Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Dopamine: A Basic Element of Leadership

Written by: on November 24, 2024


“The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex and Creativity – and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race, “by Daniel Z. Liberman, MD and Michel E. Long is a very good book that has good foundation which were based on the studies and experiment on how it what it is and how it came about.

‘Dopamine,’ which is known as ‘the feel-good neurotransmitter’ a chemical that is released by the brain contributing to the feelings of satisfaction and pleasure as a part of a rewarding system. This elevates feeling good, wanting to do more and being attentive; it manages mobility, learning, and emotional responses as well.[1]

This concept of ‘dopamine’ was introduced by Dr. Fred H. Previc, in his book, “The Dopaminergic Mind in Human Evolution and History,” which was intended for study in neurobiology. But it was first discovered in the brain by a scientist researcher, Kathleen Montagu 1957.[2]

Dopamine, Cravings for More.

This dopamine is the very reason we never stayed satisfied for very long, it is what urges us into a world of possibilities, and just keep moving beyond the pleasure of being.[3] It could be the motivation behind filmmaker to produce sequels, production manager to push for more finished goods, business managers to target more profit, or maybe Church leaders work hard to increase their congregation.

Especially, during this age of advanced multimedia such like iPhone, digital tablets and computers, kids to adult are hooked staring and watching their device for considerable amount of time. I personally am guilty of that as well; by the time I realized it, I would already spend about one to two or even three hours already watching one movies after movies. Since it was created within our being, there must be a purpose for it.

Leadership and Dopamine.

Dopamine, the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter which is connected to reward, motivation, and experiences of pleasures has play an important role in ‘goal-directed’ behavior and seeking rewards which is essential in effective leadership. And one way a good leaders can sparks inspiration and motivation within their followers is by engaging the dopamine reward system.[4]

Dopamine gives the feeling of accomplishment such like achieving a goal or winning a game. It is a positive feelings that helps to stay concentrated, however, if it left unchecked, it could be dangerous and lead to addictive lifestyles like behaviors.[5] How should a leader harness or tame his or her dopamine?

In an article, “Hook Me Up to A Dopamine Drip: The Neuroscience of Leadership,” the author has three steps to leaders on how to harness their dopamine. They are “(1.) Have a compelling purpose (Why), (2.) Create a strategy with achievable milestones to get there (How), and (3.) Positive follow-up (What).[6]

Naturally Doping Myself

Since dopamine is not only important to a well-being, but to the capacity of being a leader, I had to find a way to increase my dopamine naturally. Following are 10 suggestions on how to improve your dopamine levels: (1.) Eat lots of protein, (2.) Eat less-saturated fat, (3.) Consume probiotics, (4.) Eat velvet beans, (5.) Exercise often, (6.) Get enough sleep, (7.) Listen to music, (8.) Meditate, (9.) Get enough sunlight, and (10.) Consider supplements.[7] Though more research are needed, they good habits for healthy living.

[1] Dopamine. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/dopamine. Accessed November 24, 2024.

[2] Liberman, Daniel Z.; Long, Micheal E.. The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex ,and Creativity –and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race. BenBella Books. Kindle Edition.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Neurotransmitter of Leadership. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/brain-reboot/202306/neurotransmitters-of-leadership?msockid=275e396eff156d7e02392c2cfeaf6cb4. Accessed November 24, 2024.

[5] Understanding the Chemicals of Leadership and the Impact They Can Have. https://business.wisc.edu/news/understanding-the-chemicals-of-leadership-and-the-impact-they-can-have/. Accessed November 24, 2024.

[6] Hook Me Up to a Dopamine Drip: The Neuroscience of Leadership. https://www.thehrdirector.com/features/leadership/hook-dopamine-drip-neuroscience-leadership/. Accessed November 24, 2024.

[7] 10 natural ways to raise your dopamine. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-to-increase-dopamine#10-strategies. Accessed November 24, 2024.

About the Author

Noel Liemam

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