Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Phillip W. Struckmeyer

Written by: on June 21, 2017

14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.                      

2 Corinthians 5:14-15 (NIV)

Phil Struckmeyer is a Christ-follower, husband, and dad with a radical passion for the movement of Christianity and the Church.  Phil is currently the Lead Catalyst for the NITROGEN Network and is the Director of Church Planting and Multiplication with The Wesleyan Church

Phil Struckmeyer

Phil is from Lowell, MI where he lives with his wife Andrea and three kids, Drew (17), Nick (14), and Emily (11).  Phil and Andrea were high school teachers before Phil became the Director of Student Ministry in Battle Creek, MI.  After four years of student ministry in Battle Creek, Phil and Andrea went off to plant a new church, IMPACT,  in Lowell, MI in the Fall of 2003.  Impact started with a vision to plant three churches in five years and ten in ten.  Through creating a culture of radical devotion to Christ, of ruthless commitment to loving one another, and of relentless dedication to reaching others,  after nine years, Impact had planted 9 daughter and granddaughter churches while growing to become a body of 1,000+ lives.  Phil has recently (2012) become the Director of Church Health and Multiplication for The Wesleyan Church denomination and is using the church planting network he started, known as Nitrogen, to help move the church planting and multiplication movement of The Wesleyan Church across North America.

Phil’s greatest pursuit in life is the continued chase of living out the Great Commandment (loving God and loving people) while carrying out the Great Commission (raising-up bands Christ-followers, who raise-up bands of Christ followers, who raise-up bands of Christ followers) in movement fashion.  He uses vision, thought, inspiration, and team development as his hopeful fuel to create catalytic relationships, efforts, and works.

13038617755_0e15d357fc_mHoping to be a Visionary …

Phil has a visionizing capacity that conceives, births, raises and releases ideas into action and results.




Hoping to be a true thinker …

Phil is a deep thinker with a strategic and highly analytical mind that is continually planning works and working plans.




Hoping to inspire …images

Phil has an incredible passion to inspire others to engage in a greater chase of the life that God has created them for.



Hoping in Teams …

Phil believes the greatest development of personal potential is best realized in the context of high capacity teams.


  • DISC Profile
    • High “I”, Persuader
  • Myers-Briggs
    • ENFJ
  • Strengths Finders
    • Futuristic, Positivity, Woo, Includer, Maximizer
  • Spiritual Gifts (Three Colors of Ministry)
    • Apostleship, Leadership, Faith, Encouragement, Teaching

Phil is a graduate of Western Michigan University, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, and is currently working on his Doctorate of Ministry in Leadership and Global Perspectives at George Fox University and Evangelical Seminary.

The leading edge of Phil’s vision, thinking, inspiration and team development is currently centering around his dissertation work through George Fox.  His theme is “How to Make the World a Better Place: Restoring happiness and human flourishing in under-resourced communities through reconciliation, transformational leadership and Christian community development.”  Through a steep learning curve and rigorous run of leadership practice, academic exposure, and global contextual learning, Phil hopes to complete his studies by May 2017.

Outside of ministry, Phil and his family love sports of all kinds, hanging out together and living life to the full in pursuit of being a part of the Movement of Christianity through the Church in the world today.



Categories: Uncategorized

About the Author

Phillip Struckmeyer

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