Observe these personal safety tips during the holidays

The holidays are just around the corner, and it’s a good time to review some personal safety tips. With finals and term papers looming, it is easy to get distracted and not pay attention to your surroundings, so keep these things in mind:

  1. Never walk with earbuds in or headphones on as you need to be aware of your surroundings and those around you.
  2. Walk with somebody, especially after dark.
  3. Call Security for an escort if you don’t have a friend or classmate to walk with after dark.
  4. Have your keys in your hand before leaving the building, and after checking the backseat of your vehicle, get right in and lock the doors.
  5. When approaching your vehicle, look to see if there are people loitering around it. If so, return to the building or store and ask Security officers to walk you to your vehicle.
  6. Try to avoid leaving any valuables in your car or trunk. Before depositing packages in your trunk, check to see if anybody is watching, and if so, keep walking until you can place them in there unnoticed.
  7. If someone approaches you while you are in your locked vehicle and preparing to leave, just go ahead and leave and do not engage them in conversation as it can be a ploy to attempt to get into your car.
  8. If somebody is following you in your vehicle, call 911, describe the vehicle and where you are, and tell them where you are heading and ask them to meet you there. Do not drive to your residence if somebody is following you! The same applies if you are walking on foot.
  9. When leaving your apartment or house for the holidays, arrange to have the mail either picked up by a friend, or stopped by the Post Office. Leave different lights on with timers, and have neighbors put away your garbage cans and pick up newspapers. Have all packages sent to your George Fox PO box for safekeeping.

These are just a few tips. We have many other informative handouts in the Security office on subjects like preventing identity theft, apartment safety, package and car theft prevention, and more. Stop by and check them out!

Questions? Contact Nadine Kincaid (nkincaid@georgefox.edu).

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