Register for Michael Simmons’ ‘Companioning Our Shadow’ course

What emotion often disrupts your life, negatively impacts those closest to you, or keeps you from experiencing intimacy in relationships? Is it paralyzing fear, red-hot anger, or deep sadness? Our emotions offer vitality for life, but we must learn to listen, feel, and befriend them.

This Friday, Feb. 18, join Michael Simmons for an online course, “Companioning Our Shadow: Emotions & Relationships.” Michael will explore practices and tools for encountering Christ in our shadow, and bring wholeness to our emotional life.

Michael is a spiritual director and retreat facilitator, and serves on the Companioning Center leadership team. He is a doctoral student at Portland Seminary, and an ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church.

The course is offered virtually via Zoom from 9 to 11 a.m. The cost is $39, and the Zoom link will be provided. You can register here.

Questions? Contact Simmons at

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