Interested in playing piano? Consider these opportunities

There are number of outlets to learn and play the piano at George Fox. Here is info on a few of them ..

Learn to play piano
Interested in learning how to play piano? Check out MUSI 135 A and B, a piano class for beginners and intermediate-level students. Beginners are considered those with no previous lessons or a year or less of lessons as a child. Intermediate-level players are those with more than one year of lessons recently or two years of lessons as a child. If you’re not sure, you can always email the instructors.
Level A: Barbara Stewart (
Level B: Barbara Stewart (bstewart@georgefox. edu)

Private lessons
Would you like to learn the piano but are not sure if you want to be in a class? Enroll in MUSA 105 PN for .5 credit. This is “Applied Piano,” which is a private lesson each week and will have an extra fee (this is like paying a private instructor outside the university). No need to be a music major to enroll in applied piano.

Questions? Contact Kenn Willson at

Keyboard Ensemble
A last opportunity for pianists (you will need at least four-plus years of lessons). Enroll in Keyboard Ensemble, a course that puts two to four students together to work on one or two pianos. This is great fun for pianists to get a similar experience to bands, orchestras or choirs. You do need to be able to play the piano.

If interested, you can enroll in MUSA 145 K (if you are at 18 credit hours but need to enroll in this ensemble, you can take it for “0” credit). Contact Kenn Willson for more info:

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