Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Kryptonite, Agendas and Exploration

By: on February 2, 2024

“What does the Lord Require of Me? But to do Justice, and to Love Mercy and to Walk Humbly with our God.” Micah 6:8 Kryptonite I have a weakness…an Achilles heel, and I’m willing to admit it today: I suck at arguing! I found myself on edge as I read Evangelization and Ideology: How to…

4 responses

Christianity Amidst the Challenges of Corruption

By: on February 1, 2024

Avoiding living in a false world may sound academic and detached from everyday concerns. But that assessment rapidly changes the moment someone or some group comes along and tries to conscript you into their ideological fantasy … You can run, you can submit, you can bloody your knuckles. Or you can craft a better argument…

10 responses

“Truth” is Tricky

By: on February 1, 2024

If vertical learning requires reading widely and hearing ideas that conflict with my own then Matthew Petrusek’s book, Evangelization and Ideology, helped me grow like a weed this week. Maybe that’s an over-exaggeration. There were times I thought, “Great point, I could see that”, then other times I thought: “Hmm, that seems condescending and a…

12 responses

A white officer and a black woman…

By: on February 1, 2024

January 30, 2024, began the trial of a West Caln Police Officer. It’s a trial many of us who live in West Caln have been nervously waiting for. November 10, 2021, a black lady, Takeisha Landry made a left turn while stopped at a red light. Sergeant Tony Sparano approached her car after she stopped,…

15 responses

Obstacle or Opportunity: Is it Really Just about Politics?

By: on February 1, 2024

Most political conflicts have little to do with politics. They are rooted in more fundamental disputes about moral values, moral knowledge, the definition of the human being, and even metaphysics.[1] Matthew Petrusek Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond to the Political Culture, by Matthew R. Petrusek, is not a quick how to guide…

8 responses

Jasné body na obzore, Bright Spots on the Horizon

By: on February 1, 2024

Jasné body na obzore, Bright Spots on the Horizon (Slovakian) Introduction Part 1:  What my peers are saying Part 2:  Impact on my NPO Epilogue   Introduction – Ukrainian War, Israeli War, and war with Iran? Syria? Yemen?   The world’s crisis’s have been impinging on my mind.  The Bosnian war, Iraq 1 and Iraq 2 …

one response

The Affairs of the City: Politics and The Church

By: on January 31, 2024

“Most socio-political disagreements are not about different laws or policies; rather, they are about competing theories of justice (morality and applied morality), knowledge, human nature, and the nature of existence”.[1] Last week, while working in Phoenix, Arizona, I attended a large mega church in Scottsdale for their Sunday morning worship.  The woman sitting next to…

4 responses

Wisdom from Ancient Words

By: on January 31, 2024

It was said of Author Matthew R. Petrusek,  “Within the Church, Petrusek takes a “back to basic” approach to catechesis in an effort to recover an orthodox, pastorally-nimble yet intellectually-robust approach to faith formation and evangelization, using Scripture, the Catechism, and the great minds of the Church’s tradition as a foundation. His ultimate goal is…

8 responses

Meaningful Political/Social Engagement: For All? For Some? Yes…I Think!

By: on January 31, 2024

Oil and water. Some things just don’t go very well together. Another example: Matthew Petrusek’s Evangelization and Ideology (1) and 6 days to read it. This long book (463 pages) is filled with philosophical content endorsing Catholic social thought and doctrine as a better foundation for a sociopolitical framework than the secular alternatives (2). These…

8 responses

I’m Reclaiming My Time!

By: on January 30, 2024

  I watched Matthew Petrusek’s entire 10- part Video Seminar before I cracked the spine of the book. After I completed the viewing over the course of a couple of days, I found it fairly easy to determine which chapter and topic that I would write about. Chapter 8, The God of my Tribe: Progressivism…

14 responses

Your Kingdom Come

By: on January 29, 2024

I’ve prayed the Lord’s prayer since childhood. Along with “Now I lay me down to sleep” it was probably one of the only prayers I had learned by heart. Simple and theologically rich at the same time, it deserves to be prayed again and again across denominational boundaries. It even bridges the Catholic-Protestant divide…although let…

12 responses

Responding Like Daniel

By: on January 29, 2024

“Evangelizing always requires going to where the people are, and where many people are today is stuck in a morass of increasingly aggressive political ideologies, each one seducing its adherents down varied paths to the same dead end: moral, spiritual, and yes, political futility.”[1]   This is the societal landscape that we, as Christ followers,…

8 responses

Render unto Caesar…

By: on January 29, 2024

In his recent book Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond to the Political Culture Matthew Petrusek uses the foundation of Catholic Social Thought to offer keys for arguing against dominant political ideologies that are at work in our culture. During an interview about the book, he admits he wrote it after spending ten…

10 responses

Balancing Humility with Certainty

By: on January 29, 2024

This week, I started reading Russell Moore’s new book Losing Our Religion[1].In the first chapter, he reflects on a crisis that he had earlier in life when he recognized the failings of his faith community. He states that this crisis surfaced “a deep dread… that Christianity might just be [a] southern culture of politics, with…

5 responses

You Better Mind Your ISMs.

By: on January 29, 2024

At the height of the collective (and largely warranted) backlash following the murder of George Floyd, I asked my team to compile a resource list that could be made available on our church website. The resources were intended to express our value for people of color, a strong rejection of racism, and ways we could…

10 responses

Evangelization and The Public Square

By: on January 29, 2024

In Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond To The Political Culture[1] Matthew Petrusek wants to equip “evangelists” to be able to engage the political realm as he believes “the evangelist’s work includes evangelizing the political culture.”[2] He wants his readers to have the right methodological tools[3] to address what he calls “secular political…

6 responses

“For One Who is Exhausted”

By: on January 27, 2024

When the rhythm of the heart becomes hectic, Time takes on the strain until it breaks; Then all the unattended stress falls in On the mind like an endless, increasing weight.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The light in the mind becomes dim. Things you could take in your stride before Now become laborsome events of will. Weariness invades your…

10 responses