Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Category: Comedy

You say “tom-a-to”, I say ‘tom-ah-to”

By: on September 4, 2022

This week’s assignments on culture mapping with Erin Meyer and the Power Point video with Karen Tremper made me think of situations I have experienced living cross-culturally. Meyer’s material was enlightening. Learning which countries were high context and low context, and the differences in communication between the two helped me better understand why some situations…

2 responses

Learning to Read: A Romantic Comedy

By: on September 1, 2021

My relationship with reading began in Mrs. Owen’s second grade class at Russellville Elementary School in East Tennessee. When the reading period came around a few classmates and I filed ourselves outside and into portable classrooms. While the rest of our class tapped into the magical land of books I played remedial “video games” meant…

9 responses