Be aware of protocol regarding service dogs on campus

Sunday, September 13th, 2020

September is National Service Dog Month. Service dogs serve important roles in the lives of their handlers, and their roles may differ from person to person.

There are a number of service dogs on the George Fox campuses, as well as in the broader community. Remember that handlers are people first and should be the first ones to be approached. Service dogs are often working and should never be touched or distracted without asking the handler’s permission.

Depending on the emotional, physical, and therapeutic needs of the handler, service dogs fulfill many roles, from helping visually impaired individuals with navigation to assisting individuals during seizures. Learn more about the different ways in which service dogs assist their handlers.

Join campus-wide prayer effort for surrounding community tomorrow

Monday, September 7th, 2020

As we continue week three of the academic year – the week when George Fox University typically holds our annual Serve Day – we invite you to participate in a campus-wide prayer effort on behalf of our surrounding community.

In lieu of our tangible expressions of service, this year we would love for you to pray specifically for one of the community organizations that we serve on Serve Day each year. This can include, but is not limited to, praying for their work, staff, and the populations they serve.

Please plan to offer prayers throughout the day tomorrow (Wednesday) as the Holy Spirit directs you.

If you would like us to match you with a partner site, please email us at Make sure to be on the lookout for more virtual service opportunities from the Office for Spiritual Life in the near future!

COVID-19 care, concerns and reporting

Sunday, September 6th, 2020

As we all work and live together, it is especially crucial that everyone understands the processes for reporting concerns and cases related to COVID-19.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to familiarize yourself with these processes:

Questions? Email

Bruin Community Pantry is in need of donations

Sunday, September 6th, 2020

Throughout the summer, the food bank received 97 visits from undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, and community members.  Since beginning the fall semester, we have had 75 visits! We are extremely grateful for the impact that the BCP has had on our community. 

However, our shelves are emptying and in need of being replenished in order to continue serving our neighbors.

The following items are needed:

  • Brown rice
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
  • Canned Tuna
  • Soups (But NOT Cream of Mushroom)
  • Gluten-Free items
  • Dairy-Free items
  • Pasta meals
  • Rice meals
  • Cereal – but not oatmeal
  • Loaves of Bread
  • Snacks
  • Grab and Go meals
  • Fresh produce.

Please bring your donations to the food bank during the hours of operation found on this website. You may also give financially by donating through Advancement.

If you have any questions, please contact Jere Witherspoon at

Join in praying for surrounding community on Wednesday

Sunday, September 6th, 2020

As we enter week three of the academic year – the week when George Fox University typically holds our annual Serve Day – we invite you to participate in a campus-wide prayer effort on behalf of our surrounding community. 

In lieu of our tangible expressions of service, this year we would love for you to pray specifically for one of the community organizations that we serve on Serve Day each year. This can include but is not limited to, praying for their work, staff, and the populations they serve. 

Please plan to offer prayers throughout the day on Wednesday, Sept. 9, as the Holy Spirit directs you. 

If you would like us to match you with a partner site, please email us at Make sure to be on the lookout for more virtual service opportunities from the Office for Spiritual Life in the near future!

Watch Tuesday’s chapel featuring new provost Andrea Scott

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

The Office for Spiritual Life invites you to watch Tuesday’s chapel, featuring a message from Andrea Scott, our new provost.

Follow this this link to participate in the recorded service. Her message was a blessing to us, and we think it will be a blessing to you, too!

Also, the second episode of our Monday Morning Devotional (MoMoDeVo) was released this week. It features a message from University Pastor Jamie Noling-Auth, and can be found on the same page.

Thank you for joining us in worship this week!

‘Find your Fit’ at home with customized exercise program

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

Do you want an exercise program tailored toward your health and fitness goals? Do you want an exercise program that you can safely do at home?

Exercise science students will create a two-month customized exercise program for you based on your goals, preferences, and identified barriers.

We can only serve the first 20 people this semester, so don’t wait! Help us help you “Find your Fit.”

Email Mary Imboden at for more information.

Get the word out about new alumni business directory

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

This fall, the Office of Alumni Relations is creating an alumni-owned business directory to promote and support Bruin businesses in the area (West Coast).

The directory will be listed on the alumni website, included in all communications, and highlighted on social media. The purpose is to keep alumni-owned businesses in front of the broader alumni community so together we can support each other through this COVID-19 pandemic.

Please refer alumni-owned businesses by filling out this form, or share this link with business owners. Please share this opportunity with as many alumni as you can. Together we Stand Tall!


Contact Sara Reamy with any questions you may have ( or ext. 2118).

Find Your Fit: Employee Health and Fitness Program

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Do you want an exercise program tailored toward your health and fitness goals? Do you want an exercise program that you can safely do at home?

Exercise science students will create a two-month customized exercise program for you based on your goals, preferences, and identified barriers.

We can only serve the first 20 people this semester, so don’t wait! Help us, help you “Find your Fit.”

Email Mary Imboden at for more information!

COVID-19 care, concerns and reporting

Sunday, August 30th, 2020

As we all work and live together, it is especially crucial that everyone understands the processes for reporting concerns and cases related to COVID-19.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to familiarize yourself with these processes:

Questions? Email

Title IX course required of students this year

Tuesday, August 25th, 2020

In May 2020, the U.S. Department of Education released new regulations governing campus sexual assault under Title IX, the law prohibiting sex discrimination at federally funded institutions. You can find these updates on our Title IX website.

These changes have been reflected in the course that we offer through EverFi: Sexual Assault Prevention for:

  • Graduate students (including DPS)
  • Undergraduate students
  • Student-athletes

Implemented in 2013, the Campus Save Act requires colleges and universities to provide primary prevention and awareness programs regarding sexual misconduct and related offenses to their campus community.

This year, all students will be required to complete this new course. You should be sent an invitation email from the student life office with all the information you need. Please read the welcome letter carefully so that you understand what is expected of you, and if you have any concerns, what your options are.

If you don’t see it in your in-box, please check your spam folder. If you do NOT receive an email by Aug. 31, 2020, please email Jere Witherspoon at If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jere.

COVID-19 care, concerns and reporting

Monday, August 24th, 2020

As we all work and live together, it is especially crucial that everyone understands the processes for reporting concerns and cases related to COVID-19.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to familiarize yourself with these processes:

Questions? Email

Remember to utilize the online class schedule

Sunday, August 23rd, 2020 is a great resource for anyone needing to look up details on a class, including teaching modality, meeting times and location, enrollment limit and wait-list numbers, course description, instructor info and often textbook listings, too (click the book icon after clicking on a course to expand its info).

Have questions? Write

Portland Writing Center is hiring

Sunday, August 23rd, 2020

The Portland Writing Center is seeking a new writing consultant who is enthusiastic about helping fellow graduate and degree completion students understand the components of effective writing.

Portland Writing Center consultants are current adult degree-completion and graduate students who work four to eight hours per week meeting with students on Zoom or email sessions through the Portland Writing Center.

Writing consultant duties include helping students with the following:

  • Thinking through ideas for a writing assignment
  • Considering writing choices with regard to audience, focus, purpose, cohesion, and organization
  • Developing ideas with specific evidence
  • Improving research strategies
  • Applying proper documentation and formatting, and
  • Understanding basic grammar and mechanics

Click here for a Consultant Job Description, and click here for a Consultant Application. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

For more information, contact Jennie Harrop, Portland Writing Center director, at 503-554-6024 or

Be sure you’re aware of these refund tips

Friday, August 21st, 2020

With the start of a new academic year, here are some refund tips to be aware of …

Refund Tip #1: Have you granted “Financial Aid Permission?”
If you have not completed a “Financial Aid T4 Permission Form,” please understand that federal funds cannot pay course fees and fines without your permission. This may result in an unpaid charge and a credit balance at the same time. When that happens, we have to audit the account to be sure the refund is valid. That takes time and slows down refunds significantly.

To grant “permission,” please sign into and go to your task tile or follow the steps at this link. The federal rule is that you complete this before your financial aid disburses. If your loans have already disbursed for the semester, you will need to complete two steps:

  1. Complete the form, and
  2. Email this week to authorize us to pre-date the effective date of your permission form.

Refund Tip #2: Session Start Dates Impact Refund Timing
If your first session this fall begins after Aug. 24, your aid disbursement will be delayed until at least 10 days prior to session start, resulting in a refund delay. Please do everything else you can to help us expedite your refunds (Click link and scroll down to “Refunds.”)

Refund Tip #3: Participation in Student Account Direct Deposit is now Mandatory!
If you have not signed up for Student Account Direct Deposit (DD), you must do so immediately. (Employment and Student Accounts DD enrollments are two entirely separate processes.) Please sign into and go to your task tile to complete this requirement. Failure to do so this week will result in refund delays.

Contact with any questions.

George Fox’s campus-wide policy on music making during COVID-19

Friday, August 21st, 2020

“Sing to the LORD a new song…” (Psalms 96:1). This admonition in Scripture will take on a unique twist this fall, as part of the wider COVID-19 campus policies.

Across the country, numerous cases of COVID transmission have been traced to choir rehearsals and church congregational singing. In order to prevent this, there are many different mitigation methods under study by multiple universities and research centers in the U.S. and Europe; however, they have not yet determined how to make group singing (and by an extension, group playing of wind instruments) safe. These scientifically rigorous studies expect to release results late in the fall.

In light of this, as a proactive measure toward the health of our community, the university is not permitting group singing or playing of wind instruments in any group context on campus, including in classes, chapel services, student life events, and informal gatherings.

Wind instruments are defined as any instrument you blow into. Students may only sing or play wind instruments when alone, such as in a dorm or outside; music department ensemble members may use the practice rooms in Ross.

Instruments that can be used while wearing masks, such as guitar, piano, or violin, are welcome on campus as long as group size does not exceed four instrumentalists, and social distancing and mask requirements are met. This policy will be revisited as the research becomes more clear.

While we understand that the church relies heavily on congregational singing, there are many other forms of Christian worship that do not. Poetry, Scripture reading, silent worship, art, dance, and instrumental music all can have significant spiritual value, as can private devotional singing.

While we know that this policy creates hardship for many students, we are choosing to err on the side of safety, and ask that all staff, faculty and students comply with this policy. So, sing to the LORD a new type of song this fall; explore new forms of worship and new ways to find joy through non-vocal music. 

More information about the policy (and the rationale behind it) is available on our COVID-19 Music Policy webpage

Portland Center posts student hours

Thursday, August 20th, 2020

Starting Monday, Aug. 24, the Portland Center will be open to all students enrolled in programs based out of the Portland Center, regardless of fall 2020 course format. However, as a COVID-19 precaution, the outside doors will only be accessible via your George Fox ID card.

This will allow students to access the resources of the Library Commons, including study rooms, WiFi, printing, public computers, and printing. The Portland Writing Center is open but fully online this fall.

Portland Student Hours:

  • Monday: 8 a.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Tuesday-Thursday: 9:30 a.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Friday-Saturday: Only access for students enrolled in in-person classes meeting on those specific days
  • Sunday: Closed

Hours are based on Portland Center staff availability and are subject to change.

Portland Writing Center is hiring

Thursday, August 20th, 2020

The Portland Writing Center is seeking a new writing consultant who is enthusiastic about helping fellow graduate and degree completion students understand the components of effective writing.

Portland Writing Center consultants are current adult degree-completion and graduate students who work four to eight hours per week meeting with students on Zoom or email sessions through the Portland Writing Center.

Writing consultant duties include helping students with the following:

  • Thinking through ideas for a writing assignment
  • Considering writing choices with regard to audience, focus, purpose, cohesion, and organization
  • Developing ideas with specific evidence
  • Improving research strategies
  • Applying proper documentation and formatting, and
  • Understanding basic grammar and mechanics

Click here for a Consultant Job Description, and click here for a Consultant Application. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

For more information, contact Jennie Harrop, Portland Writing Center director, at 503-554-6024 or

Title IX course required of students this year

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020

In May 2020, the U.S. Department of Education released new regulations governing campus sexual assault under Title IX, the law prohibiting sex discrimination at federally funded institutions. You can find these updates on our Title IX website.

These changes have been reflected in the course that we offer through EverFi: Sexual Assault Prevention for:

  • Graduate students (including DPS)
  • Undergraduate students
  • Student-athletes

Implemented in 2013, the Campus Save Act requires colleges and universities to provide primary prevention and awareness programs regarding sexual misconduct and related offenses to their campus community.

This year, all students will be required to complete this new course. You should be sent an invitation email from the student life office with all the information you need. Please read the welcome letter carefully so that you understand what is expected of you, and if you have any concerns, what your options are.

If you don’t see it in your in-box, please check your spam folder. If you do NOT receive an email by Aug. 31, 2020, please email Jere Witherspoon at If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jere.

Be sure you’re aware of these refund tips

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020

With the start of a new academic year, here are some refund tips to be aware of …

Refund Tip #1: Have you granted “Financial Aid Permission?”
If you have not completed a “Financial Aid T4 Permission Form,” please understand that federal funds cannot pay course fees and fines without your permission. This may result in an unpaid charge and a credit balance at the same time. When that happens, we have to audit the account to be sure the refund is valid. That takes time and slows down refunds significantly.

To grant “permission,” please sign into and go to your task tile or follow the steps at this link. The federal rule is that you complete this before your financial aid disburses. If your loans have already disbursed for the semester, you will need to complete two steps:

  1. Complete the form, and
  2. Email this week to authorize us to pre-date the effective date of your permission form.

Refund Tip #2: Session Start Dates Impact Refund Timing
If your first session this fall begins after Aug. 24, your aid disbursement will be delayed until at least 10 days prior to session start, resulting in a refund delay. Please do everything else you can to help us expedite your refunds (Click link and scroll down to “Refunds.”)

Refund Tip #3: Participation in Student Account Direct Deposit is now Mandatory!
If you have not signed up for Student Account Direct Deposit (DD), you must do so immediately. (Employment and Student Accounts DD enrollments are two entirely separate processes.) Please sign into and go to your task tile to complete this requirement. Failure to do so this week will result in refund delays.

Contact with any questions.