By: Harry Fritzenschaft on October 24, 2019
Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries is the Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Development and Organizational Change at INSEAD (Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires based in Fontainebleau, France). He also was the first fly fisherman in Outer Magnolia (I am not sure how this was verified, but this declaration is critical to de Vries’ notable…
By: Jenn Burnett on October 24, 2019
Monday was a significant day for Canadians. Our federal elections revealed a considerable shift in party support across the nation over the last four years and deep differences determined by region. We elected a liberal minority government, maintaining a liberal prime minister, but have two provinces without a single liberal representative. The Bloc Québécois, a…
By: Andrea Lathrop on October 24, 2019
Kets de Vries has put together a variety of cautionary essays in Down the Rabbit Hole of Leadership. It was helpful to remember his admission that he has been greatly affected by dystopian literature.[1] He writes about the dark side of leadership and yet still maintains a sense of hope. Perhaps his goal is that…
By: Nancy Blackman on October 24, 2019
Thinking about leadership and what kind of a leader I have been and am currently today, and what has been modeled to me is causing me to take pause. There seems to be a theme for the awareness of globalization and how it affects leadership – good and bad. This is true for our business.…
By: Shermika Harvey on October 24, 2019
In reading Down the Rabbit Hole of Leadership: Leadership Pathology in Everyday Life by Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, one can not help but contemplate the realities and effects of Christian leadership and influence in our great nation. It seems as, in our efforts to become enlightened, to find truth, to understand what’s happening…
By: Greg Reich on October 23, 2019
I am a connoisseur of leadership materials and have been for almost 30 years. It started in my late 20’s when I went to a pastors conference to listen to John Maxwell who at the time was the lead pastor of a large Methodist Church in San Diego, California. During that period, he was one…
By: Steve Wingate on October 23, 2019
I focused my reading on section three of our text, “The Variability of Leadership: What’s Core and Contingent” because in the pastorate the variables are many, the need to exegete the community and situations are critical, and the need to discern what is core for a life-giving community are very similar to sustainable businesses. Therefore,…
By: Rev Jacob Bolton on October 23, 2019
Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries happens to be one of the worlds “leading thinkers on leadership, coaching, and the application of clinical psychology to individual and organizational change”[1] and his recent collection Down the Rabbit Hole of Leadership is both highly readable and easily applicable. In fact, most of the chapters were “originally written as…
By: Jer Swigart on October 21, 2019
Leadership is a complex endeavor. With myriad definitions and various forms of practice, it’s a concept that conjures over 5.5 billion references on Google. Many of the books written on the topic help the individual identify what kind of leader she is, offer input into how she can overcome leadership obstacles, or advise on the…
By: Karen Rouggly on October 21, 2019
I strive to be a leader that creates space for all those around me to feel as though they can be whole persons, and bring all they are to the table each day. A lot of this I took from my mentor, Brené (and yes, she and I are on a first name basis. She…
By: Shawn Cramer on October 21, 2019
Stories are the air we breath, the lingua franca of our existence. Our actions are constantly in line and in sync with the story we most believe at the time. Above the desk in which I join our Zoom calls lies one of my prized possessions. It’s that proverbial one thing I would grab if…
By: Dylan Branson on October 21, 2019
Leadership is a tricky topic to discuss. As the Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice shows, there are not just many definitions of what leadership is, but many different ways in which it manifests itself. Although we may try to systematize leadership in a clear cut way, the reality is much more complex. There is…
By: Darcy Hansen on October 20, 2019
If an unsettling began when I watched the documentary Dying Green for my Pastoral Ministry class, then complete disruption happened when I read the first couple chapters in Grave Matters, by environmentalist, Mark Harris. Harris walks readers through the historical terrain of how American’s care for their dead, from the most toxic to the most…
By: Shermika Harvey on October 20, 2019
When one thinks of transition in a organization’s leadership, it is common to consider the elements surrounding the development and the people in which the transition will affect such as the remaining executive leaders and staff of that said organization. The remaining executive leadership carefully considers the necessary course of action for seeking a new…
By: Tammy Dunahoo on October 19, 2019
As an ordained rabbi, family therapist, and leadership consultant, Edwin H. Friedman tapped into the emotional processes within society describing the failure of nerve in leaders as a result. According to Friedman, leadership is often neutralized by four emotional responses: reactivity, herding, blame displacement and a quick-fix mentality. The characteristics that define herding in highly…
By: Simon Bulimo on October 19, 2019
DOING VISUAL ETHNOGRAPHY A VITAL TOOL FOR RESEARCH The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (2004), defines the following terms: Visual as a noun is a picture, map, piece of film used to make an article or talk easier to understand or more interesting. Ethnography is the scientific description of different races and cultures Ethnographer is a…
By: Wallace Kamau on October 19, 2019
“The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, secure and at ease. If you always do what is easy and choose the path of least resistance, you never step outside your comfort zone. Great things don’t come from comfort zones.”[1] We’re operating in a world of safety and comfort, where…
By: Mary Mims on October 18, 2019
The word sabotage always brings to mind espionage or even, intrigue. It is the act of someone ruining an event or project for the sole purpose of stopping advancement or progress. Many times when things go wrong at work or in ministry, the thought of sabotage comes to my mind. Ministry is supposed to be…
By: Joe Castillo on October 18, 2019
I appreciated Nohira and Khurana and their approach to leadership. Even dough they addressed a secular audience, they are very inclusive in pointing out essential elements to practical guidance. The author writes about two chapters that are very close to my heart. 1-13 – LEADERSHIP AND CULTURAL CONTEXT At the start of every age, a new…
By: Sean Dean on October 18, 2019
Water is an amazing thing. It can dissolve more substances than any solvent – including very caustic acids. It cannot be compressed making it usable as a both a weapon and a tool, it is able to sooth burns, can absorb an outrageous amount of energy before changing states and is the most important ingredient…