Some outdoor safety tips for the three-day weekend

With a long holiday weekend ahead, here are some safety tips if camping, hiking or backpacking are on your get-away list!

  • Research cell phone coverage for your trip. If you will be out of range, find out how to access services for the ranger or local law enforcement. Check out communication devices at outdoor stores that allow you to text, boost your signal or use your cell phone as a radio in case of emergency.
  • Leave at home or in a safety deposit box all jewelry, electronics, unneeded cash and credit cards. Connect with other campers, and if they seem trustworthy, agree to watch each other’s tent and camping equipment when out on a hike or day excursion.
  • Take valuables with you if at all possible or use a diversion safe that looks like an ordinary object.
  • Hide items that you need to store in your vehicle and transfer them to your trunk prior to arriving at your destination.
  • Lock your vehicle and close windows and sunroofs.
  • Look for people loitering around parking areas, and don’t leave your car if there are suspicious persons hanging around.
  • Trust your instincts! If something feels “off” about a campsite or campers, follow your gut.
  • Carry a whistle or noise-maker to draw attention to yourself if you need help.
  • Make a family plan about what to do if any family member becomes separated from the group.

These great tips are courtesy of the City of Portland’s Crime Prevention Program.

– Campus Safety Office

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