LGP Stories

Personal Stories from DLGP

Christal Jenkins Tanks -Living Life Without Limits

Written by: on June 8, 2017

In just a few words

Christal Jenkins Tanks is just one example of how God continues to use His people to touch the world. As a native of the greater Pacific Northwest, Christal’s interests and influences stem from a great ability to take herself from the heart of the community to the corporate world. Her strong will and desire to achieve has continued to propel her into avenues she could have only imagined. Businesswoman and now author, her family, friends, and most importantly, God, have fostered her charismatic personality and passion to serve. Her life truly embodies God given purpose and determination; her destiny has infinite possibilities.”[1]


Christal Jenkins Tanks -Beyond the Surface

Purpose -driven, creative, visionary and strong leader are just a few words that describe the exuberant Christal Jenkins Tanks. She is driven daily to life out her purpose on purpose. Her life mantra is “to become everything God envisioned and purposed for her to become”. Christal believes that she was made in the image and likeness of an Amazing God and Creator. Because of this, she fully embraces the understanding that she was created to be creative. Christal’s life embodies the notion that she was made with infinite potential and therefore she lives her life without limits.

Everything in her life centers around Jesus Christ as the foundation. In building upon that foundation, her family has provided a solid basis for shaping the way in which she sees and engages in the world around her. As a daughter of two ministers, one a psychology professor and the other a clinical social worker, their commitment to family, the church and the community has had a major influence on her life. In addition to her parents, she relishes in being the oldest of four children. Today Christal takes joy in being a wife to an amazing, loving and supportive husband and mother to an awesome, creative, and jovial son.

Christal life calling exists in the intersection of Faith and Work. She is a dynamic speaker, preacher and author. Christal has a calling and desire to share the word of God in way that allows Jesus to be lifted up and the Holy Spirit to transform lives. She had never intended to become an author. It wasn’t until after church one Sunday after a message the pastor preached on rivers of living water that she felt compelled to write. Upon opening up her laptop she prayed and ask God to bless her hands and she began to write frantically for hours. The shock of what had occurred was at the time overwhelming but she soon understood the power of the Holy Spirit to enable us to do things that are “far more than [we] could ever imagine or guess or request in [our] wildest dreams![2]. That day an author was born. Christal is now the author of 3 books- Discovering the True Love Within (2009), LIVE! Speaking Life to Your Dry Bones (2012), Get It Out! Dream, Create and Make It Happen (2015) and the Co-Author of God Crazy Freedom (2013).

Her vocation extends beyond the four walls of the church into the marketplace and beyond. Since she was a little girl she has always been a strong leader and had a passion for people and helping people problem-solve and accomplish their intended vision and goals. Over the course of her life she has been able to enhance her business professional acumen through her academic advancement. Christal has a B.S. in Human Centered Design and Engineering (University of Washington), holds a double Master’s degree in Master of Art in Theology emphasis in Business and Applied Theology and Masters of Business Administration with an emphasis on Social and Sustainable Enterprise (Seattle Pacific University). Beyond the classroom, Christal has been blessed to work for many fortune 500 companies, own her own consulting business and travel all over world. Currently Christal serves her community through her membership and involvement in a variety of faith based and international civic organizations.

Her pursuit of this DMIN program is truly a culmination of her life’s work today. As Christal continues to prayerfully discerns her next steps, she remains driven and even more motivated to live out her purpose without limits. Her life truly embodies God given purpose and determination; her destiny has infinite possibilities.

For more information on Christal please visit www.christaljenkins.com


[1] Christal M.N. Jenkins , Christaljenkins.com, About, accessed February 20, 2017, http://www.christaljenkins.com/.

[2] Ephesians 3:20 MSG


About the Author

Christal Jenkins Tanks

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