Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Category: Uncategorized

Online Church?

By: on February 13, 2014

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m skeptical of an online church, which is one reason I’ve chosen to reflect on Tim Hutchings article entitled Online Christian Churches: Three Case Studies. I’m skeptical because I really do believe in church. I believe that we’re better together than we are apart.  I believe that the…

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Interpreter Needed

By: on February 13, 2014

When the apostle Paul stood among the statues and idols in the city of Athens, he took some time to understand not only his physical surroundings but, more importantly the people within that particular surrounding.  He had a message that he needed to transmit, but he first needed to get some clarity about the frequency…

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Thinking through Religion and Culture

By: on February 10, 2014

A recent trend among Indian Christian brides in India, much to my dislike, is the preference for the western wedding gown replacing the elegant ethnic wear. While on the surface the issue seems trivial and can be argued as a matter of personal choice, I believe that several other trends pertaining to the nuances between…

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Critical Analysis

By: on February 8, 2014

Mark Noll’s book The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind and a sequel titled Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind traces the decline of intellectualism in the Evangelical world of the United States and how a deep commitment to Jesus Christ must drive the Church to embrace intellectual exercises rather than withdrawa from it.…

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The Ten Percent Rule

By: on February 8, 2014

It was a cold raining night in the ER.  I had just worked two back to back shifts at the trauma center and was entering into a third.  On top of an exhaustive day, it was full moon.  Now before you say anything, nights at the hospital in which the moon was also full, were…

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By: on February 8, 2014

  My first knowledge of the “term evangelical” came during early days of my conversion, as I began mingling in Christian circles. Evangelical was actually the name of a Christian denomination. As a young believer the differences between the, denomination of which I was a member and the evangelical denomination, were made expressively clear. It…

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We Are Bible People…Indeed!

By: on February 8, 2014

“We are New Testament Christians.  We have no creed but Christ.  Where the Bible speaks, we speak.  Where the Bible is silent, we are silent.”  And so went the basic beliefs of the church I attended during my college years and for many years after.  Each foundational statement sounded really good. But, something was amiss.…

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Influence – in More Than One Place

By: on February 8, 2014

As I reached the later stages of D.W. Bebbington’s insightful look into Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s I felt as if I was glimpsing into the past to see and understand the present.  I related to the history and development of Evangelicalism through my experience growing up in…

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By: on February 7, 2014

Evangelicalism David Bebbington’s book, Evangelicalism in Modern Britain, traces the history of the evangelical movement in Britain from the 1700’s through the 1980’s. I appreciate how the author describes the different nuances of evangelicalism that have been found throughout the history of English culture from the time of John Wesley through the 20th century. Bebbington…

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Evangelicalism In Modern Britain

By: on February 7, 2014

The religious history of England has always been of great interest to me on two accounts. First, I am an ordained Anglican Priest having my ordination papers commissioned in Canterbury, under the Anglican Bishop. Second, as an International Missions Mobilizer I teach workshops wherein we discuss three groups of nations—Unreached nations, Emerging Christian nations, and…

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We’ve always done it this way…

By: on February 7, 2014

Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s By: D. W. Bebbington “We’ve always done it this way… why do you have to challenge it?” This has been the most popular question in my life. For the longest time I didn’t know how to answer, so I would smile and walk away. Reading though Evangelicalism…

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Identifying Evangelicalism

By: on February 7, 2014

Prior to reading Bebbington, I considered myself an Evangelical. Now following his reading, I better understand why. Having not been brought up in a religious home, I became born-again almost by ‘accident’ in my late teens, and was subsequently guided to a local Baptist Church. There I was given a Bible, which I was told…

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What/Who is An Evangelical?

By: on February 7, 2014

There are some words that can conjure up an assortment of feelings, moods and attitudes. Those feelings can be both positive and negative. Evangelical is one of those words. When you hear the word “evangelical” what or who comes to mind? I randomly asked some people to answer this question with one word or phrase,…

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Evangelicalism in Modern Britain

By: on February 7, 2014

Reading Evangelicalism in Modern Britain by D.W. Bebbington detailed analyses on the history of Evangelical religion from the 1730s to the 1980s was eye opening to realize the enduring impacts that the Evangelical religion has had not only in United Kingdom but in worldwide Christianity. For instance, Dr. Thomas Alexander Lambie (1885-1954) the first American missionary…

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The Evangelical – Then and Now

By: on February 7, 2014

The Christian church throughout history has been defined in the cultural context of each era in which she has existed. As we move deeper into the twenty-first century, the church must define herself in the context of a post-Christendom and a post-modern era. I believe those who are leaders realize the difficult task to equip…

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Evangelicalism, Culture and Institution

By: on February 7, 2014

In Evangelicalism in Modern Britain, [i] David W. Bebbington provides a tour through history of evangelicalism as it developed and evolved from the 1730’s through the mid 1970’s. Bebbington aligns the start of evangelicalism with the ministry of John Wesley and his contemporaries. He asserts that there are four elements that define evangelicalism, in spite…

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Evolutionary Evangelicalism

By: on February 7, 2014

I taught a course for a few years called “Religious Themes in American Culture.”  This course caused students to think about the implications of the Christian faith in American cultural evolution.  I talked often about the “Sacred/Secular Dance,” a concept that helped students see that the secular culture often has great impact on the Christian…

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Mind Your Mind Because Your Mind will Mind You!

By: on February 6, 2014

Mind Your Mind Because Your Mind will Mind You! (care for) (obey) When did Evangelicals stop using their minds? How does one approach the aspects of Jesus Christ using an intellectual approach? These are two of the main questions Mark Noll asks in his books Scandal of the Evangelical Mind and Jesus Christ and the…

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