Join our group for commuters starting in January

Monday, December 6th, 2021

Are you a commuter student at Fox? Do you want to learn tools to better cope with stress and have better relationships? Do you want to connect with other commuter students? Do you want to earn chapel credit? Do you like cookies?

If so, you are welcome to participate in a weekly group starting in January 2022. The Creating Opportunities for Personal Empowerment (COPE) program is intended to help deal with topics such as stress management and communication. This intervention will be facilitated by Andrea Alexander, a nursing professor who is completing her doctorate.

For more information, contact Andrea at

View alumna Christine Swanson’s artwork at reception today in Lindgren Gallery

Sunday, December 5th, 2021

Join the Department of Communication and Design in celebrating the work of artist and 2014 alumna Christine Swanson today (Monday) from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Lindgren Gallery.

Swanson’s exhibition “En Plein Air” features over a dozen oil paintings that were created on site in some of Oregon’s treasured outdoor escapes. We will be serving light refreshments, and the artist will be present to share further about her work.

Questions? Contact Chandler Brutscher at See you there!

Plan to attend Christmas chapel on Tuesday morning

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021

It’s time for our Christmas chapel, and we want to worship with you! Join us from 10:50 to 11:40 a.m. this Tuesday, Dec. 7, in Bauman Auditorium.

We will have donuts for the first 200 people to arrive, musical worship led by our George Fox choir and worship ensemble, and a word from President Baker.

Everyone is invited, and the event will be worth two spiritual life credits. See you there!

Engineering majors: Join us for free pizza and career insight today

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021

Are you an engineering major who’s wondered how your career could change lives around the world? If so, join us for pizza in Hoover 105 today (Friday) at 4 p.m. to connect with staff from Engineering Ministries International (EMI) as they present real-life stories and fascinating projects from places like Central America and the Middle East that impact lives for a greater purpose.

Questions? Contact Tamara Wytsma at

Help with the Stewards of Sustainability’s fundraiser planning

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021

The Stewards of Sustainability Club is hosting weekly meetings to organize an event in support of #TeamSeas, an ocean cleanup fundraising campaign.

The meetings will take place from 2 to 3 p.m. on Fridays in Lemmons 15, with a meeting scheduled for today. We encourage you to join the effort to remove 30 million pounds of trash from coastal regions, rivers and oceans.
For more information about #TeamSeas, watch Mark Rober’s video.

Questions? Contact Sydney Schroeder at

Join Kyrie Club for vespers this afternoon

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021

The Kyrie Club is hosting vespers today (Friday) in the Stevens Center from 4:15 to 5 p.m.

The Kyrie Club is for Orthodox Christian students and anyone else who is curious and wants to learn more about the Orthodox Church. Vespers is a liturgical form of evening prayers. All are welcome, and spiritual life credit is available.

If you have questions, email Emelia Corazza at

Maker Hub’s ‘Tool Tip Friday’: Bead Roller

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021

Did you know that the Maker Hub has a bead roller? Our Mittler Brothers Bead Roller is in the machine shop and is used for forming and reinforcing sheet metal.

This machine works best when operated by two people – one person to turn the handle and another to guide the metal. It works by placing metal between the rollers (dies). The material is then formed to give extra strength and rigidity.

The bead roller can also be used to create artistic patterns on sheet metal. There are many different types of rollers to use, and they can be changed out depending on the needed application. Check out this video to see how it works!

The Maker Hub exists as a resource and creative outlet for the entire George Fox community (yes, including non-engineers!). We are looking for student aces. A student ace is simply an expert on a piece of equipment who helps train other students on the usage of that equipment and gains extra privileges within the Maker Hub.

Please email if you would like to get connected or have any questions.

Learn self-defense in MMA class Tuesday in Hadlock

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021

Come learn the basics of self-defense in the Hadlock Student Center’s MMA class at 7 p.m. this Tuesday, Dec. 7.

As a reminder, registration for GroupX classes closes an hour before the class time. Check IMLeagues for the most up-to-date class offerings and times!

If you have questions, please email Angel Glockling (

Sign up for tonight’s eSports tournament

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021

Today is the last chance to sign up for tonight’s UREC’s intramural eSports tournament! Join us remotely or in person at the Wheeler eSports arena for Super Smash Bros. The sign-up deadline is 8 p.m.

To sign up, click this link. To play from home, you will need a Nintendo device. The tournament is scheduled from 8 to 10 p.m. tonight (Friday).

Email Angel Glockling ( with any questions you have.

Vaccines and boosters available tomorrow in the Health and Counseling Center

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

Limited vaccines and boosters are available in the Health and Counseling Center tomorrow (Friday). Please call 503-554-2340 to reserve your spot. Appointments will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.

Contact Molly Hickok at with any questions.

Learn more about Northern Ireland study abroad opportunity this Monday

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

Adventure awaits in Belfast, Northern Ireland! Have you heard that George Fox now has a signature study abroad program in this beautiful country? Want to learn more about it? Of course you do!

Come chat with David, Lynn and Anna about this incredible new opportunity. You will find us at a table outside Klages on Monday, Dec. 6, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., where we will have hot chocolate and tea. You can also enter a drawing to win $10 gift cards to Coffee Cottage or a grand prize of $250 (to go toward the airline ticket to Belfast).

Worried that studying abroad is too expensive? Don’t be! Your cost for the term in Northern Ireland is the same as George Fox tuition, room and board, and you keep all your financial aid and scholarships.

This program is open to all sophomores, juniors and seniors. Check out our website for more information, and come share a cup of hot chocolate or tea with us to learn more about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Make Christmas crafts and eat snacks at Sources of Strength event today

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

Come make some Christmas crafts and eat Christmas snacks with the Sources of Strength Club from 4 to 6:30 p.m. today (Thursday) in Roberts Center’s Room 117!

We will also be planning how we are going to reach Fox next semester with hope, health and strength! Contact Grace Emhoff at with any questions.

All invited to Contemplative Worship this morning

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

We invite you to attend Contemplative Worship from 11 to 11:30 a.m. this morning (Thursday) in Hoover 104. Spiritual life credit is available for students, and all are welcome.

For more information, contact Paul Anderson at

Be sure to get your ‘Gatsby Gala’ tickets today or tomorrow

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

The winter formal is in two days! The Gatsby Gala will be from 8 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 4, at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville!

There will be hors d’oeuvres, a photo booth, and plenty of dancing! Tickets will be on sale in Canyon Commons today (Thursday) from 5 to 7 p.m., and will also be available in the student life office in Hadlock during office hours through Dec. 3.

Coming Up:

  • Holiday Hangout: Friday, Dec. 10, Quad & Stevens Center
    5-7 p.m.: Art Walk Bingo
    7-9 p.m.: Christmas Activities and Art Market

Contact with any questions.

Make plans to attend next week’s Christmas Concert in Bauman Auditorium

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

Plan now to join us for this year’s Christmas concert, O Holy Night, scheduled Friday, Dec. 10, through Sunday, Dec. 12. We will host 7:30 p.m. concerts on Friday and Saturday and a 2:30 p.m. matinee Sunday.

Staff may have two complimentary tickets for any night. Students and employees also are invited to attend a formal dress rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. Thursday free of charge, for which there will be general seating (please be sure to use social distancing when possible).

Tickets for the Thursday concert are available from Kathy Harris in Ross 101 Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., until 700 seats are given away. Masks must be worn to each performance (no exceptions).

Tickets for the Friday through Sunday concerts are available online at this link. The system automatically puts a gray (social distance) seat between each selection, so select your spots and don’t space them out. For those who can’t attend in person, a livestream of Sunday’s concert is available for purchase here.

Poinsettias ($10) and Christmas trees ($20) will be for sale after the last concert on Sunday (cash and checks only).

Contact Kathy Harris ( with any questions.

Love to bake? Apply for position in ‘The Bon’

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

Do you love to bake? “The Bon” is looking to hire two to three students for spring semester who have some free time and love to bake.

Schedules are flexible and set by you (four- to eight-hour shifts per week preferred). You get a free meal for each four-hour shift worked and a 10% discount in the Bridge Cafe. Contact Jason at 503-554-3201 for more details.

Don’t love to bake? We’re looking to fill other positions as well. Call us, we’d love to talk to you!

Familiarize yourself with face-covering policy on all campuses

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

Faculty, staff, students, vendors and visitors across all campus locations must use face coverings as required by state guidelines. You can read the full face-covering policy here.

Masks, face coverings, or face shields are currently required for:

  • All indoor public campus spaces (e.g., classrooms, offices, hallways, meeting rooms, etc.) unless the individual is alone in an individual private workspace defined by OHA as an indoor space within a public or private workplace used for work by one individual at a time. It must be enclosed on all sides with walls from floor to ceiling and with a closed door. Note: Face coverings are required in all cubicle and open workspaces.
  • In the Bruin Den, Canyon Commons or Bridge Cafe you may remove your face covering ONLY if you are actively eating.

The university has worked hard to follow CDC and OHA guidance through the pandemic, but we recognize there will be a variety of personal perspectives on how our campus should transition back to pre-pandemic life. We ask that, as members of a Christ-centered community, we treat one another with kindness and grace, particularly when our views differ from one another.

Be well and stay safe!

Questions? Contact the COT ( or HR (

Interested in writing YA fiction? Enroll in spring class

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

Calling all readers and writers of Young Adult Fiction! Young Adult (YA) fiction is one of the hottest writing genres going, and George Fox is blessed to have an award-winning YA author in its English department: Guadalupe Garcia McCall.

This spring, Professor McCall is offering a special course in writing Young Adult Fiction. The class will be an introduction to the genre; you will read several examples of YA fiction and will have the opportunity to develop your own YA novel.

The class (WRIT 465A) will meet at 9:25 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Questions? Contact Professor McCall at You can check out Professor McCall’s publications and writing awards here.

Use form to promote accessibility in Hadlock

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

Please fill out this anonymous form to help promote accessibility in the Hadlock Student Center.

Thank you,
Disability Awareness and Advocacy Subcommittee

Tickets still available for next week’s Christmas Concert

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

Plan now to join us for this year’s Christmas concert, O Holy Night, scheduled Friday, Dec. 10, through Sunday, Dec. 12. We will host 7:30 p.m. concerts on Friday and Saturday and a 2:30 p.m. matinee Sunday.

Staff may have two complimentary tickets for any night. Students and employees also are invited to attend a formal dress rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. Thursday free of charge, for which there will be general seating (please be sure to use social distancing when possible).

Tickets for the Thursday concert are available from Kathy Harris in Ross 101 Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., until 700 seats are given away. Masks must be worn to each performance (no exceptions).

Tickets for the Friday through Sunday concerts are available online at this link. The system automatically puts a gray (social distance) seat between each selection, so select your spots and don’t space them out. For those who can’t attend in person, a livestream of Sunday’s concert will be available here.

Poinsettias ($10) and Christmas trees ($20) will be for sale after the last concert on Sunday (cash and checks only).

Contact Kathy Harris ( with any questions.