Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

When we believe we are always right, we are very wrong

Written by: on October 25, 2018

Geopolitics: a study of the influence of such factors as geography, economics, and demography on the politics and especially the foreign policy of a state[1]

Peter Frankopan admittedly was inspired to write his text based on the current state of geopolitics.[2]  He aims to challenge the paradigm of “our” western view of history, specifically to challenge assumptions about where we come from and what has shaped us.[3] What he proposes is that the “centre of the world” is not Eurocentric, but “some way to the east, beyond Mesopotamia and the Caucasus, in Iran and the “stans”.”[4] Frankopan’s approach is in direct opposition to western ethnocentrism, and especially to United States nationalism. “At an anxious moment in Western history, Frankopan encourages us to take a historical perspective, understanding how change happens in societies and how people typically react to it”[5]

Frankopan believes that the west is fading in its ability to shape the world.  In the United States, for example, citizens worry about migration, religion, terrorism, fundamentalism, the rise of different economies and globalism.[6]  Are these fears emotional reactions or do they have substance?  In this season of growing nationalism (proposed and promoted by President Trump), the silk road countries Frankopan refers to are economically rising (especially China) while the west declines.[7] In fact, the silk road countries are at their pinnacle economically and socially while the west is struggling. The nationalist rhetoric promotes the idea that “the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interests.” One of the many distorted beliefs in a nationalist mentality is that what happens on one side of the world does not have an impact on another.  There is no way to deny that the world has morphed into a big global community, and there’s no way to stop the trajectory of change.

I want to believe that it’s not too late to change course from the push for nationalism. It doesn’t need to be all gloom and disaster.  We are resilient and open in the west and we need to understand there are important lessons to learn from other countries.  It’s important to be hopeful about the future! So, how do we push back?  I look to Brene Brown’s new book, Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts for inspiration.

In evaluating President Trump’s narrative on the need for nationalism, Brene believes leaders can get masses of people behind them if they do two things – weaponize uncertainty and then give people someone to blame for their pain. If you accomplish these two things, you can do anything you want (such as convince people that Mexican immigrants are violent and drug lords, refugees/immigrants are terrorists, the crime rate in cities is outrageous, et. al.) “And no President has weaponized fear quite like Trump. He is an expert at playing to the public’s phobias. The America rendered in his speeches and tweets is a dystopian hellscape. He shapes public opinion by emphasizing dangers—both real and imaginary—that his policies purport to fix.”[8] HOWEVER, fear has a short shelf life.

Let’s examine the idea that the United States was built on Christian values and the proposed idea that we need to close our borders to outsiders or threats to our wealth to keep us safe.  I believe living in “light” requires us to be global – to welcome the foreigner – to care about human rights violations – to love those who wrong us – to engage in social justice.  None of these are embraced by our current administration and it hurts my heart, but also fuels my righteous indignation.  One point of light is that in May 2018 American clergy issued the “Reclaiming Jesus” manifesto, which “rejected Trump’s nationalist slogan of America First” as “a theological heresy for followers of Christ.” “The signatories included the Rev. Michael Curry, who preached at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. In the “Reclaiming Jesus” statement, he and 22 other clergy reminded Americans: “Our churches and our nations are part of an international community whose interests always surpass national boundaries.” They went on to say, “We, in turn, should love and serve the world and all its inhabitants, rather than seek first narrow, nationalistic prerogatives.”[9]

Jennifer Rubin, an opinion writer from a “center-right perspective” for the Washington Post, brilliantly proclaims “Nationalism is antithetical to America’s founding creed (“All men are…”) and contrary to the principles of a multiethnic, multiracial democracy. As with all radical, racially based dogmas, it countenances, indeed promotes, ends-justify-the-means politics, seeks to discredit the free press, and traffics in lies both big and small.”[10]  You know, it’s been said that glorious cultures are the most open. Do you believe?

If I could, I would challenge every pastor to prayerfully consider adopting this manifesto… but according to Brene Brown, stepping out with a difficult stance or conversation involves uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure.  Are you prepared to stay in the hard conversation?  Give hard feedback?  Receive hard feedback?  Leaders need to understand that clear is kind and unclear is unkind.  “Stop avoiding tough conversations because you are being unkind.”[11] Jesus was a master at being clear.  John 12: 35-36 says “Then Jesus told them, “You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them.”



[1] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/geopolitics

[2] https://bigthink.com/think-again-podcast/you-cant-stop-the-clock-nil-peter-frankopan-nil-think-again-a-big-think-podcast-110

[3] https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/sep/29/silk-roads-peter-frankopan-review

[4] https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/sep/29/silk-roads-peter-frankopan-review

[5] https://bigthink.com/think-again-podcast/you-cant-stop-the-clock-nil-peter-frankopan-nil-think-again-a-big-think-podcast-110

[6] https://bigthink.com/think-again-podcast/you-cant-stop-the-clock-nil-peter-frankopan-nil-think-again-a-big-think-podcast-110

[7] https://bigthink.com/think-again-podcast/you-cant-stop-the-clock-nil-peter-frankopan-nil-think-again-a-big-think-podcast-110

[8] http://time.com/4665755/donald-trump-fear/

[9] http://religionandpolitics.org/2018/07/17/the-christian-nationalism-of-donald-trump/

[10] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/opinions/wp/2018/10/24/three-interpretations-of-trumps-nationalist-rhetoric/?utm_term=.0fe06411c8e0

[11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEnqV_M_Dm4

About the Author

Jean Ollis

9 responses to “When we believe we are always right, we are very wrong”

  1. Dave Watermulder says:

    Thanks, Jean,
    I see you working here– to introduce this book and its non-euro-centric message, and then to pivot and apply that to your own area of research and interest. I agree that having this historical perspective helps us to see our own time and place differently. What is the old saying, “people who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it”? So, is this just an education thing, is it about conversations (as Brene Brown seems to indicate), or are there other ways to broach these discussions?

    • Jean Ollis says:

      You pose such great questions! I think the true solution is way more complicated than I propose…but I do believe the courage to have the difficult conversation is a good place to start. Education, of course, is important as well. I’m curious how you view the solution to this complex ethnocentrism in the west?

  2. Greg says:

    How anyone could believe that the countries of this world are not tied together is beyond me. Stock markets fluctuate in Japan when something happens economically in Germany. Wow Jean I had not heard about that Reclaiming Jesus Manifesto. I will need to look that up. Hard conversations are not where most of us like to be. I even think we like to imagine Jesus as a soft spoken man that told interesting stories rather than one that made us turn to look inwardly and challenge us to change. Good words Jean!! Preach it!

    • Jean Ollis says:

      You know more than any of us how Eurocentric the west can be. Let me know your thoughts after you read the manifesto – such a great way to unify as a Christian community to speak Christian love and support into marginalized groups.

  3. Jay Forseth says:

    Hi Jean,

    I was thinking of you all week amidst the crowd of people moving through Mexico unto our Southern US border. This comment of yours applies to this recent situation as well (nicely written by you), “Let’s examine the idea that the United States was built on Christian values and the proposed idea that we need to close our borders to outsiders or threats to our wealth to keep us safe.” I don’t think these mothers and their children are a threat, and I am sure you would agree with me, right?

    Keep walking in the Light!

    • Jean Ollis says:

      You are so right – it’s sad that asylum seeking individuals have been labeled “dangerous and terrorists”. This is such a complex issue, but creating a media “show” over this group continues to marginalize their true needs for refuge. The other fact that is left out of media coverage is that the moving caravan has been mostly peaceful – with lots of women and children. Thank you for having the same heart for the marginalized and oppressed that I do!

  4. Dan Kreiss says:


    I loved this quote; “I believe living in “light” requires us to be global – to welcome the foreigner – to care about human rights violations – to love those who wrong us – to engage in social justice.” I am thankful that not everyone has jumped on the ‘nationalism’ bandwagon but also recognize that there has always been a tendency to use fear as a tool for exclusion. It has been a major theme in U.S. history from isolationism to concerns that the Pope was going to use JFK as a puppet. Trump is just another iteration of something that has plagued our nation from the beginning. Do you think we will ever mature in that area?

    • Jean Ollis says:

      Unfortunately our humanness has perpetuated this same cycle for most of history. Our sermon this morning highlighted the fact that violence has been a part of our history forever – it’s no better or no worse now (this said in light of the Pittsburgh shootings yesterday). More than anything, our failure to change and mature makes me sad. Imagine how our God must feel.

  5. Great post Jean! I love how you challenge us to think and I also love how you often bring Brene Brown into your posts, and yes I think that manifesto should be adopted by every pastor. Thanks for your thoughtful post (much more than mine…for sure 🙂 )

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