Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Or is it Vulnerability, Shame & Courage?

By: on March 1, 2018

Acknowledge – Examine – Resist – Self-Knowledge – Identity in Christ[1] Gary McIntosh and Samuel Rima’s compelling text Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership: The Paradox of Personal Dysfunction spells out harmful leadership traits (and examples to examine) and preventive measures to avoid creating harm as a leader. “The point is not that leaders have…

9 responses

Lead in the Light

By: on March 1, 2018

My Dad used to paraphrase Proverbs 3:5-6 as I was growing up.  He would say, “Son, I’m proud of you, trust God with all your heart and He will always show you the path to follow.”  Regarding leadership my Dad said, “Always do your best, don’t follow the crowd, and keep a few close friends…

9 responses

Billy Graham, Tony Alamo, and the Dark Side of Leadership

By: on February 28, 2018

Working in my office today, I stumbled across a live feed from the U.S. Capitol Building.  The deceased Billy Graham, the most well-known preacher in the modern world, was given the privilege have having his body “lie in honor” in the Rotunda.  I had already read that Graham’s coffin was handmade by inmates in Louisiana’s…

14 responses

Feed the White Dog

By: on February 28, 2018

There is a Native American legend that speaks to the warring of good and evil within us. It is said that within each of us is a white dog and a black dog, and you feed the one you want to grow stronger. “The reality is we can never completely eradicate our dark side”[1] but…

12 responses

Fallen Leaders or Transformed Servants?

By: on February 28, 2018

You know that feeling you get when someone speaks glowingly about a person that you think very little of? You roll your eyes a bit, and if you’re a grace-full person, try to think of some polite way to respond. To be honest, it was difficult for me to work my way through Overcoming the…

10 responses

Close to the bone

By: on February 28, 2018

Some of you already know. Many of you will understand more after this post. This book was written for me and about me, it simply came into my hands several years too late. The ‘dark’ or ‘unexplored’ side of leadership has already spewed out, causing havoc to family, friends, colleagues, and people I serve in…

11 responses

Confronting Potential Failures

By: on February 28, 2018

It is unfortunately true that in our day the ministries of many prominent leaders have been compromised by moral and ethical failures. This is not only tragic for the people involved in these problems, but it is a black mark on the church. It is also very sad to think of how we are letting…

6 responses

Use the Force to Examine Thy Self

By: on February 28, 2018

So many statements in Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership: How to Become an Effective Leader by Confronting Potential Failures by Gary McIntosh resonated with me and my work. The author’s definition of the Dark Side is what keeps me in business as a therapist. McIntosh defines the Dark Side as “the inner urges, compulsions,…

7 responses

The Scandal of Certainty

By: on February 25, 2018

I was first assigned the seminal book, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind by Mark Nol l as part of an undergrad religion course and I knew after reading the now ubiquitous opening sentence of the book, ‘The Scandal of the Evangelical mind is that there is not much of an evangelical mind.’  I knew that I didn’t…

6 responses


By: on February 23, 2018

I love being unique when finding a gift for birthdays or Christmas. Distinction in the midst of conformity is what calls to me. As an American, we fight to be individuals or fight to be recognized as someone special-more than an award for participation. We like to find our individualism believing we have overcome any…

15 responses

Pieces in a Jigsaw Puzzle

By: on February 23, 2018

“Fundamentalist naiveté concerning science was matched by nineteenth century traits that undercut the possibility for a responsible intellectual life…included a weakness for treating the verses of the Bible as pieces in a jigsaw puzzle that needed only to be sorted and then fit together to possess a finished picture of divine truth; an overwhelming tendency…

8 responses


By: on February 23, 2018

The only thing I love more than teaching is learning. Some people love jewelry, I just want more books. And book discussions. And journal articles. And classes. I admit it, I am completely addicted to learning. I’ve been in grad school longer than most people are in high school and college combined, and I still…

16 responses

Status or humiliation.

By: on February 23, 2018

At age thirteen I was pretty obsessed with being and looking ‘cool’. Going from the top of the food chain in grade school to being part of the new younger group of kids in middle school who were coming from several feeder schools, made me want to both fit in and stand out. I wanted…

20 responses

The Rebel Sell Worked On Me

By: on February 22, 2018

Even though I was just a 10-year-old boy, I still remember the moment Hulk Hogan, pulled out the black and white nWo (New World Order) shirt and turned his back on the WCW and betrayed his partner with a leg drop. Hogan was the good guy! He was the Real American! Fight for the rights…

7 responses

How Billy Graham MIGHT Have Reviewed This Book

By: on February 22, 2018

In 1987, I took my mom (in her wheelchair) to a Billy Graham Crusade at Mile High Stadium in Denver, Colorado. I was 21 years old, mom was nearing the end of her life, but she wanted to hear this evangelist no matter what, so she could see with her own eyes folks “flood the…

10 responses

Cool…not me

By: on February 22, 2018

In their book The Rebel Sell: Ho the CounterCulture Became Consumer Culture Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter make the argument that being “counterculture” is actually not a strike against capitalism and consumerism. In fact, it feeds directly into capitalisms ultimate goals, to package and resell what they believed to be fighting against it. I have always…

8 responses

Christ, Science, and the Evangelical Mind

By: on February 22, 2018

  “The mind is important because God is important.” 1 – Mark Noll     In May of 1984, I sat in the pew of First Baptist Church, Mt. Juliet, Tennessee for the annual baccalaureate service.  I was an upcoming High School graduate, ready for the next chapter in my life.  The pastor, a man who…

12 responses


By: on February 22, 2018

The company started by providing full time jobs for local artisans in Costa Rica…their artisan community “has expanded from Costa Rica to El Salvador, India, and more. Now 200+ artisans can depend on steady income in positive working environments, thanks to the support of Pura Vida bracelets customers.” They have partnered with “over 174 different charities…

15 responses

The Evangelical Leadership

By: on February 22, 2018

  “There wasn’t a major Protestant leader in America who obstructed King’s Beloved Community more than Billy Graham did.”  by Michael E. Long, author of “Billy Graham and the Beloved Community: America’s Evangelist and the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr.   Author Mark Noll is a historian of American Church Culture. He addresses the influence…

5 responses

The two faces of philanthropy

By: on February 22, 2018

“Wanna buy a watch?”  The words were repeated, “Wanna buy a watch?”  Mumbled under their breath in a stage whisper, Chinese vendors surreptitiously approached us in Beijing’s Tienanmen Square. We stopped to view their wares. One of the many watches for sale contained the image of Mao Tse-Tung, arm waving frantically, uselessly. We laughed at…

9 responses