Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Building Bridges

Written by: on June 8, 2020

Building Bridges

About the Author

John Muhanji

I am the Director Africa Ministries Office of Friends United Meeting. I coordinate all Quaker activities and programs in the Quaker churches and school mostly in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The focus of my work is more on leadership development and church planting in the region especially in Tanzania.. Am married with three children all grown up now. I love playing golf as my exercise hobby. I also love reading.

One response to “Building Bridges”

  1. Mary Pandiani says:

    John – thank you again for your presentation last week. The overflow of your spiritual practices, even playing golf, extends to those in your ministry, cohort, and beyond. With your intentions to live through the power of the Holy Spirit, you bring about God’s “kin-dom” that Emma Percy reminded us of in Oxford. You are a gift to all those you touch with your life.

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