Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Category: Uncategorized

Perfectly academic?

By: on September 5, 2013

Critical Thinking is a real gem of information, a vast wealth of knowledge to the new student, given its small size. For me one of the most profound statements the authors Elder and Paul make, almost unnoticeable given its location on the last line at the very last page, is: If we want critical societies…

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Visual Arts and the Church

By: on September 5, 2013

I’m not an art buff. In grade school, I couldn’t even color in the lines.  Despite my great lack of art knowledge and ability, I’ve always appreciated art. I love seeing the art and architecture of ancient churches. I enjoy going to galleries and looking at the creativeness of others.  I can still vividly remember a painting…

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Wrestling Match

By: on September 5, 2013

For as long as I have been a Christian, there has always been a wrestling match going on between faith and reason.  As a young believer, doubt was looked at with suspicion, even with disdain and shame.  I remember hearing sermon after sermon that put “carnal” labels on thinking, reasoning, and questioning.  I know; I…

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Sketches, Perspectives & Formation

By: on September 5, 2013

Over the past eight years I have had the privilege of discipling and caring for the souls of college students here at Lancaster Bible College.   Often this formation comes in the form of helping young men and women navigate the beginning stages of discovering their true identity.  Now, identity is a tricky thing.  At its …

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A Critical Thinking Pondering

By: on September 5, 2013

Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools had three major pluses: (1) It was concise, at only 20 pages; (2) It was filled with lists, charts and diagrams; and (3) It provided questions to ponder and examples to apply. Elder and Paul essentially offer a guide on how to have an intellectual conversation and…

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Dyrness on Visual Arts

By: on September 4, 2013

Dyrness on Visual Arts Visual Faith: Art, Theology, and Worship in Dialogue by W. A. Dyrness addresses the topic of visual arts, a hot topic in today’s worship leadership circles, and he states his purpose this way, “This book aims to extend and enrich a Christian conversation on the visual arts… .  As the subtitle…

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One thought about thinking

By: on September 4, 2013

In this concise and challenging book, The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools, Paul and Elder have exposed the heart of my personal leadership journey. The capacity to think critically is a continual battle that must intentionally take place in each conversation and each decision that is made. The sobering realization is that…

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Scared of art?

By: on September 4, 2013

Siria by Erik Ravelo I love art. I always did. At home, my house is decorated with a lot of art exhibition posters. Sometimes, when people are over to visit, they ask, how my Christian faith and some provocative art pieces fit together. To me, it is no contradiction and no blasphemy. It keeps my…

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Help me welcome LGP cohort 4

By: on August 28, 2013

dminlgp: Existing LGP students, LGP alumni, and followers, please help me welcome LGP4!! Over the next day or two, they will be leaving a comment on this post as they test out Disqus… help them get acclimated, would you? Leave them a little love in the comments!

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Street art

By: on August 22, 2013

Banksy is one of the worlds most famous graffiti artists. He designs his graffiti’s with a special stencil technique and spreads his ideas as a political activist almost like a communication guerilla. In doing so he is inspired by the French pochoir artist Blek le Rat and the Adbusters. By using public surfaces and walls…

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Help me welcome LGP cohort 4

By: on August 22, 2013

Existing LGP students, LGP alumni, and followers, please help me welcome LGP4!! Over the next day or two, they will be leaving a comment on this post as they test out Disqus… help them get acclimated, would you? Leave them a little love below!

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Find God, Find Life.

By: on July 6, 2013

Church is not religion. It is life giving. It is connecting with God and others. Church is based on an ever increasing, maturing relationship with Christ.  Church does not even have to take place in a building. In fact, it is not a building. For various reasons, some very intentional, churches are meeting in schools,…

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Leadership In a Northwest Church for Spiritual Vitality

By: on July 2, 2013

Leading a small congregation to become a healthy community has its own unique challenges. For the past two and half years I have led a struggling church out of financial limitations, initiating building repairs, creating staff leadership and most importantly a vibrant focus on the mission of Jesus and empowering people to follow him. This…

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Visual Ethnography

By: on July 1, 2013

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My Ten Commandments of Public Speaking

By: on July 1, 2013

  I have not had opportunities to speak in a large public forum in the last six months. There is a high possibility that my new assignment will require for me to prepare many speaking engagements. I have created my own ten commandments based on key highlights that I need to implement for my public…

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Form, content and habitat (528VE)

By: on June 30, 2013

Form, content and habitat (528VE) In the third semester we were introduced to the research method of visual ethnography through two books by Sarah Pink. Visual Ethnography is a multi-sensory engagement with empirical data on societies and cultures gained through the study of visual resources. It reveals interdisciplinary results for sociology, culture science, communication studies…

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