Kaleo youth ministry conference returns Feb. 23

Space is still available for employees and students interested in attending this Saturday’s Kaleo conference, featuring Wes Davis, pastor of Newlife Church in Silverdale, Wash. The event, designed to provide training for those involved with youth ministry, will draw church groups and individuals from throughout the region. It is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium.

“Courageous Leadership” is this year’s theme. In addition to Davis, who will speak on “Dare to Lead” and “Dare to Redeem,” breakout sessions led by several guest speakers will cover 16 topics, including “Avoiding burnout,” “Building a team,” “Mentoring young women,” “Prolonged adolescence,” “Postmodern evangelism,” and “Discipling a godly student living in an ungodly home.” Leading worship will be Mike Hohnholz, who leads a Sunday night service at Beaverton Foursquare Church.

The conference is free for George Fox undergraduate students. Employees and George Fox graduate students pay $25 per person. The price includes a lunch.

For more information or to register, visit kaleo.georgefox.edu.

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