Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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How Large are Your Headphones?

By: on April 3, 2014

Always Already New: Media, History and the Data of Culture by Lisa Gitelman, looks back so that she can look forward. I felt that this was a timely book as my son who is in his mid-20s came for a visit from Chicago two weeks ago.  He had taken the train and as we met…

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Is modernity relative?

By: on March 30, 2014

When I get the chance to visit and live in various countries and communities, I always find myself wondering as to whether people in the non-western context experience vastly different effects of modernity.  Charles Taylor’s book called Modern Social Imaginaries, labors to discuss the possibility of the presence of “multiple modernities”.  Taylor notes: From the…

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The upside down inequality

By: on March 30, 2014

While studying Bauman Zygmunt’ book called Collateral Damage: Social Inequalities in a Global Age, it was clear that the author provides a critique of modern-day social inequality, I couldn’t help but think about local and global inequity and disparities. I appreciated the perspective which promoted a vast understanding of the relationship between inequality, democracy and…

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Full Peace or half Peace?

By: on March 30, 2014

In my opinion, Karl Polanyi’ book The Great Transformation, is a great resource for anyone who desires to understand the crisis of capitalism in the twenty first century.  According Stiglitz, Polanyi’s book describes the great transformation of European civilization from the preindustrial world to the ear of industrialization and the shifts in ideas, ideologies, and…

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The Queen of All Sciences

By: on March 26, 2014

A Brief Guide to Ideas by William Raeper and Linda Edwards provides a great overview of thoughts, philosophies and ideas of the Western world since almost the beginning. The book makes it plain and clear that philosophy cannot be brushed aside as lacking relevance in the present post modern, post Christian culture as it may…

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What is the Best Way to Govern People Globally?

By: on March 23, 2014

Raeper and Edwards in their book A Brief Guide to Ideas does a fair job summarizing philosophical and theological thought through the ages. What caught my attention was their chapter titled How Should Society be Organized (Raeper and Edwards 1997 p. 137)? I have had the opportunity to travel internationally the past few years, especially…

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Water Slides and Plato

By: on March 23, 2014

Ever since my days in youth ministry I have always enjoyed a good slip and slide.  A little soap, a good long sheet of plastic, a steep hill and a whole lot of water is all you need to have a whole lot of fun.  So when I heard of the “Crazy Insane Water Slide”…

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American Christianity in the Mirror!

By: on March 23, 2014

Douthat’s book “, Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics”, is an intense and sobering read. The author’s work is informative indeed and even though it’s a magnifying polemic on American Christendom, one can’t help but feel all sorts of emotions along with follow up inquiry. Case in point, what have I believed…

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The Prodigal Church: The End or A New Beginning?

By: on March 22, 2014

The Church in America is in decline.  The question many recent books have asked is why and if there is any hope?  Diana Butler Bass’s Christianity After Religion provides a generous dose of statistics to illustrate the extent of this crisis.  She points out that in 1970, “some 95 percent of Americans said they were…

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Jesus, the Real Thing

By: on March 21, 2014

According to Douthat, American Christianity has lost its moorings from the harbour of the orthodox faith. We are in an age where “the only Jesus who really matters is the one you invent for yourself.” [i]  Where accommodationists imitate Jesus’ “scandalously comprehensive love, while ignoring his scandalously comprehensive judgments.” [ii] A period when conspiracy theorists…

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Bad Religion

By: on March 21, 2014

A couple of years ago, I was invited to share about my ministry with a mission committee at one of my ministry partner churches in the area. I gave them an overview of what we do and how their generous support helps us provide our communities with basic physical needs by building elementary schools, for…

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What Got Us Here – Won’t Get Us There

By: on March 21, 2014

I was encouraged in my Focus 40 devotion for day ten leading up to Easter. It addressed, in a round-about way, the theme in much of the book Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics by Ross Douthat.[1] The devotion, written by missionary Kelly Philips, faces the problem of how Christianity, which includes each…

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Paradoxical Orthodoxy

By: on March 21, 2014

What do you see in the picture above?  What you see may depend on what you are looking for.  Also, what you see one moment may not be there the next moment, or it might be the opposite of what you saw in the first place.  Or perhaps you see two different things at the…

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The Colors Tell the Story

By: on March 21, 2014

As I read this weeks book Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics, I was awed by the author’s writing ability, not simply by his ingenious craftiness of sentence structure but by his incredible ability of synthesis – taking many historical facts both positive and negative and reconstructing in a few pages the…

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Tennis, the Real Thing and …

By: on March 21, 2014

Heresy is a word that seems to be thrown about with too much ease, almost like a ball tossed in the air for a tennis serve.  Struck with passion and force it is upon its opponent quickly resulting in a defensive response. A noticeable similarity between tennis and heresy is in the volley.  Yet surprisingly…

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Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall…

By: on March 20, 2014

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”  We all remember this phrase from the fairy tale Snow White.  Mirrors that could tell us what we want or what we envision, whether true or false, would probably sell out quickly at the local retailer – if they existed.  But this was a…

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Boisterous Bad Religion Blog

By: on March 20, 2014

I am the ultimate optimist. The glass is always half-full. See a basket of lemons? Let’s make lemonade. And there is always a silver lining, or something to learn from a difficult situation, even when there seems to be no hope at all. Some may call me naïve or an idealist, but I pray to…

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Why don’t we learn from bad history?

By: on March 20, 2014

The rise and decline of the church’s influence in the 20th century was affected by various factors and trends of that day. Political, economic, geopolitical, and inner self-awareness all effected how Christianity was viewed in society, either positively or negatively. Douthat, in his book Bad Religion, explains that every human being is religious and believes…

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A Handy Tool

By: on March 20, 2014

“Sudsy” was his nick name, used only by the students and only behind his back!  He was an average looking guy except he always was a bit disheveled.  His nickname came from gossip, though quite broadly substantiated, that he drank a bit to much beer, or “suds” as it was called back in the day…

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A Momentary Respite from Ideas about God

By: on March 20, 2014

The topics of discussion today in my Biomedical Ethics class were Natural Law Theory, the Doctrine of Double Effect, the Principle of Totality, and Animal Testing. Whew! A great debate ensued between my students about ideas, ethics and if there are “natural laws” as Aquinas might define them. In our doctoral reading this week, “A…

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