Monday, November 27th, 2023
A “Physical Therapy Pro Tips for Climbers” clinic on Wednesday, Dec. 6, will provide you with insight into common rock climbing-related injuries and steps you can take to reduce your risk of injury, improve your general strength and resiliency, and boost your climbing performance. Join us in Hadlock from 5 to 7 p.m.
The clinic will be instructed by Montana Rhoden of Redpoint Physical Therapy and Performance (@redpointpdx). Montana is a Doctor of Physical Therapy alumnus (class of 2019) and certified strength and conditioning specialist. He has a special interest in injury rehabilitation and performance training for rock climbing.
The clinic is free and has limited spots. Sign up on IM Leagues!
Contact Nathanael at if you have any questions.
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Monday, November 27th, 2023
Order a meal from any Panda Express in the country tomorrow (Wednesday) to support the Doctor of Physical Therapy program’s annual service trip to Uganda! Use the code 919543 to help. Online orders only!
Contact Molly at if you have any questions.
Posted in Newberg employee news, Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news, Portland employee news, Portland student news | Comments Off on Support DPT’s Uganda trip by ordering Panda Express tomorrow
Monday, November 27th, 2023
Want a chance to win a gift basket of market vendor crafts while also helping out others in our community? Attend the holiday market this year and you’ll have that chance!
We will be hosting a snowman family decorating contest at the market in Klages this Thursday at 4:30 p.m. The winner will receive an amazing gift basket filled with market vendors’ creations.
In addition, we’re hosting a winter clothing drive! Do you have any winter clothes to give away, or you are feeling generous and want to buy some winter supplies for our friends in Portland? We would love you to be a part of our drive, spreading love and warmth this holiday season! All items will be donated to Night Strike to be handed out by their volunteers.
Our three donation bins are located in the Newlin lobby, in the Klages entrance facing the quad, and on the table in the hall next to the Bridge Cafe.
The items needed include jackets, blankets and socks (new socks only), hats and gloves, hand warmers, ponchos, and any other goods to keep people warm this winter. Please only donate items that are new or in good condition!
Any donations would be much appreciated. We can’t wait to see how God will use this to spread his love this season!
Contact Kara Holcombe at with any questions.
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Monday, November 27th, 2023
Experience the perfect harmony of tranquility and vitality with our “Yoga & Indoor Cycling Fusion: A Journey to Balance” event.
This unique fitness experience seamlessly combines both worlds, giving you the opportunity to engage in 40 minutes of restorative yoga and 40 minutes of indoor cycling, all designed to leave you feeling centered and energized. Participants will be divided into two groups that will either start with yoga or indoor cycling.
Sign up today at this link for the event in Hadlock this Saturday, Dec. 2, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Feel free to email with any questions.
Posted in Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news | Comments Off on Enjoy the benefits of a combined yoga and indoor cycling event in Hadlock
Monday, November 27th, 2023
Come to the holiday art sale and open house in Lemmons this Friday, Dec. 1, from noon to 6:30 p.m., or Saturday, Dec. 2, from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. This is a great time to see our new spaces and do some Christmas shopping.
We will have items made by our students for sale, a wrapping station, and some Christmas treats. We would love to see you there!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Chandler Brutscher at
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Sunday, November 26th, 2023
Mail Services has been receiving an increased number of calls about student packages being delivered to neighbors’ houses around campus. Please pay special attention when having your packages shipped here to campus.
Some of the neighbors have said that they will not make an effort to get your package to campus and will have them returned. Please make note of the address you need to use to have your package delivered to campus:
501 N. Villa Road, (followed by your campus box number)
Newberg, OR 97132
It is important you pay close attention when ordering your packages. If you have any questions, contact Richard Silver at
Posted in Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news | Comments Off on Please be sure to use correct mailing address when ordering packages
Sunday, November 26th, 2023
Please join in hearing from Marlee Baker on the topic of discrimination, segregation, and displacement that shaped early Oregon, and explore how this history continues to affect housing patterns today. Marlee is a George Fox social work graduate who has professional experience in housing discrimination history and fair housing law.
“Diversity Dialogue: History of Housing Discrimination in Oregon” will be presented in Hoover 103 tonight (Monday) at 6 p.m.
Feel free to direct any questions to Kim Rapp at
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Tuesday, November 21st, 2023
With the possibility of severe weather this winter, now is the time to make sure you’re set up to receive FlashAlerts about campus closures and delayed openings.
If it is unsafe to drive to campus, George Fox will temporarily close campus and cancel in-person classes. However, remote/online courses will not be canceled because of weather conditions. Here’s how to find out if a decision has been made when severe weather occurs:
- Visit the George Fox page. Enter your email address to create an account and receive notifications from FlashAlert Messenger.
- If you wish to receive a notification on your mobile device, download the FlashAlert smartphone app for iOS or Android and either login or create an account if you haven’t already. This is the best way to get notified with a mobile alert and to easily find all posted FlashAlerts in one place.
More information on campus closure policies can be found at
Posted in Newberg employee news, Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news, Portland employee news, Portland student news | Comments Off on Stay notified of campus weather closures with webpage or app
Tuesday, November 21st, 2023
Join us for Quaker worship today (Wednesday) in Hoover 250 from 2:15 to 2:45 p.m. Paul Anderson will be hosting the meeting. Chapel credit is available. All are welcome.
Reach out to Paul Anderson at if you have questions.
Posted in Newberg employee news, Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news | Comments Off on Join Quaker worship in Hoover this afternoon
Monday, November 20th, 2023
Would you like to get better at helping people embrace disagreements as opportunities to make life better, more just and less polarized?
Come to a highly interactive workshop, “From Walls to Bridges: Building Skills to Reduce Polarization and Bridge Community Divides,” at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 29, at the Northwest Christian Church (2315 Villa Road). You will learn to stay calm amid disagreement, listen actively, unleash curiosity, ask powerful questions, and share your own views more effectively.
This event is co-sponsored by the George Fox Civility Project and the local United as Neighbors group (especially its Community Conversations team). For more information, contact Ron Mock at
Posted in Newberg employee news, Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news, Portland employee news, Portland student news | Comments Off on Learn to navigate disagreement at ‘From Walls to Bridges’ session on Nov. 29
Monday, November 20th, 2023
The Department of Art and Design is launching its third photo contest to remember John Bennett. John impacted our community for nearly 15 years until his untimely death in 2017.
If you are a current or former student of George Fox, submit your best “It’s All About the Light” photograph via this entry form. The winner will receive a ThinkTank bag for their photo gear!
The contest will close on Thursday, Nov. 30.
If you have any questions, reach out to Adam Long at
Posted in Newberg employee news, Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news, Portland employee news, Portland student news | Comments Off on Submit to ‘It’s All About the Light’ photo contest by Nov. 30
Monday, November 20th, 2023
George Fox Doctor of Physical Therapy students are conducting a study, “A Biomechanical Analysis of the Floor Transfer in Community-Dwelling Older Adults,” with principal investigators Lyndsay Stutzenberger and Tyler Whited. We are interested in how older adults get up from the floor.
To participate in our study, you must
- Be 50 to 80 years of age
- Live independently or in an assisted living facility
- Be able to walk independently at least 15 feet with or without an assistive device
- Take a cognitive test
- Be willing to attempt to get up from a chair and from the floor
- Have no diagnosis of a neurological condition, current illness, or health issue that would make performing study activities unsafe.
Potential participants who meet the above criteria will come to the Medical Sciences Building on Werth Boulevard, where you will be asked to sign an informed consent form, answer questions on a questionnaire, perform a short cognitive test, and have your vitals (blood pressure and heart rate) taken. Depending on the results of these assessments, you may or may not be eligible for the study.
If eligible, you’ll be asked to participate in one testing session that takes up to one hour approximately. During testing sessions you will fill out questionnaires and be asked to attempt to stand up from a chair without using your arms and get up from the floor.
You will not be paid for being in this study or reimbursed for any costs associated with traveling to or from the George Fox campus.
You are able to stop participation in the study at any time and for any reason. No information that would identify you will be made public, and we do not feel there is more than minimal risk associated with this study.
If interested in participating, schedule an appointment for testing by calling 503-554-2463 or emailing Lyndsay Stutzenberger at
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Monday, November 20th, 2023
Want to set up direct deposit before break? Have questions about finding an on-campus job for the spring? Come find us at 10 a.m. today (Tuesday) in the entryway to Canyon Commons! Plus, win free dinner for you and your friends by participating in our raffle.
Contact Kelly Peterson at with any questions.
Posted in Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news | Comments Off on Check out the student employment table in Canyon Commons today
Monday, November 20th, 2023
The Murdock Library will be closed Thursday through Saturday, Nov. 23-25, and will reopen at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 26. The 24-hour space will remain open.
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Monday, November 20th, 2023
You are invited to this year’s Christmas Extravaganza and tree lighting on Thursday, Nov. 30! Join us for a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in front of Stevens at 4:30 p.m., followed by treats and festivities, scheduled to run until 7:30 p.m.
There will be caroling, cookie decorating, goats, a photo booth, a roaming Santa, a holiday market in Klages, a Santa’s workshop in the Maker Hub, Miss Hannah’s popcorn, and more. The first 50 people who arrive in Christmas sweaters and holiday wear will receive gift cards!
Contact Faith McKee at with any questions.
Posted in Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news, Portland student news | Comments Off on Make plans to attend Christmas Extravaganza on Nov. 30
Sunday, November 19th, 2023
Are you interested in doing research? The Richter Scholars program at George Fox distributes funds to support student research activities that are devised, initiated and carried out by individual student researchers, with mentorship, guidance and expertise provided by a faculty mentor.
Students, if you are interested in doing research next summer, connect with a faculty mentor now so they can help you with your proposal. Before preparing a proposal, please read through the full proposal guidelines, eligibility requirements, and review criteria at this link.
All submittals will be electronic and are due Monday, Jan. 22, 2024, by 5 p.m. The Smartsheet link can be found on the website.
For more information, contact Vetta Berokoff at
Posted in Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news, Portland student news | Comments Off on Second call for Richter Scholars Program proposals, due Jan. 22
Sunday, November 19th, 2023
Please join in hearing from Marlee Baker on the topic of discrimination, segregation and displacement that shaped early Oregon, and explore how this history continues to affect housing patterns today. Marlee is a George Fox social work graduate who has professional experience in housing discrimination history and fair housing law.
“Diversity Dialogue: History of Housing Discrimination in Oregon” will be presented in Hoover 103 on Monday, Nov. 27, at 6 p.m.
Feel free to direct any questions to Kim Rapp at
Posted in Newberg employee news, Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news, Portland employee news, Portland student news | Comments Off on Come hear an expert discuss Oregon’s history of housing discrimination on Nov. 27
Sunday, November 19th, 2023
Christmas is just around the corner, and we in mail services want to make sure your packages get to your loved ones on time. Below are the shipping dates you need to send packages by in order to be assured they will arrive by Christmas.
- Saturday, Dec. 16: USPS Ground Advantage Service
- Monday, Dec. 18: Priority Mail Service
- Wednesday, Dec. 20: Priority Mail Express Services (must be processed in downtown post office)
Please be mindful of any weather conditions where the packages are going, as that may delay the delivery date. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Richard Silver at
Posted in Newberg employee news, Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news, Portland employee news, Portland student news | Comments Off on Take note of USPS shipping deadlines as Christmas approaches
Sunday, November 19th, 2023
Shop the Bruin Store’s online “Friends and Family Sale” Nov. 22-27! Get 20% off one item, 25% off two items, and 30% off three or more items.
Sale includes favorites like Champion apparel, MV Sport and more! Exclusions apply. Visit for all your gift-giving needs!
Posted in Newberg employee news, Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news, Portland employee news, Portland student news | Comments Off on Check out the Bruin Store’s ‘Friends and Family Sale’ on the web
Sunday, November 19th, 2023
Please consider bringing your grocery bags to the Bruin Community Pantry. You can drop them off at the food bank in Roberts 109 at your convenience. The space is open as long as Roberts is open.
Thank you!
Posted in Newberg employee news, Newberg Graduate student news, Newberg Undergraduate student news | Comments Off on Grocery bags needed at the Bruin Community Pantry food bank