Parking registration and information

Here are some answers to some of the questions that security has received about vehicle registration, parking permit pick-up, and where your permit allows you to park.

  1. Even if you registered a vehicle last year, you still need to register it every year.
  2. The vehicle registration link is located on the homepage of MyGFU and is found underneath “GFU Resources.”
  3. You will need your DMV registration card or insurance card in front of you, as the registration process needs information from those cards.
  4. Have a new car and don’t have the license plates yet? Just input the temporary trip permit number into the license plate field when you register. When you get your plates, email the number to Nadine Kincaid at and she will override the database and put the correct plate numbers on your registration in lieu of your temporary trip permit.
  5. Married students should have one spouse register both cars to avoid being charged as two separate students.
  6. Commuters can register up to two cars, and are only charged for one, but they must be YOUR family’s cars, not your roommate or friends’ vehicles.
  7. If you live on campus, input your campus address and PO box number as your mailing address. You will sign for your permit at Mail Services; it will NOT show up in your PO box.
  8. Commuters can input the address that they commute from as their mailing address, or use their campus address and PO box number.
  9. Here is a copy of the parking brochure/map that you can print out until your permit arrives
  10. Please print out the temporary permit from the link that will be emailed to you upon registration completion, and place that on your dashboard until your permit arrive.

Questions? Out-of-the-box vehicle situation? Call 503-554-2090 or email Nadine Kincaid at

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