Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Freshmen Year: A Threshold Concept

Written by: on January 23, 2025

It was the second quarter of my first year; I sat in Dr. Wonil Kim’s Old Testament class and thought the earth would open up and swallow him up for the heresy he was teaching. I could not sit through the 2-hour class that day; I felt that merely sitting there would make me an accomplice or participant in the craziness he was teaching. I returned to my room, wondering how an Adventist College could allow their teachers to teach some of the concepts I had heard in his class that day. How dare he ask us if we thought the flood story was real or exclusive to Christianity? Insinuate that God had made a deal with the devil, and Job was the one caught in the crossfire of that bet? As you read this, I can imagine you, too, feel a certain way about what you’re reading; imagine sitting there and hearing it first-hand.

I am a 4th generation Seventh Day Adventist whose father is a pastor and who was raised in the mission field in Central America. I left this country when I was five and returned when I was 15. As a religion, we are by nature conservative; now imagine growing up in a Latin, ultra-conservative setting where I was not even allowed to wear pants because church members thought I would cause men to sin, was not allowed to preach or speak out of turn. Now, I found myself back in the U.S., in a culture that was nothing like the one I had grown up in.

I had been taught that the word of God was without errors, that God was perfect, did not make mistakes, and that everything He did was for our good. Moreover, here I sat in a class with a professor who, from my initial assessment, was insinuating everything I had learned was a lie. I dropped the class that quarter because the idea that everything I had learned was wrong shook me to my core. Two years later, when I switched majors and became a Theology student, who became my advisor?! Dr. Kim! There was no escaping his classes or him, so this time around, there was no hiding or running; I would have to sit through all the classes, pass them, and hope I learned something.

Meyer and Land, in their book Understanding Barriers to Student Understanding, introduce the concept of Threshold Concepts. They explain these as core ideas that, once understood, transform one’s knowledge of a subject. They are hard to understand and accept at first, but they are crucial to a deeper learning experience. I would experience this without knowing it at the time in Dr. Wonil Kim’s class.

Threshold Concepts can challenge you and be barriers or obstacles you must work hard to overcome. Meyer and Land believe that Threshold Concepts can change how we approach and even understand certain subjects, and they help us identify these obstacles in hopes of overcoming them. While I did not have Meyer and Land’s book in college, it would have been helpful my first year as I was trying to navigate and break specific subject barriers.

Habits are hard to break, and learned things are hard to unlearn, but I am living proof that they are not impossible. Evolution of the mind and unlearning what you have learned is possible! Had I not challenged myself to sit through Dr. Kim’s class, I would have never been challenged to ask specific questions or be open to understanding what he was trying to accomplish by asking frightening and big biblical questions to naïve, 18-year-old first-year college students. Unbeknownst to him, Dr. Kim was applying some of the teaching strategies that Meyer and Land suggested in their book. He provided a safe space for us to ask questions and confront the material, and he created and fostered a learning environment that was very different from what most of us SDA kids had been accustomed to.

By the time I graduated from La Sierra University with a Theology Degree, I had taken eight classes in 2 years from Dr. Kim. He awoke a curiosity in me, a passion towards seeing the Bible not as a book with rules, regulations, and sad stories, but he helped me understand that God is a God of justice who fights for His people; he is a God that calls us to take care of the widow, the poor, the orphan and illegal alien. A God that is, has been and will be—one whose love, mercy, and wrath for His people have a purpose and a time. I am who I am today as a pastor, thanks to Dr. Kim’s approach to teaching.

Some of the teaching strategies that I also found helpful from the reading were:

Pedagogical Approaches: The authors believe that effective teaching requires recognizing and addressing students’ learning barriers. Meyer and Land emphasize the importance of creating earning activities that help students overcome difficult concepts. They believe that teaching should focus more on helping students understand these threshold concepts, providing information at a speed they can digest.

 Feedback and Formative Assessment: Feedback is crucial in helping students understand whether they have conquered a threshold concept. Formative assessments can provide a deeper understanding for students and aid in identifying their subject struggles.

Learning new concepts, ways of reading and writing is not easy at 42 years old, but if I am to trust Meyer and Land, as I trusted Dr. Kim so many years ago, then perhaps what awaits me on the other end is a beautiful new way of understanding new concepts, subjects, ideas and ways of learning. This concept can also be applied to how we interact with people, relate to them, and react to their different ideas. Are we open or closed off, and does that prevent us from fully understanding and embracing others?

About the Author


Linda Mendez

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