Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Sitting Under The Mango Tree

By: on October 10, 2014

(Once again…coming to you LIVE from under my favorite mango trees in Haiti…!! Please exuse errors, as it was typed on my iPhone!) Global Pentecostalism. I have to be honest. The title in itself scared me. Images of the movie “Jesus Camp” are embedded into my brain. Pentecostalism evokes shouts in tongues and fires with snakes crawling…

10 responses

Be in Practice What We Are in Christ – A Wild Shrub!

By: on October 10, 2014

It is generally understood and well documented that the center of Christianity has shifted from the centers of Western Christianly to the South and the East. Philip Jenkins notes, “We are currently living through one of the transforming moments in the history of religion worldwide.”[1]In Global Pentecostalism: The New Face of Christian Social Engagement, Donald…

7 responses

Here and There

By: on October 10, 2014

Surely Global Pentecostalism: The New Face of Christian Social Engagement is a book that confronts Western stereotypes and expectations concerning Pentecostals. I recall hearing the excitement in a young college student as she described what she had heard was happening in far off Africa. People delivered from demons, being healed of their diseases and even…

12 responses

Postmodern Before Their Time

By: on October 10, 2014

“Hi! My name is John! I am a recovering Pentecostal-critic!” Or, should I say, “I am recovering Fundamentalist”? itisexam You see, my first awareness of anything charismatic came during college years, when a number of friends involved in my Inter-Varsity campus group jumped ship to join a Pentecostal Church student group. This was both shocking…

13 responses

If Not God, Then Who?

By: on October 10, 2014

My friend Miriam will tell you about a dream she had. She was standing at a busy crossroads. Lying in the middle of the intersection, crying, was a baby. She felt compelled to run into the street to save the baby. Once she picked up the baby, she found herself surrounded by children and many…

7 responses

Employing standards of critical thinking

By: on October 10, 2014

With all due respect I think that critical thinking is an important tool to use in ministry and in board meetings. Some of the best decisions that you will make will come from other people rationalizing an issue from another perspective. More than that I am sure critical thinking is going to be critical while…

18 responses

Those Crazy Spirit Led Pentecostals

By: on October 10, 2014

It is unfortunate that at the mention of “Pentecostalism” so many people in the family of God have apprehensions, have the religious rolling of the eyes, have the embarrassment that these people are actually part of our family. These Pentecostals are like the family members that everyone knows about but hopes they don’t show up…

4 responses

Global Pentecostalism: good or bad?

By: on October 10, 2014

Global Pentecostalism: The New Face of Christian Social Engagement   When I was in Cape Town, South Africa last week, I heard a church leader mention the growth of the Pentecostal church. This surprised me, although my perception of his comment was based on my limited American view of what a Pentecostal church is. Authors…

7 responses

Think twice Miller and Yamanori

By: on October 9, 2014

  The journey of biblical faith has gone through numerous evolutionary stages justificatory through Church history and its different epochs. From New Testament Judaism to Constantine’ Christianity, Western Christendom, southern Christendom; and what some would arguably term a post Christian era particularly in Europe and America. Miller and Yamamori’s book Global Pentecostalism: The New Face…

8 responses

The Nuisance of Critical Thinking

By: on October 9, 2014

In their book The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools, Dr. Richard Paul and Dr. Linda Elder not only make a case for the need for critical thinking, they give practical tools to help us get there. They offer a great working definition, “Critical thinking is the art of analyzing and evaluating thinking…

20 responses

Does critical thinking help one to better reflect Christ?

By: on October 9, 2014

Although it is a fact we may not like to admit, egocentric or sociocentric thinking is a common for many individuals. We tend to be biased based on our experiences, knowledge, and education. Our worldview can be very limited, as we don’t often look at the world through a more objective lens. It takes purposeful action,…

18 responses

It’s not the healthy who need a doctor

By: on October 9, 2014

Reading Global Pentecostalism was a ‘coming home’ experience for me. I do confess, just as when Miller and Yamamori started their research, I too have held negative preconceived ideas about Pentecostals, as being too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good, and as adherents of that dodgy Health and Wealth theology. Where I got…

8 responses

An Accomplished Thinker

By: on October 9, 2014

An Accomplished Thinker   A Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking, Concepts and Tools is a remarkable little book for a number of reasons.  Brief, compact, helpful, practical, all are words that accurately communicate characteristics of Paul and Elder’s work.  Each of these is laudable and has been mentioned already in my colleagues’ posts and since…

12 responses

Lessons Learned

By: on October 9, 2014

“The older one is, the wiser one becomes.” Is this quote a truth or is it an assumption? It all depends on the person and the context. It is true that, oftentimes, an older person is wiser than a younger person. But it is not always true. And if I assume it is always true,…

13 responses

I’m Still Thinking

By: on October 9, 2014

This book left me with lots to think about. Ha…see what I did there? Dr. Richard Paul and Dr. Linda Elder do a great job of giving methods, tools, and examples of critical thinking in this compact book. It is a super quick read but I spent a lot of time reading and rereading these…

16 responses

global pentecostalism

By: on October 9, 2014

In Ethiopia, Protestant churches are the next largest to Orthodox churches. Protestant Christianity is often associated with western mission aids because the people who introduced Protestant Christianity were from the western countries. Although there are some churches in Ethiopia who have partner churches in the west who support their urban and rural integrated ministries, the…

11 responses

It’s Time

By: on October 9, 2014

“The attraction of Christianity is not simply the promise of a passport to heaven, where they (the middle class) can escape the travails of this world; rather, they are reexamining the life of Jesus and seeing that his teaching was often manifested in his healing ministry and compassion for the poor, prostitutes, and children.” (Loc.…

9 responses

From Potential Drop-Out to Persevering Elitist

By: on October 9, 2014

When I was in 5th grade, my teacher told my mother never to expect me to go beyond high school in the area of academics. I’m not exactly sure what my teacher saw, or didn’t see, that would lead him to believe that I was not capable. However, I do know that I’ve always viewed myself…

7 responses

Almost Drop-Out to Persevering Elitist

By: on October 9, 2014

When I was in 5th grade, my teacher told my mother never to expect me to go beyond high school in the area of academics. I’m not exactly sure what my teacher saw, or didn’t see, that would lead him to believe that I was not capable. However, I do know that I’ve always viewed…

7 responses

Critical thinking and wine bar ministry

By: on October 8, 2014

Who wouldn’t want to think more critically, who wouldn’t want to increase their ability to be fair, thoughtful, informed in their judgments? Certainly Drs. Paul and Elder’s book “A miniature guide to critical thinking[1]” provides the necessary insights and tools. One of my major motivations for going into this doctoral program was to stretch myself…

12 responses