I Love Theology!

I love theology. As much as anyone can love a subject that is so expansive, complicated and deep. I have grown so much as I have studied systematic theology over the past few years. Knowing theological history helps me to better understand Christianity since Jesus walked the earth. Jesus encountered those who knew and held on to history, but didn’t see the prophecy in the flesh in front of them. Jesus being the fulfillment to the Old Testament brought it to life and enlightened us into the New Testament days. Theology and theologians intrigues me: how can men and women view the same thing or issue so differently and yet still be a part of the same conversation. What once again has exploded off the pages is that one person, with one thought, can shape the future and course of history by expressing what they believe and how they believe it. The power in being a theologian and a communicator has once again captured me. This book brings a new balance against history and against philosophy that I have not encountered before. I like this new vantage point. Everything around us shapes our worldview and brings enlightenment to us. I’d say it’s a filter that we see things through. So I do love theology.
Over the past four years I have developed a love for theology. First was the book by Millard Erickson, also titled Christian Theology, which explored every possible viewpoint of theology. The author didn’t draw conclusions on must subjects, except for the specific ones that were his favorites. Then I read Truth Aflame by Dr. Larry Hart and he synthesized the multiple views of Erickson and simplified it with his own personal interpretation of all those views. He and his book brought me considerable growth in the area of theology. It did include the Pentecostal perspective, which is a breath of fresh air.
Christian Theology by Alister E McGrath has been assigned reading for this class and it has once again expanded my thinking. McGrath states right from the very beginning: “ This book aims to make the study of theology as simple and rewarding as possible. It is has been written assuming that you know nothing about Christian theology,” (xxv ) and this viewpoint makes this book very elementary but also very educational on all of theology. One of the things that I find intriguing is that in comparison as I read through the first section, what had been chapters in the other books was synthesized down to a couple paragraphs about people. History was stated very straightforward and multiple perspectives were addressed. Even theology in the modern period section of the book addressed things that I have not seen addressed such as black theology and theologies of the developing world. Philosophy and theology are addressed to give context to the theological perspective. The rest of the book contains the standard content for a theology book. The doctrines of the church and the staples of systematic theology are explained. It is written very straightforward and clear.
So what do I think? I love theology because it is shallow enough that it can be right on the surface. Face value Christianity is where you know Jesus, accept Jesus, love Jesus and live for Jesus. Second, I love theology because it can be really deep. Understanding the sacrament and baptism, which is so thick that it is, layer upon layer of thought, argument and theological warfare makes my head swim. But it really makes me think about what I believe. Third, I find that all of these books have the same content with different perspectives offered. The different perspectives make me expand my knowledge and to gain more understanding. It also gives me some insight on how different people perceive me. Same person but perceived from different vantage points. Can I make myself and what I preach and speak clear enough that everyone gets the same general idea of who I am and what I stand for in the arena of theology.
This book includes some things that others have not to bring a bigger picture. It includes people who would even be considered anti-Christian. They would even be considered individuals who have shaped the cause against Christianity in the United States. By viewing their work and viewpoint it really does make it better rounded. I don’t agree with every theologian and I don’t agree with every atheist but I can gain knowledge by knowing his or her viewpoint and stand. I thought that the closing of the book kept it true to the purpose: “ Christian theology can never fully capture that vision of God. But it can at least challenge us to think deeply about God and cause us to get excited about it’s themes.” (464) So to conclude: I love theology!
8 responses to “I Love Theology!”
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Great blog! You have captured the essence of the book extremely well and with a great analysis and conclusion. I like the question you ask of theology, “How can men and women view the same thing or issue so differently and yet still be a part of the same conversation?” It used to trouble me that Christianity had splintered into so many denominations, factions, sects and theological movements. But, now I see how these diverse perspectives put one in a position to seriously contemplate, reflect on and analyze various biblical themes and theological arguments in order to come to terms with their significance and meanings.
Great Blog! I like you theme and reasoning. I liked your perspective that each theologian has a different perspective on any given theological subject matter. When it comes to McGrath what was a theological stance or perspective that you resonated with or completely disagreed?
I love it: in theology the water is shallow enough for the beginner – simple enough for a child to know Jesus. And yet theology is so deep none of us will ever plumb its depths. It is, after all, the study of the infinite God. Thanks for this great reminder.
I also appreciate that McGrath deals with philosophers and theologians that are functionally anti-Christian, and yet his treatment of them is calm and not threatened by their views.
Nice one Kevin!
In your experience with youth, would you recommend this textbook to youth? If not, have you found a book, or other type of intro to theology that a typical church going teen would read?
I would suggest Dr. Larry Harts book Truth Aflame. It is a great read and has more straightforward takes at the end of each subject matter. This book does the same thing but sometimes teenagers can get lost as they look at the balance against the world ideas. With guidance I believe this book does a great narrative on theologians and theology. It is very friendly for new readers though.
I believe the thing that I agreed with the most is that this is a subject that can be understood if it is explained at a level that even students can grasp. His beginning statements to students and then to teachers of how to use this product along with the website is really refreshing for a scholar to intertwine the two worlds.
In order to answer culture’s philosophical question, one must understand their own theological answer. It’s interesting how Christian theologians differ, yet remain true to the basic tenants of the faith. One can see the characteristics of God so differently, yet still see the same God. This is not necessarily a pluralistic or relativistic phenomenon. It’s simply a uniqueness that occurs within the body of Christ that makes Christianity multifaceted and intricate. You stated, “Theology and Theologians intrigue me: how can men and women view the same thing or issue so differently and yet still be part of the same conversation.” This truth is baffling. How can an absolute faith be seen from various perspectives? Your observation reminds me of the Pauline letters – they’re audience specific. McGrath introduced us to the German theologian Jurgen Moltmann who was heavily steeped in Marxism and cooperate sociological and spiritual ideology of hope. McGrath reveals Moltmann’s eschatological stance of hope driven theology. He states, “It is therefore imperative that Christianity rediscovers its eschatology and realizes its enormous importance to a world which is longing for hope, and seeking that hope outside of the Christian tradition. Only by rediscovering its own theology of hope can the church hope to gain a hearing in a secular culture” (McGrath, 454). I’m not suggesting that Marxism is based in Christian theology; however, Moltmann has a point that is stepped in biblical truth. We are called to be the light of the world and a city on a hill. If the government is offering more hope than the church, then our theology and praxis need to be reevaluated.
I believe that the answer is that all of the past theologians make us think and then we have to decide for ourselves what our theology will be that we hold to. What we will teach and what we will let shape our future. There are things that I completely disagree with and there are things that I have become much more accepting to over the past four years.
Even this group of theologians that we are currently studying with will shape me and my future beliefs because I am submitting myself to this process to learn and become better. Thanks for being one of those theologians. Marx…not so sure I’m going with him!!