Seminary student seeks feedback from students who receive accommodations

I am a seminary student, pursuing my Master of Arts in Leadership & Culture, and I receive academic accommodations from the Disability & Accessibility Services department to support me as an Autistic-ADHD student.

I’m looking for other students who receive accommodations like me (or those who decided not to request accommodations) who would be willing to chat with me and tell me a little about your experience at the seminary (or at George Fox in general). I’m working on a project for a class where I’m being asked to gather stories from students to hear how others experience their education while having different access needs, whether officially accommodated or not.

If you would be willing to chat with me to share a little bit of your story, I would love to meet you! Please contact me directly this week, or hopefully before the end of March. Of course if you contact me after that I’d be just as happy to meet you just to say hello.

Thank you! I look forward to meeting you!

Melissa Skinner (

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