Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Namatay si Alexa noong isang araw (Alexa died the other day)

Written by: on April 19, 2023

Namatay si Alexa noong isang araw (Filipino) Alexa died the other day.

My thoughts:

  1. Alexa died (intro)
  2. Impact on NPO
  3. 2023 – Facing the day. (Self Care) Treasure: Three outcomes, Rock – All the world is a stage, Ted talks, Book Reviews and Voice training.

 Alexa died the other day. 

When it snows in Colorado Springs, the internet goes hay wire and “internet unstable” flashes upon on TV and computer screens. Surprisingly, Alexa went silent.  I usually found Alexa (pronoun she or it?) intrusive when she would answer questions, I had directed to breathing creatures.  I always resented her suggestions for adding additional tasks and services.  I always would harshly say “NO.”

In response, I believe that Alexa ignored me when I talked too fast.  My wife would laugh and speak slowly to Alexa.  Who responded dutifully – and then Alexa died.  My wife sorrowfully said that we had had her for a while and that perhaps she had come to an end.  Alexa was a gift from my son, who thinks I am from another century.  Yes son, I am from the 20th century, my birth certificate says Territory of Hawaii and I did exist before there was an internet.

Why then was I saddened? In two heartbeats, my family immediately began to seek out a new version of Alexa. This is why Julian Treasure’s book attracts and alarms me.  He is absolutely correct when he says that communication today means fingers and a cell phone. He writes, “When we want to communicate, our first instinct is to reach for a piece of technology and type. [1]  The other day, my son came stomping downstairs saying that he had texted me and why was I not responding.  I shall spare you what I told him.

Treasure describes the tyranny of the eyes,[2] the cellphone, computer, the TV screen.  I am frightened because he is so correct. I am alarmed because he is also correct about AI’s.  If Alexa is a rudimentary form of an AI, then I have already, albeit reluctantly, turned to the dark side.  Society’s movement back to verbal communication is laced with salt, “when each of us has our own AI assistant, we will have no need to deal with dozens of apps and our umbilical connections with screens will be broken.” We will he adds, “communicate with other human beings by speaking and listening.”[3]

NPO Impact

While we wait for the AI takeover, Treasure clearly describes the process that the U.S. has come to in regard to immigration.  He writes, “The desire to be right is so strong that we are easily seduced to move down a long and slippery slope.  First come caricature, which makes it easier to dismiss those we disagree with.  Next is condemnation, prejudice and bigotry.  Ultimately the slope leads to hatred or difference, which has no place in democracy, which relies entirely on tolerance and civilized disagreement.”[4] This truly describes the serious chasm that exists between the Democratic and Republican parties on the topic of immigration. Civilized disagreement has long since disappeared from legislative action on addressing immigration reform.  On March 9, 2024, I have invited several speakers to address the topic of immigration.  I am tempted to lead with Treasure’s words…” We need more listening in politics, and we need it urgently.  Politicians meet often for ‘talks’.  Wouldn’t it be a better world if they met for ‘listen’s instead?”[5] Texas Republican Senator Cornyn’s office has been invited (no response so far).

The decades of discord over immigration legislation are played out in Duffy’s comment, “Immigration and religion are two of the most divisive issues in the world today.”[6]  The lack of listening and speaking abounds within U.S. politics and sadly within the U.S. Church.

James 1:19 – “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger,” could be liberally applied here.

Tom Chivers and David Chivers , in their book  How to Read Numbers,[7]  warns of the data and statistics viewed on Treasurer’s tyranny of the screen. Their book is a training module on how to discern the media’s interpretation of that data and their presentation of it to the general public.  Treasurer’s screen and Chivers statistics work together to inflame dialogue on immigration policy.

2023 – Facing the day. (Self Care)

These last two books, Rock and Treasure, are insightful, and both have recommendations for self-care. David Rock reminds us that our stage has only one spotlight and that we must be cautious about putting too much of our daily 2023 on the stage at one time.   He goes on to say that making a priority of prioritizing is key in maximizing our energy.  In short, this makes us less stressed out, and more effective.  Treasure continues this focus on self-care.

He is prominent on TEDtalks and his website is a treasure trove of face to face encounters. On September 5, 2017. https://howtobeheardbook.com/2017/09/05/3-outcomes-conscious-communication/  Treasure speaks to his “The 3 outcomes of conscious communication.”

Treasure writes, “I believe there are three overarching outcomes to conscious communication. These are outcomes that I’m sure you will care about a great deal, Wellbeing, Happiness, and Effectiveness.[8]

In short, Wellbeing – poor communication leads to misunderstanding, which can leave us feeling lonely and dejected, he adds, “it’s important that we listen not only to the people in our lives, but also to the everyday sounds that we encounter. Only then can we be aware of their impact and take control of our health and wellbeing through sound.” (from website)

2) Happiness – The only factors that do seem to correlate with happiness are connectedness and service.  People who have strong family and social connections, or who serve others in meaningful ways, tend to be happier than average.[9]

3) Effectiveness – Speaking and listening are critical skills if you want to make a difference in the world, to lead and inspire people or to be a great parent. [10]  From his website talk, “Communication skills impact our ability to persuade people – to enroll people in our ideas, our visions, and our visions. This has a huge impact on how effective we are and the outcomes we experience in life.” He adds, “Listening is also crucial for effectiveness – particularly in sales or leadership roles. If you run a team, listening is possibly the single most important skill to develop if you want to transform your effectiveness at work.”

TED talks and other places:

I am still digesting Treasure’s book.  As I feast on his use of sound in self care,  I should mention that he is easily found and fun to listen to on the internet, in addition to his 5 TED talks, he has some other interesting stuff.

  1. Verbal judo: 4 ways to use words to diffuse conflict, By Julian Treasure | September 5, 2017

Verbal judo: 4 ways to use words to diffuse conflict

  1. Julian Treasure: The 4 ways sound affects us. https://www.juliantreasure.com/blog/4-ways-sound-affects
  2. How to Speak so That People Want to Listen – Julian Treasure


  1. Vocal warmup exercises – https://howtobeheardbook.com/home/resources/





[1] Julian Treasure, How to Be Heard: Secrets for Powerful Speaking and Listening (Coral Gables, FL: Mango Pub. Group, 2017), 9.

[2] Treasure, 9.

[3] Treasure, 8.

[4] Treasure, 82.

[5] Treasure, 82.

[6] Bobby Duffy, Why We’re Wrong about Nearly Everything: A Theory of Human Misunderstanding, First US edition (New York: Basic Books, 2019), 87.

[7] Tom Chivers and David Chivers, How to Read Numbers: A Guide to Statistics in the News (and Knowing When to Trust Them) (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2021).

[8] Treasure, How to Be Heard, 14.

[9] Treasure, 14.

[10] Treasure, 15.

About the Author


Russell Chun

interlinkt.org is now ready for your Refugee Resettlement needs. 15 tasks, languages ESL plans coming

4 responses to “Namatay si Alexa noong isang araw (Alexa died the other day)”

  1. mm Pam Lau says:

    Russell, You have much to say about communication and technology in our current culture. From your perspective, what do you believe we have created for ourselves and the future of our society with such dependence on quick communication? Thanks in advance for thinking about this!

    • mm Russell Chun says:

      Genesis 11:6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

      Once upon a time, a computer geek college freshman said this to me. At first I was encouraged by this (1978). I used a typewriter back then in my journalism class. Then came word processing on a computer, big computer and now little computer.

      The other day my phone started talking to me while I was in a conversation with some young people. I passed the phone to a young woman from Vietnam and asked her to make the voice of the women to stop. There was laughter.

      Sigh. In Genesis, God described our potential and there was a tinge of dread in the inevitable creations of man.

      I don’t have much, but perhaps if we do in all things as guided by Matthew 6:33, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…. then perhaps the influx of technology will guided by those looking through God’s eyes.

      I have been trying to this concept to my readings. So I have an amendment to Kahneman, S1 (Heuristic), S2, (Analytical), S3 – Thinking and looking through the lens of God.

      I pray that our technological advances will be tempered by GODLY moral judgements.

      Sorry I don’t have a better answer. Shalom…Russ

  2. mm Jonita Fair-Payton says:

    I love that you were able to connect Duffy and Chivers and Chivers to your writing as well as bringing the focus back to your NPO. As we say, “all roads should lead to the NPO”. You have done a great job maintaining your focus on your research for your very important project.

    Now let’s talk about Alexia…I am convinced that she hates me and only wants to talk to my husband. She never responds when I need her to but I can’t get rid of her because she stores my grocery list. : )

    • mm Russell Chun says:

      Hi Jonita, thanks for your words of encouragement.

      Genesis 11:6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

      Pam asked me about the future of technology and this verse came to mind. In Genesis, God described our potential and there was a tinge of dread in the inevitable creations of man.

      I don’t have much, but perhaps if we do in all things as guided by Matthew 6:33, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…. then perhaps the influx of technology will guided by those looking through God’s eyes.

      I have been trying to this concept to my readings. So I have an amendment to Kahneman, S1 (Heuristic), S2, (Analytical), S3 – Thinking and looking through the lens of God.

      Thanks for the reply…Shalom…Russ

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