Spiritual life office is collecting clothing, gift cards for children, families and unsheltered neighbors

Every December, the Office for Spiritual Life looks to enlist the generosity of our campus to serve our neighbors through offering donated gift cards and warm clothing, both for the families of Newberg school children as well as folks living unsheltered during the upcoming holiday break.

A good percentage of students in the Newberg School District participate in the free lunch program, and many experience other insecurities around food, shelter and other important necessities. Over the holiday break, many of these families will have difficulty getting what they need.

In response, we collect gift cards (to local grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations) to aid these families during the break. Please direct gift cards and/or donations to the Office for Spiritual Life by Friday, Dec. 16.

There will also be donation bins around campus for collecting warming items (jackets, gloves, hats, pants, socks, blankets, and umbrellas) that would be helpful to the work of Saturday Samaritans, an organization in Portland regularly offering compassion, kindness, human connection, nutritious food, clothing, blankets and other items to strengthen the bodies, minds and souls of our neighbors living outside without shelter.

Contact Spirituallife@georgefox.edu with any questions.

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