Rock-climbing class offered for free this month

Campus Recreation will offer its School of Rock class this month, free of charge for George Fox students and employees!

School of Rock covers the basics of rock-climbing techniques, movements and skills. Looking to take your climbing knowledge to the next level? This course is perfect for you! Join our skilled and professionally certified instructors to learn more about how to climb better and how to refine your skills.

New to climbing? No problem! Have you been climbing for awhile? This course is also perfect for you! We will cover footwork, basic and intermediate movement techniques, handhold positioning, climbing terminology, body positioning, and much more! Want personalized coaching? This is also a great opportunity to get some of that.

This course has four sessions, one hour each night. Please plan to come for all of them, if possible. Register by going here. Here are the dates (all classes meet from 6 to 7 p.m.):

  • Tuesday, May 18
  • Thursday, May 20
  • Tuesday, May 25
  • Thursday, May 27

Have any questions? Please reach out to Austin at

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