Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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The Irony of This Book

By: on March 14, 2018

It appears that James Davison Hunter, author of To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, & Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World, may be somewhat biased against groups and organizations that are fighting for the rights of the marginalized in our country. In fact, he basically says that America has gone to “hell…

7 responses

Closed Minds, Open Minds

By: on March 13, 2018

If you know me, chances are that you have gathered that my social and political leanings are a BIT left of center. Being a “liberal” in a conservative family and church tradition can easily put me into an “us vs. them” mindset if I’m not careful. In order to keep my mind and heart more…

12 responses

Taming the Social Church Animal

By: on March 13, 2018

When we consider shaping church culture, it is advantageous to view it as an emergent system, created as the result or outcome of all the parts coming together. “Emergent systems exist when different elements come together and produce something that is greater than the sum of their parts.”[1] For instance, “a marriage is an emergent…

5 responses

A Spoon Full of STORY Helps the TRUTH Go Down.

By: on March 13, 2018

  Several weeks ago, I began listening to the Audiobook The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement by David Brooks.  Brooks is a cultural commentator and a write for The New York Times.    As I began listening to The Social Animal, I was intrigued by its design.  Brooks had compiled a massive…

10 responses

Sacred Calling and Protestant Ethics

By: on March 10, 2018

“What is your calling?” This is a normal question to college and seminary students. As they are in the process of education toward a degree, they are also in a space of vocational discernment. Ideally their discernment includes internships where they glean experience to enliven their education through practical scenarios to taste and see whether…

16 responses

Jesus The Capitalist

By: on March 9, 2018

The title is offensive: Jesus the capitalist. Even for someone who is proud to be American, it is painful to see Jesus boiled down into a narrow ideological and political party. Jesus the Socialist, and Jesus the Communist don’t seem to work either.[1] This relevant tension between religion and politics is part of what makes…

9 responses

Confucian Capitalism

By: on March 9, 2018

“Our puritan background has allowed about half the population to want to work hard and the other half to want a hand out.” said a friend of mine this week as we discussed Max Weber’s book Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism.1 Weber asserts that capitalism and the economic growth of the west has…

15 responses

Doing Stewardship Weber Style

By: on March 8, 2018

Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is considered to be one of the most controversial, canonical, and renowned 100 year works that foretells the Protestant influence in the creation and development of modern capitalism.  Parsons describes Weber as “one of the most eminent empirical analysts of society of his time.”[1]  I…

8 responses

Protestant Work Ethic

By: on March 8, 2018

In the past few weeks we have been reading books that were a challenge to me, not so much because they were difficult reads, but up until last week, I had a very hard time connecting with the books. Mainly because I have a hard time connecting with socialism as a viable method of government.…

10 responses

Church Growth and Other Painful Endeavors

By: on March 8, 2018

It happened at the gym. I had just hopped on an exercise bike, started moving the pedals and began to read the next book from my Doctor of Ministry reading list. The book was Leadership Pain by Samuel R. Chand. Now, even though this book had a name that was attractional as “How to Make…

8 responses

The Truth Hurts

By: on March 8, 2018

It’s an easy stretch to apply Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism to the world refugee crisis.  It is another piece of the leadership and global perspectives learning puzzle which is heavily focused on globalism and capitalism this semester (with a good dose of sociology throughout).  As noted in Heath and Potter’s…

14 responses

Growing Pains and an asterisk: a post in two acts

By: on March 8, 2018

This week we read the book Leadership Pain: The Classroom for Growth by Samuel Chand.  I initially misread the title as Leadership PLAN which lead to a few minutes of confusion, to be sure, but really wouldn’t have been that far off.  Chand is essentially proposing that to lead is to experience pain and, in fact, your…

10 responses

When Does Building Wealth Become Greed?

By: on March 8, 2018

Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism proposed that because Calvinists believe in predestination, they developed a deep psychological need for clues about whether a person was actually saved. Therefore, the author asserts Calvinists came to value profit and material success as signs of God’s favor. [1] Supposedly, the Methodists, Baptists and others had…

10 responses

You Ask Amiss!

By: on March 8, 2018

Isaiah 65:17-23 (NKJV) 17 “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind. 18 But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing, And her people a joy. 19 I will rejoice in Jerusalem,…

9 responses

The flagrant waste of beauty

By: on March 8, 2018

One of the most profound and surprising days of my life was a day in 2008 which I spent touring the Vatican Museums with art historian Elizabeth Lev. Walking through the museums, she offered compelling insights and thoughtful interpretations of the frescos, adornments, murals, tapestries, mosaics, and statuary flagrantly littered throughout the sacred spaces of…

18 responses

The Shadow Side of a Work Ethic

By: on March 8, 2018

It’s an intimidating book, isn’t it? We’ve all heard of it, we’ve all talked about it, and it’s a cultural reference point. The Protestant Ethic and the “Spirit” of Capitalism by Max Weber has generated enormous scholarship, literary-critical response, as well as discussion within popular culture. And yet, this is a book that I had…

7 responses

Holy Ground

By: on March 8, 2018

One of the common phrases that many mothers say to their children when they act out is, “That was uncalled for.” That’s an interesting phrase, isn’t it? “Uncalled for.” It’s as if there is something outside of ourselves that calls us to be who we ought to be, and when we are acting apart from…

5 responses

A Call to Community

By: on March 8, 2018

Weber’s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism intrigues me. I understand why this work has stood the test of time, for though his empirical arguments seem to be rooted in personal observation, his theoretical explanations of the correlations between Protestantism and Capitalism resonate and draw the modern reader into the conversation. I found myself…

6 responses

Lose to Win

By: on March 8, 2018

As a leader it is inevitable that we will encounter experiences and situations that produce growing pains.  Some of which can come as a blindsided occurrence while others are a set of circumstances that have built up over time. Whether the pain comes from financial stress, staff issues, exponential growth or even personal crisis, each…

7 responses

Painful Transformation: 5 Lessons

By: on March 8, 2018

There is much in our assigned reading of Samuel Chand’s Leadership Pain[1] this week that troubles me (not least that the assumption of “success” is “growth”, or that a book written on leadership in 2015 uses male pronouns). I was bothered by the goal of ladder climbing, “devils” of resistance being signs we can/can’t handle…

10 responses