Everything you wanted to know about the lost and found

Lost and Found 101:

  1. Found items should be taken to the security office, where it is logged and tagged with date and location if known. We then check our master list of lost items that have been reported to us for a hopeful match of owner and item.
  2. The owners are emailed or called for any item that has been turned in that has a name or some other identifying fact.
  3. For faster retrieval of your lost item, write your name on or in it!
  4. Come to the security office to report your lost items as soon as you lose them, and please pick them up when we notify you, as we have very limited storage space.
  5. And speaking of limited storage space, we reach critical mass about every four to six weeks and then donate all unclaimed items to charitable causes. Several announcements are put in the Daily Bruin and on the Security Facebook page, so be sure to look for those and come in before the deadline!
  6. Items left-behind in Duke or Wheeler stay there; they do not come to the security office due to sheer volume. Portland Center items also stay on that campus.
  7. Wonder what happens to unclaimed items? Some of them stay here at George Fox and in the past have been put to use by various departments (umbrellas for large admissions tours, fleeces and Nalgenes for the Residence Life Walkabout backpacking trip participants, etc.). Other times the items were sold at various garage sales to reduce the costs for Serve Trip participants, and for the International Students’ Emergency Fund. This fall, items have benefited the homeless in Portland, Union Gospel Mission’s Life Change thrift store, the social work department’s gift bags for the homeless, and the Sisters homeless warming shelter in Central Oregon.
  8. A big “thank you!” to those of you that go our of your way to bring left-behind items promptly to the security office! Their owners are daily grateful when we have their lost item.

Don’t forget to stop by the security office before you leave for Christmas break, as everything is being cleared out mid-afternoon on Friday, Dec. 15!

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