‘Real Conversations on Emergency Preparedness’ presented this Monday

Would you like to be better prepared to deal with a natural disaster? Are you ready if and when the “Big One” strikes? Come hear Steven Eberlein, a disaster preparedness expert, talk about emergency preparedness this Monday, March 4, at 4 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium. 

Eberlein was living in Sri Lanka in 2004 when a 9.1 subduction zone earthquake off the coast of Indonesia triggered a massive tsunami that took 230,000 lives in more than a dozen countries circling the Indian Ocean. As an aid worker, he was active witnesses to one of the largest multi-national relief efforts in history, starting from its earliest hours. Steven now works full time to educate audiences on the power of earthquakes and what can be done to be prepared for them.

For more information on the presentation, contact Brett Meyers, coordinator of student programs, at bmeyers@georgefox.edu.

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