Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Influencer and Creator

Written by: on May 17, 2013

Of the nine StandOut roles, my top two roles are influencer and creator. As an influencer, my mind tends to fast-forward to the final outcome of a situation. The assessment was on target in stating that I am committed to moving a person or a team to action. I often try to internally figure out what can be done to help a situation and then pose the same question to the individual or group involved. This allows me to assess where they are at internally. On an embarrassing note, the assessment pointed out my tendency to be impatient. It rises when I see that a decision should be made but others are not taking action. This causes me much frustration. A positive aspect of being an influencer is that I listen well. I listen to learn about people and their circumstances, which in turn helps me to devise a plan of action to better their predicament. I listen for trigger points.


            My second role is that of a creator. I enjoy seeing the chaos and complexities and then trying to make sense of them through an analogy or word picture or concept. I’m constantly trying to understand why something is happening and then use those elements to rework a situation. To bring out the best creativity in me for dealing with chaotic situations, it is vital that I find time to be alone: a walk in the park, a drive in the car, or simply reclining in a comfy chair. As a creator my strength comes from making sense of things. Thus being able to locate patterns in any given situation helps me to put everything in perspective. And, while I am able locate patterns, I need others to help me process and create a step-by-step order that will  help me or those I’m working with to arrive to foreseen finish line.


            In both roles, especially as the influencer, I feel like the assessment captured my personality and temperament very well. My wife also affirmed the findings. It seems that this time around I was the one subject to the creator role as patterns were identified in me. Going forward, I plan to use these strengths to better help me better serve my family, my ministry setting, and my colleagues at work.

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