Accreditation team set to visit Newberg, Portland campuses next week

As you may have heard, a Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) accreditation team will visit the Newberg and Portland campuses next week, on April 8-10. Staff and administration are invited to consider meeting with the accreditation team at the staff and administration sessions that will be announced prior to the team’s visit.

At these sessions, or any time during their visit, feel free to speak honestly with the team about your position within the George Fox community and how you see your role as a member of our community working in support of the mission and core themes at George Fox.

Please take some time to review the resources available on our website regarding our George Fox University Mission and Themes as well as the Institutional Report, and at any time, contact academic affairs with any questions you may have regarding the team visit or accreditation process.

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