Find out important information about midterm grades

Midterm grades are important indicators of how you are doing in your classes. While they are not a part of your permanent record, it is critical that you pay attention to midterm grades. In some cases, midterm grades represent about half your grade in the course. If you have questions, you should check with your professors. It is vital to know where you stand in each of your classes.

Midterm grades are meant to encourage you to get in touch with others: your professor, your advisor, your CAP Coach (Career & Academic Planning Coach). The WORST thing to do about midterm grades is to ignore them or to assume you can improve them on your own. Professors DO want to meet with you. Do not hesitate to make an appointment with each of them.

Midterm grades are due this Sunday, Oct. 21. It would be best if you planned to check your midterm grades after this date.

To check your midterm grades in MyGFU:

  • Click on “self-service”
  • Click on “enrollment”
  • Click on “view my grades”
  • Click on the correct term
  • Click on the “midterm grades” tab

(If you do not see a midterm grades tab then it is likely none of your professors have entered any midterm grades for you. Please contact your professors to find out what your grades are.)

Now you need to determine what to do next: 
contact your professors. The faculty is not required to enter midterm grades. You are advised to check with each of your professors about your status in their class. Consider whether to withdraw from one or more courses if it looks likely that you will get an “F” (or maybe even a “D”). Withdrawal results in a “W” on your transcript but does not factor into GPA. If you were to get an “F,” it would impact your GPA.

The last date to withdraw is Sunday, Nov. 4 (without grade responsibility). You can usually go below being enrolled in 12 credit hours (at this point in the semester) without impacting your financial aid or housing. To be sure, contact representatives in these departments:

Dave Johnstone, Resident Life, (
Student Financial Services (

Helpful tips:

  • Confirm any thoughts of withdrawing from classes with your advisor
  • Meet with each professor, especially those teaching courses you’re struggling in
  • Even if your professor does not post midterm grades, find out from the professor what your grade is
  • Meet with your advisor to discuss options
  • Use labs, help sessions, and the ARC
  • Plan well for the spring semester. Contact your CAP Coach to get advice about the spring semester.

If you think you might have a learning disability, plan to have some assessment done. Contact the Health and Counseling Center at 503-554-2340 or stop by their office on River Street.

Not sure how to take the next step? Contact the Office of Student Life ( or Jere Witherspoon ( or 503-554-2316).

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