Enjoy dinner and learn from guest lecturer from Oxford on Bacchus in Narnia

The Lewis and Tolkien Student Society invites you to join us for guest lecturer Jonathan Kirkpatrick’s talk on “Bacchus in Narnia: C.S. Lewis and the Greek and Roman Classics” on Monday, March 4, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in EHS 102.

In his lecture, Dr. Kirkpatrick will be asking why Bacchus (the god of wine) appears in Prince Caspian, and why he was such a significant deity to Lewis.

Through this, he’ll look at how Lewis’s love of literature and mythology played an important and surprising role in his religious conversion as well as his books. Dr. Kirkpatrick has lived in Oxford for many years, where he works as principal lecturer for SCIO (Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford), hosting numerous American students studying abroad in the city.

Dr. Kirkpatrick is a classicist, with a particular interest in the religious landscape of Roman Palestine and the classical background of C.S. Lewis’s life and writings. He has spent two seasons of his life living in Lewis’s former home, The Kilns, first as a scholar in residence and later as the warden.

Dinner and refreshments will be provided. We look forward to learning with you!

If you have questions, email Amber Abrams at aabrams20@georgefox.edu.

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