Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

A walk well wasted

By: on March 22, 2023

My best game of golf was one I played alone. On vacation at a cottage we had rented for the week, I went into the local town and played a round of 18. The course is a typical municipal course, each hole is fairly straight, the sand traps are easy to navigate and there certainly…

6 responses

The Pursuit of Happiness

By: on March 22, 2023

The evidence is mounting. The conclusion is clear: we are likely to misread reality. We’ve read about this through various lenses. Be it admitting our errors (Kathryn Schulz’s Being Wrong) or the risk of developing cancer (Chivers and Chivers How to Read Numbers), we must face our own misperceptions and just general lack of ability…

11 responses

Welcome Wisdom & Instruction!

By: on March 21, 2023

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  Proverbs 1:7 The more I read, the more confused I think I am becoming.  I was asking my husband all sorts of questions and sharing quandaries in my thinking; not sure that any of it was connecting.  My system…

13 responses

Trying To Do It Right!

By: on March 21, 2023

I think of the things that I have been wrong about; it is a list that is longer than I care to admit. But let me list a few. I was wrong when I thought that me and my best friend in second grade would be friends forever, we are not even Facebook friends. I…

22 responses

Am I Wrong?

By: on March 20, 2023

Years ago, like in the early 1990’s, I read a book that was “all the rage” called “The Day America Told the Truth.” After a quick internet search for it, I was reminded that it was written by a then relatively unknown James Patterson, whose books have gone on to sell over 425 million copies,…

8 responses

Cautionary Tales, a New Equation, and Signs of Hope

By: on March 20, 2023

For me, there was one pressing issue which surfaced in our reading this week. This was the discovery of our resistance to clearly identify (and deal with) our delusions due to our fear of losing community. It was concerning, but also articulated something I have sensed to be true, and this gave it language. In…

5 responses

More Atlanta Hawks, the Cost of Raising Children, and Choosing Chocolate Over Healthy Snacks

By: on March 20, 2023

Are Atlanta Hawks fans (and executives) delusional, allowing “our emotional responses (to) influence our perceptions of reality”[1]? Are the Hawks spending too much time thinking about what might go wrong, prompting the front office to make some drastic changes (e.g., firing their head coach half-way through the season)? Or is the perceived mediocrity of the…

9 responses

Dinka, Is It Really You?

By: on March 17, 2023

Freedom comes when we start to allow people to see not only the glossy image but the mess as well -Simon P. Walker-   Looking good and impressive is something that many people like. That’s why many people will try to conceal their past and background. Many people don’t like their true identity to be…

10 responses

Lots To Appreciate!

By: on March 16, 2023

As I have said in an earlier blog, my NPO is seeking to explore the necessary training Christians leaders need to flourish in their leadership role for the long-term. An assumption going into my research is that the emotional formation of a leader is tragically neglected in traditional Pastoral education, leading to most of the…

10 responses

By our Love, by our Love…Love one another.

By: on March 16, 2023

John 13:35 says: “This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.”  One another shows up 100 times in the new testament of the Bible, and Love one another 18 times.  What a powerful commandment.  As I read Simon P. Walker’s “ˆLeading out of who you are: Discovering…

15 responses

領袖興起!(Leaders Arise!)

By: on March 16, 2023

In the movie “Shrek,” the ogre Shrek has an interesting dialogue with the donkey.  He describes himself as person with layers – essentially an onion.  Walker’s book, Leading out of Who You Are[1], is a bit like peeling away at the layers of one’s leadership personality over time. Like an onion. Residing with the “comb…

6 responses

The hidden anguish of emotional disconnection

By: on March 16, 2023

My father passed away in 1969 when I was three years old, leaving behind me and my younger brother. In 1999, I reflected back on my childhood and discovered something I had never noticed before. For 18 years my mom cooked dinner for me and my brother Troy and we would sit at the dining…

16 responses

Fig Leaves Then. Performance Now.

By: on March 15, 2023

A few weeks ago, I attended a community luncheon that revolved around mental health awareness. The goal was to break stigmas around psychological and emotional health issues and provide more resources for churches in our area. During the event, some pastors and members in the community shared their experiences of rejection and shame for experiencing…

14 responses

Words are very unnecessary

By: on March 15, 2023

Lately I have been working on saying nothing. I am chatty, I know that. I like to have conversations, I enjoy asking questions and engaging people in dialogue. I also enjoy being asked questions and sharing my responses to ideas or suppositions; the chance to insert my opinion is insatiable. This is my front stage…

20 responses

A Prison Blanket Perfectly Folded…9855 Times

By: on March 15, 2023

  My one-minute gaze into Nelson Mandela’s prison cell had a profound impact on me. That neatly folded prison blanket represented the dailyness of Mandela’s life for 27 years.  The consequence of not folding a blanket to perfection in the prisons he was kept in would produce a severe beating. A leader who had already…

14 responses


By: on March 15, 2023

“Our task, as human beings, as human leaders, is…to grow up, to learn, through the experiences we are given, who we are – what it means to be courageous, what it is to serve, what it is to be loved and to love, what it is to be real, what it is to be fully…

5 responses

The Power of the Single Leadership Story

By: on March 15, 2023

“Am I really what others say of me? Or am I only what I know of myself?  . . .Who Am I? This one or the other? Am I this one today and tomorrow another? Am I both at once? Before others a hypocrite and in my own eyes a pitiful, whimpering weakling? . .…

8 responses

Who I am on the Inside Matters!

By: on March 15, 2023

My missionary career began as a 23-year-old new wife and mother with a fresh university degree in hand. My dream to minister overseas came sooner than imagined. While excited to be heading to Jakarta, Indonesia, I lacked confidence that I was prepared for the work ahead. Nothing magically changed on the 36-hour journey between Seattle…

4 responses

One Leader’s Landscape

By: on March 14, 2023

Using Food stamps, gathering government commodities and collecting pop cans for extra funds were just a few of the regular survival strategies in my family.  I grew up in a low income family.  However, I had two parents who loved God, were devoted to one another and loved their children.  My dad, a highly intelligent…

14 responses