Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Heroic Leadership Requires Innovative Discipleship

Written by: on November 9, 2017

Who needs another leadership book? Apparently everyone. Chris Lowney, in his book, Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company that Changed the World, asserts that all people are leaders, influencing others through belief and behavior.[1] Lowney’s seven years in a Jesuit seminary followed by a career in investment banking provide him with foundational tools to observe influencers in a variety of contexts. His discoveries reveal the Jesuits have a considerable amount to teach corporations and the world in perspective and action regarding leadership.

In approaching Lowney’s text, I consulted reviews from Jana Riess and Arthur Boers. While Reiss draws the conclusion that “this is no formulaic “12-steps-to-success” tome,”[2] Boers contends, “Lowney’s book resembles many leadership tomes in its crisp summaries of themes, quotes set off in bold type, insets and leadership stories.” Both are not wrong. Lowney outlines the text as many leadership books do, making it quite accessible, while continually directing his content toward the four core principles of leadership he’s extrapolated from Jesuit life and history. These principals of self-awareness, ingenuity, love and heroism are reiterated in the introduction, conclusion and detailed in each of their own chapters.

Important features of Chris Lowney’s book include the emerging of Jesuits as a ‘company’ (better known today as the ‘Society’ or ‘Society of Jesus’), the aforementioned principals for which the book is based, and the reality that these principals are transferable to any company or person as it were. Possibly most obvious, yet of foundational importance is Lowney’s own background as a Jesuit, guiding his historical interest in Jesuits role models and their unspoken yet lived values of self-awareness, ingenuity, love and heroism.

Lowney’s text is situated as a leadership guide book, denoting one organization’s life in leadership in moderate comparison to other orders of the Catholic Church. Though not truly comparative with modern corporations, the text is a resource explaining the guiding principals of Jesuit leaders. According to Lowney’s website, Heroic Leadership is “used widely in corporations and charitable organizations, it has also become a staple of business school and college curricula.”[3] Lowney proposes a modest template for leadership without a direct explanation of how leaders use the spiritual exercises or principals in modern day examples. In this way, Lowney leaves much room for the reader to interpret the text into their own life or company.

In reviewing Lowney’s text, Arthur Boers found multiple limitations including Lowney’s delicate use of failure citing, “though Lowney does mention some failures, he never shows the downside, let alone the shadows, of the Jesuit approach, which at times has generated formidable opposition. Good leadership invites a hard look at liabilities as well as successes.”[4] Boers compares Heroic Leaderhip to Jonathan Wright’s history of the Jesuits titled God’s Soldiers to fill the failure gap Lowney has left, stating, “He deals with the Jesuits’ faults, which in the past included arrogance, ambition and unseemly alliances with governments or colonizing powers.”[5] Boers also evaluates Lowney as needing “A little less inspirational affirmation and a little more critique [which] would contribute immensely to making clear what the Jesuits could teach leaders.” Boers’ assessment of Heroic Leadership, while helpful in preventing the reader to not swallow Lowney’s text whole as the next leadership formula, tends to major on minor offenses. For Lowney to not inspire or to focus primarily on failure would have taken this leadership text in another direction. Boers statements such as “We never learn how Lowney derives these principles”[6] among others are not well founded as Lowney speaks at length to the principles at work in the leader, clarifying exactly Boers point that the examples cited lived the principles without naming them directly as such.

I found myself in agreement with Boers on one key concept, the “Four Core convictions are good marks of leadership, worth passing on.”[7] As reflections of the internal life of the leader manifest in daily action toward God and others, Heroic Leadership indeed comes across as heroic and original. As Riess has attributed, “more reflective business people of faith will find Lowney’s insights a breath of fresh air.”[8]

From the moment I read Reiss’ review through to the end of Heroic Leadership itself, the idea of ingenuity or embracing change struck me. Ingenuity is necessary yet often overlooked by individuals and especially established religious institutions with regard to leadership. But, as Lowney puts it, “ingenuity-driven leaders uncover ways to turn human potential into achievement and a vision of the future into a reality.”[9]

Lowney’s example of one of the spiritual exercises made me consider a documentary I watched a few years ago called, “Craigslist Joe” where a man lives off of the free list on Craigslist for a year. He only kept a backpack and his laptop with him on his pilgrimage. No cash, no car, no pre-arranged meal plan. The man, Zach, from the documentary illustrates the principle of innovation by having to make things up as he went, hoping to prove that people were good and would do kind things for a total stranger. At the end of the journey Zach has made some significant self-discoveries, influenced many around him for the better and gained a new perspective on the US. In part, Craigslist Joe demonstrates the two vital components of ingenuity in an attitude of indifference and the Contemplation to Attain Love. Lowney defines indifference as a sense of being released from prejudices, attachments, fears, and narrow-mindedness that can block the enthusiastic pursuit of new ideas and opportunities.[10] The practice of Contemplation to Attain Love was a meditation toward viewing the world as full of love and relates to the third principle of the Jesuits.

As I research toward understanding discipleship theory and practice, I find most discipleship methods to be stony and often catechized. But discipleship must be flexible, fluid and innovative as it is made up of people, ever changing with life and culture. The core beliefs and values of discipleship centered on Christ are nonnegotiable, providing an anchor. Beyond these values, disciple-makers must be able to respond in love and adaptability indifferent to fear, prejudice, and provincialism. This is much easier said than done. The forming of innovative leaders/disciple-makers calls for a life rhythm of trust in the Anchor and a willingness to abandon all else.

To give a taste for an innovator in action, I have included the trailer from Craigslist Joe here.


[1] Lowney, Chris. Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company That Changed the World. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2003. 16-17.

[2] Riess, Jana. Review. “Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company that Changed the World”. Publishers Weekly: New York, Vol. 250, Iss. 21, May 26, 2003, 65.

[3] Lowney, Chris. 2017. Accessed November 7, 2017. http://chrislowney.com/wp/ heroic-leadership/

[4] Boers, Arthur Paul. “Review of Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company that Changed the World / God’s Soldiers: Adventure, Politics, Intrigue, and Power: A History of the Jesuits”. The Christian Century: Chicago, Vol. 121, Iss. 21, Oct 19, 2004, 62-64.

[5] Boers, 63.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Riess, 65.

[9] Lowney, 296.

[10] Lowney, 128.

About the Author

Trisha Welstad

Trisha is passionate about investing in leaders to see them become all God has created them to be. As an ordained Free Methodist elder, Trisha has served with churches in LA and Oregon, leading as a pastor of youth and spiritual formation, a church planter, and as a co-pastor of a church restart. Trisha currently serves as leadership development pastor at Northside Community Church in Newberg, OR. Over the last five years Trisha has directed the Leadership Center, partnering with George Fox and the Free Methodist and Wesleyan Holiness churches. The Leadership Center is a network facilitating the development of new and current Wesleyan leaders, churches and disciples through internships, equipping, mentoring and scholarship. In collaboration with the Leadership Center, Trisha serves as the director of the Institute for Pastoral Thriving at Portland Seminary and with Theologia: George Fox Summer Theology Institute. She is also adjunct faculty at George Fox University. Trisha enjoys throwing parties, growing food, listening to the latest musical creations by Troy Welstad and laughing with her two children.

12 responses to “Heroic Leadership Requires Innovative Discipleship”

  1. Jean Ollis says:

    Hi Trisha,
    Wonderful post and great points pulled from the reviews. I have to admit I’ve never seen the movie you reference – Craislist Joe. I too found some negative reviews on the book – one article in particular talked about post-heroic leadership as the “new way”. I appreciate your application to discipleship. What resources (in addition to the Bible) are you using to train your budding disciples in your leadership center?

    • Trisha Welstad says:

      Jean, I liked and replied to the post-heroic leadership in your post. I thought it was really insightful and myself agree with a more post-heroic approach.

      I have used a book called ‘The Integrity Factor’ by Kevin Mannoia for a while now in guiding students through internships. In particular I really like his metaphor and explanation of the iceberg as character formation. I believe identity and formation of character are essential for all disciples and would-be leaders.

  2. Dave Watermulder says:

    Nice review of the literature and including these conversation partners with Lowney. I mostly read him non-critically (am I part of his target audience?!). I totally agree with you that nobody really needs/wants to read another leadership book, but I was taken with this one and hope to pass it on to others. Sounds like you will be doing the same, along with some helpful critique!

  3. Greg says:


    You wrote, “Lowney proposes a modest template for leadership without a direct explanation of how leaders use the spiritual exercises or principals in modern day examples.” I found this to be the case in my own reading. I think I read into the text a faith foundation for making these models work. Do you think these principles are truly “effective” without the bases in faith? I had a hard time imagining any of the examples preserving the obvious trials in their lives with a calling and passion from Christ.

    I too felt like the stories were a bit white-washed to glorify the process without all the conflict involved in changing an institution. If individuals are creators of new paths, conflict arises amongst the status quo individuals. Do you feel like Lowney should have dealt with this inevitable conflict? Would it have been more of distraction to what was his point or would it have been a better help in leadership development?

    • Trisha Welstad says:


      I think the principles become fads that pass when the next leadership guru comes along if not marked in an anchored space/person, in particular the person of Jesus. I actually think his book has a bit of a mix of appeal to the church and to the marketplace as his personal website is obviously about selling books. The unfortunate part is that his removal of the faith aspects just makes it more bland for the wider audience (or like you said, unable to withstand trials in life).

      I think one story on changing an institution would have been helpful, even if as an appendix. Leaders need to know how to deal with conflict and he could have shown that in some way through his historic accounts without taking away too much, I think.

  4. Jennifer Williamson says:

    Trish, I really like where you took this at the end in terms of discipleship. Are you starting to think of ways that might play out in your project?

    A good friend of mine created a discipleship program to equip and develop evangelists in France, and part of that program brought together your Craigslist Joe example and the idea of discipleship. As the end of the program, just before “graduating,” the participants would gather for a retreat, where they had no idea what to expect, they were only given a meeting place. At that meeting place, thay were put into pairs and then they had to relinquish all money, credit cards, cell-phones, luggage. They could take one change of clothes, a Bible, and their passport. They were then handed a ticket to a destination city (a place that spoke a different language than French) had to board a plane or a train, and find their way to a meeting point in the destination city two days later. In between, they had to figure out how to live, and they were also supposed to share the gospel. This was a pretty radical experience, but it left a significant mark on the participants.

    • Trisha Welstad says:

      Wow Jenn, what an experience! That would have been so formative. I don’t know if I would have loved or hated doing something like that but I know I would never forget.

      I am starting to come up with ideas and am thinking I should really start writing things down outside of my posts and bibliography. I am not sure if I will do a whole project or write and create a curriculum/system or a book with pragmatic application. It’s all in progress.

  5. Jason Turbeville says:

    I really appreciate the way your post turned towards discipleship and how Lowney’s book can help with the idea of making it a flowing process. I have always learned better in a non structured environment and if you look at how Jesus discipled his followers there were many different ways he did this. Through example, opportunities given, teaching. The ability to be flexible in how we lead others into a deeper relationship with Christ is valuable.

  6. Jay Forseth says:

    Hi Trish,

    I resonated with your quote from Riess, “More reflective business people of faith will find Lowney’s insights a breath of fresh air.”

    Hear, hear! I found his insights to be a breath of fresh air, especially because of the faith involvement of the Jesuits.

    Another great post, Trish.

  7. M Webb says:


    Thanks for pointing out that Lowney’s approach to leadership is “not truly comparative with modern corporations.” I think you are right, the medieval heroic deeds that founded the Jesuit leadership model need some updating to the 21st century transformational, situational, and servant leadership contexts. For a Jesus value-based company, I found the use of the word “heroic” out of place for the Jesus I know and serve. Maybe I am confused over the historical context, but my gut tells me to choose carefully the all or nothing values expressed by the Jesuits.

    I pulled reviews from Boers too, and I would suggest a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) review of the Jesuit “hero” model within the workplace context before making application in real life.

    Stand firm,

    M. Webb

  8. My favorite part of your post Trisha was…”From the moment I read Reiss’ review through to the end of Heroic Leadership itself, the idea of ingenuity or embracing change struck me. Ingenuity is necessary yet often overlooked by individuals and especially established religious institutions with regard to leadership. But, as Lowney puts it, “ingenuity-driven leaders uncover ways to turn human potential into achievement and a vision of the future into a reality.” I couldn’t agree with you more, churches fail in the ingenuity department all the time. Thanks also for the trailer for Craiglist Joe, sounds interesting.

  9. Kyle Chalko says:


    Great points. Undoubtedly the medium chosen to convey a message will affect how that message is received. So Lowney took his book about Virtues and re-packaged it as a contemporary leadership book. I’m sure some of it spiritual integrity and reflection was lost in translation, but I think was a Trojan horse tactic to get people to see the value of virtues. Sounds like the ingenuity of a Jesuit to me.

    Could you imagine how many copies that would have sold had it been named “Four Jesuit Virtues” instead of “Heroic Leadership”? Well as you can see by this “Virtue” (see link below) best-seller that was listed on the top of my Amazon search for “virtue”. it doesn’t seem to be a sought after topic.


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