parents were not always grounded in the Christian faith, but when they individually experienced encounters with Ruhanga (God in my mother tongue); my parents’ ‘saltiness of the earth’ went to even greater levels of a preserving love in our family, towards our relatives and friends.

Through my parents’ love, I learned to imagine how powerful Ruhanga’s love might be. I would then find out that the avenue of inquiry about the Creator’s love for human beings was through prayer. Common phrases I repeatedly heard from my parents where, “Ruhanga will help us” from my father and “let us ask Ruhanga for Ruhanga is the one who gives mercy” from my mother. They believe in Ruhanga who answers prayer. I know that my folks would agree with Morse who writes:

Through prayer, we experience forgiveness, guidance and peace. We are healed physically and emotional. We experience the mystery of God, see truth and receive spiritual gifts. We receive vision and courage for God’s mission. Faith becomes more beautiful, more real.[1]

Prayer is one of the many lifelines to human life. I believe that prayer is as importance in daily life as breathing. Prayer is God’s idea. The understanding of prayer can be challenging if only understood from a conscious level. It is such a powerful idea that requires radical simplicity. Indeed Morse is right, when we pray, “we experience the mystery of God…” There are many things I love about the idea of prayer. At the top of my list of God’s prayer principles is the scripture that asserts; “this is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”[2]

It is important to seek God’s will since praying according to God’s will guides one’s motives in prayer. Dwelling in God’s will, keeps followers of Christ joyful and prayerful with all kinds of prayer. Even in times of weakness and struggle the scriptures note: “in the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”[3]

What a powerful gift the idea of prayer is to humanity! I learned from my parents to value prayer and they showed me that desiring to pray is also praying. It’s in keeping with that tradition, that I continue to desire and ask Ruhanga to teach me how to pray a fresh as long as I have breath.

[1] MaryKate Morse, “A Guidebook to Prayer: Twenty-four ways to walk with God,” Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2013, p. 14

[2] 1 John 5:14

[3] Romans 8:26

About the Author

Michael Badriaki

6 responses to “The impact of some parents!”

  1. John Woodward says:

    Michael, I was especially encouraged by your post this week. First, I do think you were blessed to have parents exhibited the importance of prayer. I had parents who loved me, but because of their lack of faith, didn’t provide an example of how to teach and exhibit prayer to my children…and I am not sure I did a good job along the way! For that reason, I’ve often been envious of those who had a strong example like you had. Second, I really appreciate your view of prayer –“Prayer is God’s idea..” and it is His gift to humanity. I’ve never thought of prayer in quite those terms…I usually think of pray as something I do, a chore, a hard task. How refreshing and encouraging to think of prayer as gift of God. That is so greatly encouraging and helpful to me! Thanks that important bit of wisdom!

  2. Praise God Michael for parents who have fallen in love with Jesus and have taught their children to do the same. You are building on a legacy of connectivity with the Almighty. That is a powerful testimony to the way God works as He continues to develop relationship from generation to generation. Your are a blessed man. I pray that I can be to my kids what your parents were to you.

    I appreciate your statement, “Dwelling in God’s will, keeps followers of Christ joyful and prayerful with all kinds of prayer.” As we dwell in the shadow of the Almighty we find the strength to continue in His way and at the same time find the joy and peace that allows others to know we have communed with God. Oh Brother! I need to pray more. Love ya Brother!

  3. Liz Linssen says:

    Dear Michael
    I really enjoy reading your posts as they are so personal and insightful. How blessed you are to have such wonderful parents! And praying parents too. They sound such a wonderful example to follow.
    I think there’s nothing greater than seeing God move in answer to our prayers, and it certainly sounds like your parents saw much of that. What a blessing to have grown up in such a household! You are blessed 🙂

  4. rhbaker275 says:

    You have a rich heritage. I remember our first encounter in London when we arrived a little early; we connected and had a light lunch together – you spoke then of your family and the impact your parents had on your life. Your post colors the picture so that I understand your heart even better.

    Your personal thoughts on prayer: a gift, a lifeline, as important as breathing; these thoughts have expanded my perspective on prayer. You noted that your parents taught you to understand “that desiring to pray is also praying.” This idea, concept, or prayer dimension has captured my mind a little. I am interested more on your thinking. I have been toying with – that is allowing to grow in my mind and heart, a sermon series titled “Beyond Our Ability.” The original inspiration came from 2 Corinthians 1:8 (beyond our ability to endure); 2 Corinthians 8:3 (beyond our ability to give) and Romans 8:26 (beyond our ability to pray). I share this, although the thoughts are barely warm in the incubator, because your comments on prayer have been an inspiration on praying when it is difficult to pray and maybe even impossible. Thanks, your post was a real blessing to me.

  5. Ashley Goad says:

    Michael, just one question…. Can we go visit your parents?! 🙂

  6. Clint Baldwin says:

    Thank you for sharing about how your parents imparted an understanding of and desire for God to and in you.
    As well, I appreciated the piece in your reflection where you relayed MaryKate that in prayer we are able to more greatly experience the mystery of God. I love this!
    Too often, I think that people think of prayer as getting to know God in the sense of getting God pretty much figured out. Instead, I think that we ought to think of prayer like you and MaryKate are suggesting, as we get to know more of God we realize there is more to know. The mystery expands as the relationship deepens! How wonderful. 🙂 Wonderful that is, if you are willing to have faith and trust in God. Otherwise, I imagine it’s rather terrifying. Even with such a faith and trust, there remains awe, but terror flees from such relationality.
    Thanks again for your post my friend.

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