A More Excellent Way Of Leadership.
Is it not interesting that the light attracts all manner of insects and they will come from as far as the light is visible. A trip to one of the world’s biggest fresh water lakes, Lake Victoria in Kenya was very interesting when at night a ‘city’ emerged over the lake and I inquired what multiples lights across the lake meant. The fishermen, each had a lantern that attracted insects to their fishing vessel which in turn attracted fish into their nets. The fish in the process of following the insects are trapped in the fisherman’s net. I could not help but remember this scenario as I read about Francis of Assisi[1] who led by his example. When you lead others by doing it yourself, you put on a light for others to see and inspire them to follow your example.
Reading the journal on the theology of leadership underscores that fact there’s so much to learn about leadership from the Characters in the bible and from Christian values. Just from the artwork[2] on the cover illustrating different elements of Christian leadership, so much can be inferred. Francis of Assisi, is an unusual leader who chose not to take leadership titles yet exercised leadership influence on others because what he did was worth of imitation and emulation. His example stands out even today and many are inspired by his commitment to help the marginalized, his commitment to rebuild the church that lay in ruins with his own hands and his readiness to suffer for the ideals that he believed in. His example attracted followers who emulated him but the number kept growing to the point where they needed coordination as a group. Francis in the context can be referred as a reluctant leader but by his reluctance to take titles and to give command, chose the more excellent way of showing by example, wielded even more power of influence on his followers. This kind of leadership is highlighted in the words of the bible that likens us Christians as epistles written not with ink but with the Spirit of The Living God;[3] not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart. Jesus Himself says that true Christians to be the light of the world a city set on a hill that cannot be hid[4], this a superior way of leadership and a great example of servant leadership.
As I contemplate on the my dissertation work of financial literacy and as I develop a relevant Financial Literacy tool for pastors and church leaders to use; I realize that it will be easier to get more buy-in from other church leaders by using the tool practically in our church. It’s the results of practical and consistent training and the application of the principles by our church members that will draw the attention of other churches and inspire them to use the tool in their church congregations. It’s also a great encouragement to me of my conviction to develop the financial literacy tool. Just as Francis’s persistence in what he was doing attracted followers, I have to walk the talk by using the tool even when the results may take long to be seen which is typical of new things. As a leader, I have to arm myself with the attitude of persistence and consistence as I also apply the same principles in my life as an example to the trainees.
[1] Theology of Leadership Vol 1 No 1 (2018) http://theologyofleadership.com/index.php/tlj/issue/view/v1i1/v1i1
[2] Ibid…cover, pg 2.
[3] Bible, KJV. 2 Cor 3:3.
[4] Bible, KJV. Matthew 5:14
6 responses to “A More Excellent Way Of Leadership.”
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Great post Wallace. I enjoyed reading this essay as well. When you look at a lot of leaders in the bible many seemed to be the reluctant type but followed the Spirit regardless. I am rooting for you and the work you are doing! I’m sure you already know many areas that you will have to be the reluctant type of leader to see change come!
Thank you Mario, I appreciate that you’re rooting for me and the work that we’re doing. Its amazing how God works through the most unlikely people in society to do great works, it’s always humbling but it brings glory to God. To say the truth there’re many times that I’m the reluctant leader because I know too well that’s its not how well I do things but about how much I allow God to work and I point people to Him.
I think one of the aspects of Francis of Assisi that I found most beautiful was his imperfection. We find in Assisi, as well as our biblical examples, those who God used in spite of and because of their shortcomings. Why has it become so common for leaders to deny or coverup their shortcomings? At best we get a sanitized, victory-testimony, of their mistakes. What have we lost in this shift that Assisi reminds us to pick up? What is the vulnerability of the servant model? Thank you for your work Wallace!
Thank you Jenn,
How true that is that many deny or cover up their shortcomings and I will confess that I have fallen victim to that. Its so easy to fall victim, because we want to look good because naturally we’re driven by selfish desire to feel important and be recognized because that’s what counts in the world, yet Jesus calls us to deny ourselves and acknowledge Him.
Assisi reminds us that we’re nothing without Christ in us and we can do nothing without Him.
I am with you Wallace. I often struggle to balance practical application and theology with something I may find incredibly interesting but may not necessarily fit my ministry context.
I am very excited about the artifact you will produce as a result of your doctoral research. Thank you for shedding light on how the inspiration of Assisi is helping you to model financial literacy to those you desire to influence. Thank you always for sharing your unique insights and perspectives!