Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World


Written by: on April 26, 2023

Factfulness, by Hans and Anna Rosling Ronnlund, is a book that challenges readers to confront their preconceived notions of the world and its inhabitants. Exploring the facts about global development and poverty reduction shows how even seemingly intractable problems can be addressed in ways that benefit all participants. It also offers insight into decisions based on incorrect assumptions or false data points. Through this exploration, Factfulness provides an invaluable resource for understanding today’s complex issues from a more informed perspective.

Key Arguments of the Text

The first argument is that most of us have an “overdramatic worldview” which means we overestimate how bad things are in the world. My sister and aunt are notorious for this and I think they represent the majority of society when it comes to delivering opinions. Our family has become accustomed to this and we have to fact-check stories on a regular basis. It’s not that they are intentionally lying but they add drama to instigate a reaction and in many cases and it has hurt their credibility in many ways. We see this in the media on a regular basis. I was sitting in the waiting room this past week waiting to see my doctor. The “news” was on the lobby television and topic after topic was biased, and strategically broadcasted in a way to trigger a reaction, mostly negative toward the opposing view. What I found most interesting is the style in which it was delivered. The same story could be covered in a meaningful and factual way however, unrelated topics somehow join the conversation, and small little comments are inserted to ensure the propaganda was complete. This view is caused by our tendency to focus on negative news stories rather than good ones, leading us to think that countries outside our own are much worse off than they actually are. Furthermore, the authors argue that this “overdramatic outlook prevents us from recognizing the positive changes taking place around the globe.”[1]

Secondly, Factfulness argues that humans tend to overgeneralize when it comes to data. Our minds cannot easily process large amounts of information so instead we create rules of thumb or stereotypes in order to make sense of what’s happening. These generalizations lead us astray because they can oversimplify complex realities or give inaccurate impressions about certain groups or regions. To counter this issue, the book advises readers to look at specific facts and figures whenever possible before forming opinions on various matters.

Finally, using examples from their own experience as well as research findings, the authors show how ignorance and bias prevent people from seeing reality clearly. They explain how these two factors can distort our views on topics such as poverty reduction, education levels, and population growth trends. With this in mind, they emphasize that gaining factual knowledge is essential for making informed decisions about global problems like climate change and economic inequality.

Criticisms of Factfulness

Factfulness has received both praise and criticism from various sources. Critics have argued that the book’s focus on data, facts, and statistics is too simplistic for addressing complex global issues such as poverty and inequality. They speculate that Rosling’s approach fails to capture the nuances of these topics, with some claiming it reduces them to a single narrative about progress over time.

Also, Factfulness has been criticized for its lack of analysis of how economic systems are structured in different countries worldwide, which can greatly impact their development trajectories. Social progress is not a matter of struggling for justice, the “optimistic” narrative goes, but rather extending the benefits of economic growth, a task best supervised by philanthropic capitalists (like, say, Bill Gates), who, of course, are the biggest beneficiaries of such “progress.”[2]


In his book Factfulness, Hans Rosling and Anna Rosling Ronnlund provide a framework for understanding the world based on facts. Through statistics and data analysis, they demonstrate how our natural instincts can lead to false conclusions about the state of the world.

The authors argue that many of us have been misled by the “Gap Instinct” which causes us to overestimate differences between people in different countries or circumstances. They also point out that we naturally rely upon our “Negativity Instinct” when interpreting information – tending towards pessimism rather than optimism. Additionally, they show how our tendency towards linear thinking (the “Straight Line Instinct”) distorts reality as well as our reliance upon fear (“Fear Instinct”).[3]

Ultimately, it is hoped that readers will be able to better identify their own cognitive biases after reading this work, allowing them to make more informed decisions grounded in fact-based evidence. As such, Factfulness provides invaluable insight into human cognition and decision-making processes through its exploration of statistics and data analysis. Statistics hold a great deal of significant weight and “misunderstanding the statistics can lead to bad decisions,” political outcomes, power, control, corruption, and financial gain for certain institutions.[4]  Allusions to current events throughout help bring the text alive and assist with driving home its key arguments – namely that accurate perception of global development requires knowledge rooted in fact-based truths instead of personal bias or opinion. How to Read Numbers define these demonstrations as HARKing, or “intentionally selecting criteria to meet an intended outcome.”[5]  Factfulness encourages us to think critically about where we stand on key issues facing humanity today and consider how we can move forward together toward a better future.


[1] Factfulness, by Hans and Anna Rosling Ronnlund

[2] https://inthesetimes.com/article/new-optimists-bill-gates-steven-pinker-hans-rosling-world-health

[3] Factfulness, by Hans and Anna Rosling Ronnlund

[4] Chivers and Chivers, How to Read Numbers, 3.

[5] Ibid, 115.

About the Author

Michael O'Neill

Director of Operations / Executive Pastor at Kinergy, Inc. Federal 501c3 Non-Profit Organization. An experienced entrepreneur, leader, father, wellness professional, and owner of a multi-location medical practice with my wife, Nicole O'Neill, MD.

8 responses to “Fact-Check”

  1. Good post Michael,
    Any cognitive biases that you had to deal with as a result of reading this work?.

  2. Michael O'Neill says:

    Thank you. Yes, I noticed some. I have a hard time trusting anything from large corporations, news, worldly organizations, etc. “Facts” are sometimes subjective in my opinion.

  3. Thanks for brining up the criticism associated with this book. This is always a valuable perspective to consider. I struggled with some of the book and the way it seemed to leave out the shadow side that still very much can exist in places. Truly there is truth to the point that there is so much good going on in the world, that we often miss. However, there are still hard things truly hidden that should not be ignored. Having a board perspective and being willing to look past bias is key!

    • Michael O'Neill says:

      Thanks. I agree, Sara, It’s difficult to know what the truth it. I think that is why I love the Bible so much. It feels like it’s the only thing trust worthy, and yet people also deny it too.

  4. Chad – I appreciated that you addressed the sensationalism that the news media uses to influence people to keep watching and reading their content. It sems like the facts are no longer enough to report. Headlines often mislead or misconstrue just to get the click. It’s frustrating. If you ever find a news station that just reports the news, please let me know.

    • Michael O'Neill says:

      I think this post went on mine instead of Chad’s somehow but I do agree with you and Chad. It’s all about the reaction and numbers, sponsors, and influence. It’s sad.

  5. mm Chad McSwain says:

    Hi Michael…thank you for bring up criticism for the book. I caught some of the tendency toward capitalist progression (“toward consumers and producers”). Did Roslings Level 1-4 categories ring true to you?

  6. mm Daron George says:

    “The “news” was on the lobby television and topic after topic was biased, and strategically broadcasted in a way to trigger a reaction, mostly negative toward the opposing view. ” You know the more I detach myself from the news the more I find myself seeing more beauty in the world. Not saying that there isn’t negative or bad but i often wonder if it is as bad as they say or are they just amplifying one part of a bigger picture.

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