Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Is there any hope for the Church in D.C.?

By: on September 16, 2024

Both Fuller and Wallis’ books were helpful primers for our week together in DC and I am looking forward to learning from them both together as cohorts! Fuller seeks to add perspective in his book High Ceilings and his own insights into a long history of scholarship and debate around the biblical role of women in leadership.…

12 responses

Brett Fuller and Jim Wallis: Two Prophetic Voices for America today

By: on September 16, 2024

Brett Fuller’s Dreaming in Black and White[1] In his book Bishop Brett Fuller shares how racism impacted his own family and how their response helped them to rise above the feelings of anger associated with it.  Fuller shares how racism is systemically built into our nations systems.  Fuller makes a call for reconciliation and how…

10 responses

We Are the Ones We Are Waiting For

By: on September 16, 2024

This past Thursday evening, Brad and I sat in Hoover auditorium with a small group of professors, students and community members listening to Michael Wear give a lecture on his newest book, The Spirit of our Politics[1].  Michael wrote his profound and hope-filled book for those who are discouraged and exhausted by bitterness and rage in…

7 responses

Putting Faith into Action

By: on September 16, 2024

This post will discuss two authors whose works challenge readers to think and act in ways that seem contrary to conventional politics. Brett E. Fuller is a Christian pastor, author, who also serves as chaplain for the Washington Football Team. High Ceilings: Women In Leadership, offers a different perspective regarding  where and how women are…

8 responses

DC Bound

By: on September 16, 2024

It’s hard to believe we’re preparing for our final advance. It seems like only yesterday when I arrived in Cape Town with NO IDEA what to expect. I remember thinking the 3rd year students were so… advanced. And that this was going to be an exceptionally long process. However, this program has sped by, and…

13 responses

Questions for the Authors

By: on September 16, 2024

I loved the inspectional readings for this week. I found myself agreeing with both authors time and time again and look forward to our advance to hear their lectures in person. I will certainly be diving back into these books to read them completely. This blog will overview this week’s readings and posit some questions…

9 responses

Life-changing. Not for me. So much yes.

By: on September 16, 2024

  Brett Fuller is Senior Pastor at Grace Covenant Church in Chantilly, VA. He serves as Chaplain to the NFL’s Washington Football Team now known as the Commanders, and has served on President Bush’s Advisory Board for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. He is known for his efforts in and emphasis on Christian peacemaking and…

8 responses

Planning to Win.

By: on September 15, 2024

Basically, How to Win For this particular reading or blogpost assignment, I have picked the book by Sun Tsu, “The Art of War.” It is claimed to have been written around the 5th Century BCE by a Chinese military strategist by the name Sun Tsu, and it said that the original text was written on…

one response

I Will Know How Much You Love Me by How You Treat Them

By: on September 15, 2024

This week’s assignment brings continued thoughts about power and dominance over those who are disenfranchised following my recent blog on John Wesley’s book, Thoughts Upon Slavery. Authors Jim Wallis and Brett Fuller bring meaningful and unique viewpoints that combine Biblical and historical reflections with contemporary ideas on leadership and justice. Jim Wallis, who wrote God’s…

4 responses

Leadership as Practice of Abiding in Christ

By: on September 13, 2024

When asked to choose a book about leadership that has been in print for at least 300 years, it was interesting to search and not find anything that was explicitly stated as a leadership book. It got me thinking about how, in the Christian tradition that I’m familiar with, there was much more emphasis placed…

11 responses

The delicate balance of Leadership and Humility

By: on September 13, 2024

  As I enter my final year of Doctoral work on Leadership, I am left with more questions than answers.  We began our studies with a profound quote from our professor that I have found myself repeating to others; “As the island of our knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance.”[1] Studying leaders…

9 responses

Exploring Leadership Through Plato’s Republic

By: on September 12, 2024

In his introduction to Athanasius’ On the Incarnation, C.S. Lewis recommended reading old books. He contended, “ Every age has its own outlook. It is specially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes. We all, therefore, need the books that will correct the characteristic mistakes of our own period. And…

9 responses

A Call to Deviation

By: on September 12, 2024

  It has been said, history has a way of repeating itself. Who would ever imagine that a book published three hundred years ago could still find relevance today? Oh, I forgot-we are in Seminary….. Let me clear this up, what book other than the Bible??….. An argument can be made that books having long…

13 responses


By: on September 12, 2024

I recall seeing Brother Lawrence’s The Practice of the Presence of God mentioned by Ruth Haley Barton, Richard Foster, Henri Nouwen and others. If leadership really is influence, then Brother Lawrence was a great leader, having influenced so many of these important authors on the topic of spiritual formation. I admit to struggling in the…

18 responses

Agricola: Leadership Lessons From History?

By: on September 12, 2024

History has long provided innumerable examples of leaders, some virtuous and others despotic. Whether upright or cruel, the recorded life stories of history’s leaders offer insight into the past, wisdom for the present, and a cautionary voice for the future (as history often repeats itself). The biography Agricola was written in AD 98 by the Roman…

12 responses

If the Son Sets You Free, You Will be Free Indeed

By: on September 12, 2024

October 31, 2017, marked the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation is said to have started when Martin Luther posted his famous 95 Theses in 1517.[1] I celebrated this milestone with my house church in Islamic Africa. It was an inspiring day as we reflected on the Reformers’ sacrifices. It was not lost…

16 responses

Aristotle’s Happiness Project

By: on September 12, 2024

“It occurred to me that there were two sets of virtues, the resume virtues and the eulogy virtues. The resume virtues are the skills you bring to the marketplace. The eulogy virtues are the ones talked about at your funeral–whether you were kind, brave, honest or faithful. Were you capable of deep love?”-David Brooks, The Moral…

6 responses

The Art of Avoiding War whenever we can

By: on September 12, 2024

I work to inspire and equip followers of Jesus to embrace peace and reconciliation, but these important end goals can never be reduced to the absence of conflict — one must learn peacemaking and peace building as part of the non-violent path to resolving division, or avoiding war whenever possible, which is not always feasible.…

7 responses

A Rule of Life

By: on September 12, 2024

How does one grow in Christlikeness in a world that makes it difficult for someone to do so? The Rule of St. Benedict was written by Benedict of Nursia, to help monks live in a monastic community as they sought to grow in Christlikeness together. Benedict became a monk at age 20, after being exposed…

11 responses

When Less Becomes More

By: on September 12, 2024

The Rule of Benedict dates back, approximately to the mid-600s AD. Today, it remains a constitution of sorts that men agree  to follow when entering a Benedictine monastery. Although Benedict called the book, “a little rule for beginners,” it prescribed every aspect of the daily life for the community.[1] Benedict believed that by following the…

10 responses