Be sure to turn in your deposits before June 30

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

If you have any deposits for FY20, please bring your money over to the Finance office before Tuesday, June 30. Checks dated prior to June 30, 2020, must be deposited in the current fiscal year. Please look around your desks and file cabinets to see if there are any lingering items that need to go to the bank.

If you are taking vacation during the July 4 holiday, please send your deposits over before you leave.

Also, money that needs accounting for in FY20 must be brought to the Finance office no later than 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 30. If it arrives later, it will go into the FY21 budget.

If you have any questions about deposits, please contact Heather Groenlund at 503-554-2173. Thank you and have a great summer!

View virtual all-employee meeting Thursday

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

President Robin Baker will host a virtual all-employee meeting this Thursday, June 25. The meeting will be available at this link beginning at 9 a.m. that morning. As was the case last month, the password to join is provided on the meeting site.

Change for Honors Program

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

The honors program at George Fox will no longer carry the William Penn name. Penn’s name was originally chosen for the program because of his influence as a Quaker statesman in early America, and his charitable relationship with Native Americans. In recent months, it came to the attention of program leaders that William Penn was also a slave owner. After a series of conversations with administrators, faculty and students, the decision was made to no longer use the name. 

The core values of our program remain humility, charity, and truth-seeking. We remain committed to offering a “generous canon” in our program reading list, a reading list that includes a range of perspectives, some of which align with our Christian commitments and some of which do not.

A text or figure does not have to represent our values in order to be read and discussed within the program; however, the name of our program should reflect our core values, including the most important value of love, which requires seeing every human being as made in the image of God. Slavery and racism are egregious sins against Christian love and violations of human dignity.

As Christians, we stand with those who cry out for racial justice in our world and are committed to promoting love and justice in our program. 

The exact details and timeline for this official change have not been finalized, but for now the program will be called the George Fox Honors Program. 

Free virtual event discusses High-Impact Chronic Pain

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

The university’s employees and students are invited to attend a free virtual event that will discuss the topic of High-Impact Chronic Pain (HICP) on Saturday, July 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

HICP affects 11 to 20 million U.S. adults and interferes with work or other daily activities most days or every day. People with HICP often suffer from iatrogenic harms, including (but not limited to) prescription-induced opiate use disorders.

In this session, we will hear from experts representing a variety of professions to discuss the healthcare experiences of people with HICP and the evidence on what works to reduce iatrogenic harms and promote health. You don’t want to miss this interactive virtual event intended to strengthen the primary care workforce. 

Students and employees can attend for free, but you must register ASAP at this link. Please contact Tammy O’Doherty ( with any questions.

Lacrosse camps open to kids of all ages this summer

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

Lacrosse coaches Katie Brand and Jenna Morris are organizing summer camps and invite your children to check them out!

We’ll meet every Tuesday for morning and afternoon clinics for athletes of all ages. Our morning clinic will be offered from 9 a.m. to noon for ages 6-12 and other beginners. We’ll cover the basic rules, individual fundamentals and team concepts to help build knowledge and skills.

Our afternoon clinic will be offered from 1 to 4 p.m. for ages 13-19 and more advanced players. We’ll go over team concepts while also focusing on individual performance, fine-tuning and sustaining good habits. 

The cost is $50 per session, $40 for siblings. Whether your kids have never played the sport before or have been playing for years, these clinics will help them stay active.

Head to our website to register and to get more information!

IDEA Center looking for faculty who are fans of the 4:3 Plan

Sunday, June 21st, 2020

Faculty, have you found that students who have created and follow a 4:3 Plan are better prepared for advising sessions and are more successful staying on track and graduating on time?

The IDEA Center is making a video for LIBA 100 students, and we are  looking to add a few faculty testimonials about the the benefits of a 4:3 Plan. Complete this form if you would like to be considered!

Questions? Contact Colleen Sump at

Free virtual event discusses High-Impact Chronic Pain

Thursday, June 18th, 2020

The university’s employees and students are invited to attend a free virtual event that will discuss the topic of High-Impact Chronic Pain (HICP) on Saturday, July 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

HICP affects 11 to 20 million U.S. adults and interferes with work or other daily activities most days or every day. People with HICP often suffer from iatrogenic harms, including (but not limited to) prescription-induced opiate use disorders.

In this session, we will hear from experts representing a variety of professions to discuss the healthcare experiences of people with HICP and the evidence on what works to reduce iatrogenic harms and promote health. You don’t want to miss this interactive virtual event intended to strengthen the primary care workforce. 

Students and employees can attend for free, but you must register ASAP at this link. Please contact Tammy O’Doherty ( with any questions.

End-of-fiscal-year deposit reminders

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

If you have any deposits for FY20, please bring your money over to the Finance office before Tuesday, June 30. Checks dated prior to June 30, 2020, must be deposited in the current fiscal year. Please look around your desks and file cabinets to see if there are any lingering items that need to go to the bank.

If you are taking vacation during the July 4 holiday, please send your deposits over before you leave.

Also, money that needs accounting for in FY20 must be brought to the Finance office no later than 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 30. If it arrives later, it will go into the FY21 budget.

If you have any questions about deposits, please contact Heather Groenlund at 503-554-2173. Thank you and have a great summer!

Reflect on Juneteenth tomorrow

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

Friday, June 19, celebrates and honors Juneteenth, which marks the end of slavery in America.

On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers emancipated the last remaining enslaved African Americans in what was the Confederacy. This is a key milestone in our nation’s history, and you are encouraged to take time to consider its lasting significance in our world today.

Showers in Wheeler have been shut off

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

The Oregon Health Authority has issued guidance for fitness-related organizations to close their shower facilities.

As we slowly reopen our facilities for camps and use by student-athletes, we are following all rules, regulations and guidance by the Oregon Health Authority. As such, the showers in Wheeler Sports Center have been temporarily shut off.

If you have questions, contact Adam Puckett (

Be aware of changes to water fountains on campus

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

There are many styles of drinking fountains across campus. The fountains that share a touchless bottle filler with a manually activated bubbler will no longer function as designed. Plant Services will be disabling the bubbler function, and the bottle filler will remain functional.

Plant Services will also be replacing some older bubblers with touchless bottle fillers. All fountains, being a shared surface, are sanitized daily.

We can all play a part in the sanitation efforts by avoiding contact between our water bottle opening and the bottler filler surfaces. It is also recommended that water bottles are regularly washed with soap and hot water.

Thank you for your understanding as we strive to contribute to the health and wellness of the George Fox community. 

COVID team has published guidelines for face-to-face classes

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

The COVID Operations Team (COT) has published guidelines for holding face-to-face summer classes. If you are teaching a summer course and would prefer to hold that class face to face, please contact your dean for more information.

IDEA Center looking for faculty who are fans of the 4:3 Plan

Tuesday, June 16th, 2020

Faculty, have you found that students who have created and follow a 4:3 Plan are better prepared for advising sessions and are more successful staying on track and graduating on time?

The IDEA Center is making a video for LIBA 100 students, and we are  looking to add a few faculty testimonials about the the benefits of a 4:3 Plan. Complete this form if you would like to be considered!

Questions? Contact Colleen Sump at

Virtual Track and Field Camp set to run June 29 to July 3

Sunday, June 14th, 2020

The George Fox track and field coaching staff will host a virtual Track & Field Camp June 29 to July 3.

Coaches will host a daily virtual Zoom seminar and present a variety of track and field training tips and topics. Athletes will be given at-home training throughout the duration of the camp and will have additional options to access individualized coaching and guidance beyond the camp dates.

The target audience is age 12 to 20 (late middle school, high school and college), but adults who would like to learn more are more than welcome to join and could benefit as well. 

For detailed information, please visit this link. Questions? Please email Adam Haldorson at or Mike Wilson at

Virtual Strength and Conditioning Camp set for June 29 to July 3

Sunday, June 14th, 2020

Need a good workout plan as we continue to practice social distancing? The George Fox strength and conditioning staff invites you to join a virtual Strength & Conditioning Camp June 29 through July 3.

Coaches will host daily virtual Zoom seminars and present a variety of strength-building tips and topics. Athletes will be given at-home training throughout the camp and will have additional options to access individualized coaching and guidance beyond the camp dates.

The target audience is ages 12 to 20 (late middle school, high school and college), but adults who would like to learn more are more than welcome to join and could benefit as well. 

Registration is available at this link. To learn more, contact Adam Haldorson at

Registration open for track and field camp

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

The George Fox track and field coaching staff will host a virtual Track & Field Camp June 29 to July 3.

Coaches will host a daily virtual Zoom seminar and present a variety of track and field training tips and topics. Athletes will be given at-home training throughout the duration of the camp and will have additional options to access individualized coaching and guidance beyond the camp dates.

The target audience is ages 12 to 20 (late middle school, high school and college), but adults who would like to learn more are more than welcome to join and could benefit as well. 

For detailed information, please visit this link. Questions? Please email Adam Haldorson at or Mike Wilson at

Register now for upcoming strength and conditioning camp

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

Need a good workout plan as we continue to practice social distancing? The George Fox strength and conditioning staff invites you to join a virtual Strength & Conditioning Camp June 29 through July 3.

Coaches will host daily virtual Zoom seminars and present a variety of strength-building tips and topics. Athletes will be given at-home training throughout the camp and will have additional options to access individualized coaching and guidance beyond the camp dates.

The target audience is ages 12 to 20 (late middle school, high school and college), but adults who would like to learn more are more than welcome to join and could benefit as well. 

Registration is available at this link. To learn more, contact Adam Haldorson at

End-of-fiscal-year deposit reminders

Monday, June 8th, 2020

If you have any deposits for FY20, please bring your money over to the Finance office before Tuesday, June 30. Checks dated prior to June 30, 2020, must be deposited in the current fiscal year. Please look around your desks and file cabinets to see if there are any lingering items that need to go to the bank.

If you are taking vacation during the July 4 holiday, please send your deposits over before you leave.

Also, money that needs accounting for in FY20 must be brought to the Finance office no later than 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 30. If it arrives later, it will go into the FY21 budget.

If you have any questions about deposits, please contact Heather Groenlund at 503-554-2173. Thank you and have a great summer!

A Letter of Thanks to the George Fox Community

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Thank you so much to those of you who were able to participate in the pie parade last Thursday afternoon. It was a delightful event, and I enjoyed the opportunity to visit briefly with many good friends.

As an introvert, it was actually nice to have space and to be able to to talk to each one who came through. Tom and I appreciate your words of kindness and support over the years. I am opening the cards, a few each day, to savor the words you shared.

I especially want to thank my office – Janelle, Laurie, Rebecca, Jodi and Audrey – for planning and hosting the time. What they did was pretty amazing. I also want to thank Bob, Dave, Marc, Roger, Ryan and my good friend Alice for directing traffic, receiving cards and gifts, and handing out pies. I have been blessed by each of you.

On July 1, I become a member of the faculty in the EdD program, and I look forward to a new role that more directly serves students while still being able to spend time with longtime colleagues. And, I don’t have to worry about snow and ice on the roads!

Linda Samek

Virtual Track and Field Camp opens June 29

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

The George Fox track and field coaching staff will host a virtual Track & Field Camp June 29 to July 3.

Coaches will host a daily virtual Zoom seminar and present a variety of track and field training tips and topics. Athletes will be given at-home training throughout the duration of the camp and will have additional options to access individualized coaching and guidance beyond the camp dates.

For detailed information, please visit this link. Questions? Please email Adam Haldorson at or Mike Wilson atÂ