Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Health, Rhythm & Napkins

Written by: on May 23, 2013

Over the past seven years I have directed a Spiritual Formation ministry directed at local and regional youth workers, named Project Renovation. The vision of the Project is simple, we are committed to “renewing souls and resourcing leaders”.  However, sometimes in our passion to care for and develop the souls of these young leaders, we create our own business and subtly fail to live the very lifestyle in which we are calling these same leaders to join us in living.  This past year, was one of these years.  Many young leaders were cared for, equipped and resourced. Yet at the end of our year, my team and I were simply fried. Over the past week I have been dreaming about what the Project for 2013-2014, and more specifically how we can capture a healthy sustainable rhythm to our programing and experiences.

This past week while reading The Back of a Napkin by Dan Roam I was prompted to begin solving our Project Renovation sustainability issue with napkins. More specifically in the reading I was drawn to Roam’s concept of the <6><6> principle.  Using the <6><6> principle I was first able to look at the what and why through the use of flow chart.  Below are the three targeted areas Project Renovation seeks to care for and equip individuals through.  Each is connected to the other via vision and development phases.


Once I was able to sketch out the three main areas of concern, I then proceeded to use a “time series” chart to answer the how much. After charting what was done in the 2012-2013 school year, the level of activity was at an extreme pace for the entire year.  Targeted reasons for intense pacing were too many new initiatives, a weekly blog spot, numeric growth exceeding our staffing and growth in non gifted areas.  The following is a new pacing chart with sustainable rhythms built in
for 2013-2014.


Lastly, if a sustainable pacing is reached, using the “Visual Thinking Codex” the change which will occur will be three fold.  One, the very balance we model in our ministry will be reflective of the very vision we proclaim.  Two, with a sustainable pace, our leaders will be freed up to be present with God, each other and the very leaders we are trying to serve.  And third, It will make for a happier Rick as seen below.


Rolling off the press next week to my leaders.

About the Author


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