Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Jason T. Prezi

Written by: on June 10, 2019


About the Author

Jason Turbeville

A pastor, husband and father who loves to be around others. These are the things that describe me. I was a youth minister for 15 years but God changed the calling on my life. I love to travel and see where God takes me in my life.

3 responses to “Jason T. Prezi”

  1. Jay Forseth says:


    Loved your sharing and we all are thankful to hear your heart. Keep going strong for our Lord, Jason!


  2. Hi Jason,

    I was so sorry to miss the ZOOM chat when you presented your Prezi. I wish I could have heard your story. It has been a real joy to get to know you though this program.

    One thing that I have noticed about you that I saw in your prezi was the idea of having your theology stretched. That can be a scary place to be for a lot of people, and I really respect how you have been navigating the stretching!

    I also noticed that you mentioned valuing others’ voices. I feel like you have modeled that in our cohort.

    Thanks for your authentic engagements with us. I appreciate you!

  3. Mary Pandiani says:

    Jason – in your own words of wanting to listen more, I’m struck by how you started out the program with that longing. Standing among us at Cape Town, you cried out, “help me listen.” And now look at you – almost 3 years later, and you are acting on that listening through your ministry, your family, and your doctoral work. Grace, courage, and humility are words I’d use to describe you.

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