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The artwork of Gary Buhler (Art and Design) is currently on display on the second floor of the Oregon State Capitol Building. The exhibition, titled “Urban Oregon,” is the latest installment as part of the Art in the Governor’s Office Program, designed to honor practicing and professional artists in Oregon. As it is an honors program, only a few artists are honored with an invitation to exhibit through a nomination process, which occurs on a biennial basis. A selection committee, consisting of representatives from the governor’s office and the Oregon Arts Commission, selects works for display either from nominations submitted or artists directly invited.

On “Urban Oregon,” Gary said, “The urban Oregon landscape is rich in story. I connect to these stories and flesh out the characters with color, shape, contrast, texture and composition. It is my hope that they speak to your stories in new and yet familiar ways.” The exhibit is up through Monday, May 4.

Sophia Tegart (Music), an instructor of flute, presented a recital of 20th-century masterworks for two flutes with her flute duo, Cherry Street, at the Florida Flute Association Convention on Feb. 1. Cherry Street also performed at Fox Flute Fest, held in Bauman Auditorium, on Jan. 24. The music department-sponsored Fox Flute Fest hosted Krista Jobson of the University of Texas-Pan American. George Fox flute students were able to perform for Jobson in a master class setting. Fox Flute Fest was attended by numerous high school and college students, as well as local community flutists.

Ed Higgins (English) published his poem “Too Far” in the Jan. 12, 2015, edition of FishFood Literacy & Creative Arts Magazine. In addition, his piece “Match Point” was published in the Winter 2014-15 issue of Red Wolf Journal.

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