All invited to PT’s virtual research symposium on Feb. 18

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021

Please join the College of Physical Therapy on Zoom for our seventh annual research symposium on Thursday, Feb. 18, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Physical therapy doctoral faculty and third-year students will showcase various rehabilitation research topics. 

Questions? Please contact Linda Dallof at or 503-554-2451.

Interested in leading a Life Group this semester?

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

As a key strategy for soul care of undergraduates during the pandemic, the Office of Spiritual and Intercultural Life is looking for multiple Life Group leaders for our Spring Life Groups series taking place the week of Feb. 22 through April 9.

Life Groups provide a space for students to gather for weekly prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. Groups typically meet for an hour to 90 minutes.

This spring, all of our groups will be meeting either by Zoom or hybrid.

  • Hybrid groups will meet primarily via Zoom, but may occasionally meet outdoors as the weather, state and university regulations, and participants’ comfort permit.

Throughout the pandemic, Life Groups that run through the Office of Spiritual and Intercultural Life will also be eligible for SpiL credit in order to encourage students to engage in high-quality spiritual formation experiences that are participatory and offer ongoing community.

We welcome our employees, alumni, family members of George Fox employees and students, as well as members of our wonderful local churches to consider leading a group. Groups may also be co-led with an upperclassman student if the leader desires.

For more information and to sign up, click here or contact the Office of Spiritual Life (

Survey: PTSD/Trauma Experience and Academics

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

Learning Support Services is looking to host an open discussion on the intersection between PTSD/trauma experiences and academic life. We would like to measure students’ interest in having separate discussions for those with military and non-military related trauma, along with how those traumas affect academic success.

Please fill out this survey if you think this discussion would apply to your experiences in academics.

Questions? Please contact Learning Support Services (

Attend Zoom event: Interprofessional Solutions for Racism in Primary Care

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

Join us for a creative adult learning experience Thursday, Feb. 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. over Zoom. This event will be facilitated by healthcare professionals who personally represent Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. 

Learn how to apply diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts, such as decenter whiteness/decolonize interprofessional primary care. Listen and process the experiences and perspectives of professionals from BIPOC communities. Explore what success looks like to facilitate better primary care for BIPOC communities.

This event is for healthcare professionals and learners. Register here.

Questions? Contact Tammy O’Doherty (

Confidential Title IX campus advocate now available

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

The university is pleased to offer a confidential campus advocate in partnership with the Sexual Misconduct CARE team. Our confidential campus advocate is a George Fox MSW intern and is located in the Moore House/Intercultural Resource Center on the Newberg campus.

She is qualified to provide advocacy, accompaniment, and referral services to survivors of all forms of violence, including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, hate crimes, stalking, sexual harassment, and other crimes in order to facilitate and promote individual recovery and success.

Confidential campus advocates are required to keep all conversations fully confidential.

If you wish to seek any services, walk-ins are always welcome on Mondays and Thursdays between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. You can also make an appointment on Mondays and Thursdays.

Questions? Contact Jacklyn Gebhard ( If you have an emergency, please call 911 or Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090 (please note updated phone number from yesterday’s post).

Severe winter weather and class instruction info

Monday, January 25th, 2021

If severe winter weather makes travel to or from classes unsafe, George Fox will shift affected classes to online instruction. Classes will not be canceled for snow or ice in spring 2021. Because of COVID-19, faculty already have a reduced amount of class time to provide instruction, and losing additional days is not a feasible option. All classes this semester were created with the option to shift to remote learning for at least short periods of time.

Following is our process for announcing when classes will shift to an online format. The provost will make the decision to shift classes online for the Newberg campus, Portland Center and Salem site for daytime classes by 6:30 a.m. or 2:15 p.m. for evening classes. This applies to all days of the week, including Saturday. Decisions at the Redmond site will be made by the professor.

Major considerations are road conditions, ice, utility service disruption, and how long the severe weather or emergency is likely to last. To find out if a decision has been made when severe weather occurs:

  1. Check for an email to your George Fox email from Office of the Provost

  2. Visit the George Fox page. This is the first site updated.

  3. Sign up for FlashAlert Messenger. You can download their smartphone app for a mobile alert.

  4. Listen to local radio and television stations. Each campus will be identified separately. (This info comes via Flashalert).

  5. Call the George Fox University switchboard at 503-538-8383.

More information on campus closure policies can be found at

Confidential Title IX campus advocate now available

Monday, January 25th, 2021

The university is pleased to offer a confidential campus advocate in partnership with the Sexual Misconduct CARE team. Our confidential campus advocate is a George Fox MSW intern and is located in the Moore House/Intercultural Resource Center on the Newberg campus.

She is qualified to provide advocacy, accompaniment, and referral services to survivors of all forms of violence, including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, hate crimes, stalking, sexual harassment, and other crimes in order to facilitate and promote individual recovery and success.

Confidential campus advocates are required to keep all conversations fully confidential.

If you wish to seek any services, walk-ins are always welcome on Mondays and Thursdays between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. You can also make an appointment on Mondays and Thursdays.

Questions? Contact Jacklyn Gebhard ( If you have an emergency, please call 911 or Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2310.

Attend The Friends Association of Higher Education’s virtual seminar

Monday, January 25th, 2021

The Friends Association for Higher Education’s Quaker Leadings in Higher Education series will present a Zoom conversation this afternoon (Tuesday) from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on “Care in Times of Conflict: Cultivating Vulnerability and Resilience.”

Sign up here to register.

Questions? Contact Paul Anderson (

‘White Supremacy in the White American Church’ discussed tonight on Zoom

Sunday, January 24th, 2021

What is white supremacy? What are its roots in the church? How do we, as Christ followers, fight against it?

Join us on Zoom at 7 p.m. tonight (Monday) for a Mathetes session titled “White Supremacy in the White American Church.” We will hear from Dr. Randy Woodley, Andrea Emerson, Michael Simmons, Rory Brown, and Jeanette Barton on how to honor God by fighting white supremacy! Spiritual life credit is available for undergraduate students.

RSVP here  and email Hannah Lee at if you have any questions.

Virtual self-defense group fitness class offered to students, employees

Sunday, January 24th, 2021

Due to this class being virtual, the university is able to offer a self-defense group fitness class to both the Newberg and Portland campuses.

This popular class is a fusion of fun workouts and valuable self-defense skills and will run from 4 to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting Jan. 26.

We are offering this class for FREE to students and employees,  and the class is provided virtually, via Zoom. Participation in each week is not required. Participants can pick and choose which weeks and sessions work for them.

Please register by going to this link.

Here are some more details on the class:

Toughen up and shape up with Krav Maga, the most effective “street-smart” self-defense possible. Learn to defend yourself by being trained by Mason Bertrand, a certified and experienced student instructor. Gain confidence knowing that you can protect yourself and your loved ones with the official self-defense system of the Israeli Defense Forces.

Learn realistic tactics and techniques to defend yourself from an attacker, regardless of their size, strength, and fighting strategy. As an added bonus, you’ll also develop superior physical fitness while having a blast!

Join Zoom event, ‘White Supremacy in the White American Church,’ Monday

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

What is white supremacy? What are its roots in the church? How do we, as Christ followers, fight against it?

Join us on Zoom at 7 p.m. this Monday, Jan. 25, for a Mathetes session titled “White Supremacy in the White American Church.” We will hear from Dr. Randy Woodley, Andrea Emerson, Michael Simmons, Rory Brown, and Jeanette Barton on how to honor God by fighting white supremacy! Spiritual life credit is available for undergraduate students.

RSVP here  and email Hannah Lee at if you have any questions.

Attend The Friends Association of Higher Education’s virtual seminar

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

The Friends Association for Higher Education’s Quaker Leadings in Higher Education series will present a Zoom conversation Tuesday, Jan. 26, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on the topic “Care in Times of Conflict: Cultivating Vulnerability and Resilience.”

Sign up here to register.

Questions? Contact Paul Anderson (

Updated policy on face coverings (including face shields)

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

George Fox has updated its face-covering policy to meet new state guidelines.

Students, faculty, staff, vendors and visitors must use face coverings when in the following locations:

  • Enclosed public and common areas
  • Outdoor areas where physical distancing is not easily maintained

“Face covering” means a cloth, polypropylene, paper or other face covering that covers the nose and the mouth and that rests snugly above the nose, below the mouth, and on the sides of the face. Appropriate face coverings include two-layered face masks or gaiters.

The following are not approved face coverings because they allow droplets to be released:

  • Masks with valves or vents for exhalation
  • Lace masks or other coverings with openings, holes, visible gaps in the design or material
  • Masks with valves or vents for exhalation

“Face shield” means a clear plastic shield that covers the forehead, extends below the chin, and wraps around the sides of the face. Mini face shields that only cover the mouth are not permitted.

Face shields may be used:

  • When presenting in front of a class or audience so long as you maintain six feet of distance at all times.  If you are closer or likely to be closer than six feet, you must wear a face mask.
  • For employees who have work spaces that are cubicles or in common areas without a door, provided they maintain at least six feet of distance from others (they must put on a face mask when working with another individual in their workspace or if they leave their workspace).
  • If you have a medical condition preventing masks
  • If you are working with the hearing impaired so they can lip read

Employees and students should switch back to face masks when not in the above four circumstances.

Information sessions on becoming a tutor

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

Would you like to help other students learn through one-on-one tutoring? Consider becoming a tutor in the spring 2021 semester! As an independent tutor, you can help other George Fox students while earning a little extra money.

Learning Support Services is hosting four information sessions about Tutor Matching Service, a marketplace that facilitates connections between tutors and those seeking tutoring!

Join us for one of these Zoom information sessions:

  • Friday, Jan. 22 at noon
  • Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 6 p.m.
  • Friday, Jan. 29 at 2 p.m.
  • Sunday, Jan. 31 at 3 p.m.

We’ll discuss how to sign up, participate in training to earn approval badges and much more.

Questions? Contact Julia James at

Come use the Maker Hub this semester

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

The Maker Hub is a makerspace located in the Klages Center at the Newberg campus. What exactly is a makerspace? Put simply, it’s a design and creative space that supports numerous disciplines such as woodworking, metalworking, 3D printing, electronics, textiles and art.

The Maker Hub is a resource that is available to all Fox students. One of the main reasons it exists is to add value to your educational experience here at Fox in both academic contexts and in the context of recreational or personal projects. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to build something and learn new skills. It’s a fantastic remedy for stress and stir-crazy feelings if you are looking for something to do here on campus.

The main “Hub” area is already open, and the technical shops (machine shop, wood shop, etc.) are scheduled to open next week. If you would like to get connected, email Nick Sullivan at for more info.

Financial Aid Office continues to serve students remotely

Monday, January 18th, 2021

The Financial Aid Office is currently closed for in-person meetings. We are ready to serve students throughout the current COVID-19 situation and meet needs in a variety of ways:

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. We are here to help!

Info on how to register a formal complaint

Monday, January 18th, 2021

While most student concerns and complaints can and should be resolved informally, there is a formal general complaint procedure described in the “Support for Students” section of the Undergraduate Student Handbook as well as on this website.

Note that these procedures cover complaints of a general nature and do not supersede specific policies involving special cases such as grade appeals, sexual harassment, etc., which are covered elsewhere in the Student Handbook, catalog or Graduate/DPS Policies.

For more information, contact the student life office (

Remember to utilize the online class schedule

Monday, January 18th, 2021 is a great resource for anyone needing to look up details on a class, including meeting times and location, teaching modality, enrollment limit and waitlist numbers, course description, instructor info, and often textbook listings, too (click the book icon after clicking on a course to expand its info).

All invited to join MLK event today via live stream

Sunday, January 17th, 2021

The Chehalem Cultural Center is hosting the 11th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Day event today (Monday). Several George Fox employees and students have been involved in the planning of this important event. SpiL credit is offered for those who attend.

Due to COVID-19 gathering restrictions, this will be a fully live-streamed event. Details for connecting to the live stream will be posted to the MLK Day event web page. The pre-show music and slide show begins at 5:45 p.m., with the main program beginning at 6 p.m.

Go online early enough to ensure you have your live stream set up and working.

Join MLK event Monday via live stream

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

The Chehalem Cultural Center is hosting the 11th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Day event on Monday, Jan. 18. Several George Fox employees and students have been involved in the planning of this important event.

Due to COVID-19 gathering restrictions, this will be a fully live-streamed event. Details for connecting to the live stream will be posted to the MLK Day event web page. The pre-show music and slide show begins at 5:45 p.m., with the main program beginning at 6 p.m.

Go online early enough to ensure you have your live stream set up and working.