Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Trộm cắp như kẻ gian – Stealing like a Villain (Vietnamese)

Written by: on March 7, 2023

Because I am surrounded by articulate and erudite people[1], and because I want to write the story I want to read (p.47).  Here is a portion of my “idea” that will be an endpoint in my NPO.  Drum roll please, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce you to Interlinkt!”

What is Interlinkt you wonder?  Well it is a telephone app, that will assist International Newcomers (refugees, humanitarian parolees, asylum seekers) and those church volunteers who desire to welcome, help integrate, and love them into the kingdom.

Volunteering at Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains doing their Job Training and English as a Second Language classes, I know that some caseworkers have 300 cases.  On a good week that might mean 15 minutes with each client.  The “volunteer” however, has partnered with 3 other couples to wrap themselves around the international newcomer.  They have time, but sadly, lack direction – according to Shanon Katsos, LFSRM volunteer coordinator.  They need something to guide them through the process.

Since everyone has a phone (refugees must also have a phone for all of their processing contact points), a free telephone app that guides the volunteer (empowering them) and the refugee (informing them), creates a more fruitful environment for quick integration into the local US communities.

What does it look like?




I have hired a coder to create the app and we are going to Alpha test it this summer.  Timeline, by May all 12 English language components, June = English and Spanish, July = English and Dari,  August = English and Swahili. (Ambitious, but it is my mountain to climb).

The Beta Test will be provided at a “Launch” coinciding with the Metroplex Literacy Conference at the Dallas Baptist University Pilgrim Conference room (March 2, 2024).  This conference is attended by around 120 ESL teachers from NGO’s and churches.  The International Newcomer sits in most of these classes.

Kleon states that the Internet can be more than just a resting place to publish findings (p.82).  In my plan, I will establish various media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc…) that will allow my Alpha and Beta testers to provide improvement feedback. I spoke with a “young” person who understands the arcane practices of social media. They will serve as my social media consultant.

On March 16, I am taking Kleon’s advice and putting on a costume (suit and tie) to be pretend to be something I am not (p.30, #1 faking it) while visiting the George Bush Institute at Southern Methodist University (SMU) to discuss immigration policy recommendations. I will try to #2 – pretend to make something until I actually make something (i.e. introduce Interlinkt)  (p.30).

Kleon says, let our passions talk to each other (p. 71).  This project embraces my spiritual action verse Deuteronomy 10: 18, orphans, widows and the alien amongst us,  two other passions – refugee assistance, and ESL instruction are intertwined in Interlinkt.  I am using the ESL teachers at Dallas Baptist University and Pikes Peak State college to evaluate Interlinkt’s use of Krashen’s Comprehensive Input theory for ESL acquisition.  (Bottom line: keep the ESL portion from becoming too boring).

Because geography is no longer our master (p.86), I am finding like-minded S1 thinkers[2] who desire to assist refugees and who are now branching into S2 thinking on the “how to ” help.  Mosiax – a Portland based coalition of churches, Mosiac – an NGO in Houston, Immigration Connection a network in Minnesota and of course World Relief (national and international resettlement agency) have expressed interest in Alpha and Beta testing.

Today, I interviewed Cindy Wu who wrote, A Better Country: Embracing the refugees in our midst. [3]  I decided to climb her family tree (p. 15) to find out who was pivotal in shaping her thoughts.  Dr. Todd M. Johnson at Gordon-Cromwell Seminary emerged.  So did Matthew Sorens, World Relief Church Mobilizer.

Then tragedy struck!  She mentioned to me an organization that was working on a similar project, https://usahello.org/.  If I had not read Kleon’s book I would have been devastated, but he reminds us that “emulation is when imitating goes one step further, breaking into your own thing,” (P.38)  Shazam, I am saved!

Kleon, which I am sure is short for Klingon, has struck some mini chords in my reading of his work.  Listening to my cohort (a roman military formation) I was struck with how everything we read should enhance our NPO.  So here it is.

Why Vietnamese today? I just met  Pastor Hia Luong in Oklahoma City who wants me to do the app in Vietnamese for his Send Relief Center.

[1] Austin Kleon, Steal like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You about Being Creative (New York: Workman Pub. Co, 2012), p.13.

[2] Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 1st ed (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011).

[3] Cindy M. Wu, A Better Country: Embracing the Refugees in Our Midst, Second (Littleton: William Carey Publishing, 2022).

About the Author


Russell Chun

interlinkt.org is now ready for your Refugee Resettlement needs. 15 tasks, languages ESL plans coming

8 responses to “Trộm cắp như kẻ gian – Stealing like a Villain (Vietnamese)”

  1. Travis Vaughn says:

    Russ, brother this is a huge and ambitious project! Thank you for letting your cohort get a sneak peak of the product looks like. As I read your post, I began to wonder if you had connected with World Relief. Our church near Atlanta has partnered with them in the past, and I think they would be the perfect agency to be made aware of your project (but I see that you referenced them in your post), if you are adding to your feedback loops.

    I was encouraged by the spirit you displayed when you learned that another organization was working on a related project. And I agree with Kleon (and you) — this is only going to contribute to you discovering your unique / “novel” voice, especially as you navigate emulating others.

    Two more things: At what point could I mention your project to some leaders in our church / presbytery? Secondly, I’m curious what company you might have hired (or perhaps it was an independent contractor) to do the coding? If you add a coder to the mix, I know Band of Coders, headquartered in Atlanta but distributed throughout the U.S. and beyond, do an amazing job.

    There’s a couple of other names that come to mind as I think of who would love to know about your work.

    • mm Russell Chun says:

      I may need those coder links. This is virgin territory for me. The young man I hired is in my Sunday bible study. I am sure we will do well, but I am prepared to get help to augment his work. (He is a ripe old age of 24).

      On sharing the Interlinkt? I really need to discipline my self to flesh out the Goal Based Instruction training Modules. I have the job training one done, only 11 more to go!

      Actually, this will probably be the “life’s work” that every one is talking about. Phase 1 will have those requirements that Refugees must master. Phase 2 Humanitarian Parolees (Ukrainian/Afghanistan) will follow quickly. Phase 3 will address DACA and asylum seekers. Sigh…

      On sharing…I am ready to talk to ANYONE who is working with International newcomers. They are where the rubber meets the road and if they want to be a part of the alpha or beta test (I learned these words from my coder) then shazam! Please give them my rchun22@georgefox.edu email.

      Your comments are encouraging…Shalom…Russ

  2. mm Jonita Fair-Payton says:

    I am so proud of the work that you are doing. Thank you for trusting us with a glimpse of your work. I love that you used Kleon’s words to motivate you and were not discouraged that someone else is doing something seemingly similar. your work has value and is authentic to your experience and the need that you have discovered in the immigrant community.
    Keep moving forward, my friend!

    • mm Russell Chun says:

      Thanks Jonita,
      It is only recently that my project has started to gain some focus. Ask, seek, knock. We studied this at my bible study tonight and I am seeing the “seeking and knocking” but as part of aligning my will with HIS.

      I am fastening my seat belt, I suspect He will be taking me for a ride!


  3. Esther Edwards says:

    Russell, I stand in awe of your creative mind! I can see how God has called you and this doctoral work “for such a time as this.” Our church does a great job of engaging and welcoming the international newcomers on Sundays but sometimes lack the tangible ways and means of providing help in the dailyness of what is needed. Thank you for the usa.hello.org. website link. What a great resource. I look forward to seeing how everything will converge for you as you move forward with your NPO. I am so thankful to be on this journey with you.

    • mm Russell Chun says:

      Hi Esther,
      As my research continues I am discovering so many like minded S1 folk that are digging deep into figuring out the “how.” (S2)

      Truly, God is moving peoples hearts in a new direction (finally). While I have slower hopes on congressional decisiveness, it is uplifting to find that God is moving in the hearts and minds of His church.

      Thanks for your encouraging comments…Shalom…Russ

  4. mm Kim Sanford says:

    Thanks for sharing about Interlinkt! This looks like a great tool and quite a big project to put together. In my previous life I was an ESL teacher, so I would love to take a closer look at it, maybe in Oxford?

    The USAHello site also looks helpful. I wonder what you could learn from their project? Might there be room for collaboration? I only took a quick look at their site but it doesn’t seem to have a section that guides volunteers, as you described in your idea. I think that’s a real strength of your plan (I’ve been in that role too, and it’s not always easy, as you mentioned).

  5. mm Russell Chun says:

    Hi Kim,

    Thanks for your insights. Every time I talk to someone I begin my tweeking process. THANKS for asking about collaboration – the thought had not crossed my mind.

    While “Interlink” is my rubber meets the road endpoint, I am also beginning my research, Past, Present and Future of the Immigration topic. I am searching for my key voices next week when I visit Fort Wort (my old stomping grounds – where I was the World Relief North Texas Volunteer Coordinator). I have meetings with Burmese and Spanish speaking pastors. I am praying that HIS will be done.


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